Chapter 9 Study Guide- Christian Europe Emerges, 600-1200
Using complete sentences, answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Page numbers are provided.
1. What was happening to Byzantium and western Europe around 1200? P.219
2. Byzantium lost a large part of their empire and people to whom? P.220
3. What was the “plague of Justinian”? p. 221
4. After the seventh century, what happened to women? P.222
5. Byzantium’s inherited the style of their economy from what older empire? p.222
6. List 2 cultural achievements of the Byzantines. P.223
7. In Western Europe, what supplanted the edicts of the Roman emperors? P.223
8. Who finally stopped the Umayyad caliphs from invading into Europe in 732? P.223
9. Who were the sea raiders from Scandinavia? P. 223
10. What was the term used to describe the long-standing traditions of landholding and obligation during the Middle Ages? P.225
11. What emerged as the central figure in medieval warfare? P. 225
12. How did a knight get the necessary financial revenue? P.225
13. What was a disagreement between secular rulers (kings) and popes? P.229
14. What were 4 aspects of the Rule of Benedict? P.230
15. List 3 responsibilities and/or achievement of monasteries. P.231
16. Which form of Christianity did Vladimir choose? P.234
17. What was political power derived from in Kievan Russia? P.234
18. What played a significant role in the doubling of the western European population? Give specific examples also. P.236
19. Where did independent cities first appear? P. 236
20. What are communes? P.236
21. List 4 reasons that contributed to the Crusades. P.237-8
22. What was the Council of Clermont? P. 239
23. What did the Europeans borrow from the Muslims as a result of interaction from the Crusades? P. 239
24. Intellectually, how did the Muslims contribute to European though? Need 2-3 sentences at least. P.239-40
25. Who is Eleanor of Aquitaine and why is she famous? p.240
26. What are troubadours and what was the favorite troubadour instrument? P.240
Charlemagne (742–814) King of the Franks (r. 768–814);emperor (r. 800–814). Through a series of military conquests
he established the Carolingian Empire, which encompassed
all of Gaul and parts of Germany and Italy. Though illiterate
himself, he sponsored a brief intellectual revival. / medieval Literally “middle age,” a term that historians of
Europe use for the period ca. 500 to ca. 1500, signifying its
intermediate point between Greco-Roman antiquity and the
Byzantine Empire Historians’ name for the eastern portion
of the Roman Empire from the fourth century onward, taken
from “Byzantion,” an early name for Constantinople, the
Byzantine capital city. The empire fell to the Ottomans in 1453. / Kievan Russia State established at Kiev in Ukraine ca. 879 by
Scandinavian adventurers asserting authority over a mostly
Slavic farming population.
schism A formal split within a religious community. / manor In medieval Europe, a large, self-sufficient landholding
consisting of the lord’s residence (manor house), outbuildings,
peasant village, and surrounding land.
serf In medieval Europe, an agricultural laborer legally bound to a lord’s property and obligated to perform set services for the lord. In Russia some serfs worked as artisans and in factories; serfdom was not abolished there until 1861. / fief In medieval Europe, land granted in return for a sworn oath to provide specified military service.
vassal In medieval Europe, a sworn supporter of a king or lord committed to rendering specified military service to that king or lord. / papacy The central administration of the Roman Catholic Church, of which the pope is the head.
Holy Roman Empire Loose federation of mostly German states and principalities, headed by an emperor elected by the princes. It lasted from 962 to 1806. / investiture controversy Dispute between the popes and the Holy Roman Emperors over who held ultimate authority over bishops in imperial lands.
monasticism Living in a religious community apart from secular society and adhering to a rule stipulating chastity, obedience, and poverty. It was a prominent element of medieval Christianity and Buddhism. Monasteries were the primary centers of learning and literacy in medieval Europe. / horse collar Harnessing method that increased the efficiency
of horses by shifting the point of traction from the animal’s neck to the shoulders; its adoption favors the spread of horse-drawn plows and vehicles.
Crusades (1096–1291) Armed pilgrimages to the Holy Land
by Christians determined to recover Jerusalem from Muslim rule. The Crusades brought an end to western Europe’s centuries of intellectual and cultural isolation. / pilgrimage Journey to a sacred shrine by Christians seeking to show their piety, fulfill vows, or gain absolution for sins. Other religions also have pilgrimage traditions, such as the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca and the pilgrimages made by early Chinese Buddhists to India in search of sacred Buddhist writings.
Free Response Focus Questions: Answer these questions in a 5-7 sentence paragraph.
ü In your own words. Do not simply copy from the book and memorize the response. Know it.
ü Support your response with plenty of facts.
ü Understand where events fall historically (global context, cause/effect, etc)
1. Compare the political and religious makeup of the Byzantine Empire and Western Europe. In your response, discuss the fall of the Byzantine empire also.
2. Describe the process by which Vladimir I chose the religion for Kievan Russia.
3. What were the significant technological developments in the Late Middle Ages, and how were they responsible for expanding the European economy?
4. What were the causes and consequences of the Crusades.