Cell Practice Test

AP Biology

Choose the response which best completes the following statements or answers the following questions. (3 pts. @)

1. Which is NOT a main feature of the cell theory? (1.) Cells arise only by the division of existing cells. (2.) The cell is the unit of function of all living things. (3.) Each cell is surrounded by a membrane. (4.) The cell is the unit of function of all living things.

2. Which microscope can magnify objects hundreds of thousands of times? (1.) electron microscope
(2.) stereoscopic microscope (3.) compound microscope (4.) phase contrast microscope

3. Which is NOT a characteristic of biological membranes? (1.) fluid properties (2.) phospholipids (3.) receptors (4.) protein trilayer

4. Which has lenses that are not made of glass? (1.) electron microscope (2.) compound microscope
(3.) hand lens (4.) stereoscopic microscope

5. If a solution outside a cell is more concentrated so that the cell loses water to its environment, the external solution is said to be ______to the cell contents. (1.) hypertonic (2.) in equilibrium (3.) isotonic (4.) hypotonic

6. Which device regulates the amount of light entering a microscope? (1.) nosepiece (2.) eyepiece
(3.) body tube (4.) diaphragm

7. Which mechanism requires energy? (1.) facilitated diffusion (2.) osmosis (3.) diffusion (4.) active transport

8. Pinching in of fluids by a unicellular organism is the process of (1.) phagocytosis (2.) osmosis (3.) pinocytosis (4.) exocytosis (5.) facilitated diffusion

9. Which stain would be the best to make the structures of cheek epithelial cells more easy to observe?
(1.) iodine (2.) methyl red (3.) phenolphthalein (4.) methylene blue

10. Which is true of eukaryotic cells? (1.) evolved more recently than prokaryotic cells (2.) they lack membrane bound organelles (3.) lack a nuclear membrane (4.) lack DNA

11. What is the function of chloroplasts? (1.) protein synthesis (2.) photosynthesis (3.) respiration (4.) movement

12. Which structure is found only in plant cells or algae? (1.) endoplasmic reticulum (2.) mitochondrion
(3.) nucleus (4.) lysosome (5.) plastid

13. Cilia and flagella are most similar in structure to (1.) basal bodies (2.) ribosomes (3.) mitochondria (4.) chloroplasts
(5.) endoplasmic reticula.

14. Which organelle sometimes merges with food vacuoles and functions in chemical hydrolysis? (1.) lysosomes (2.) chloroplasts (3.) nucleus (4.) mitochondria (5.) ribosomes

15. The part of the microscope that contains the objectives is the (1.) eyepiece (2.) nosepiece (3.) stage
(4.) ocular

16. A structure commonly found in animal cells, but rarely in plant cells is the (1.) golgi apparatus (2.) centriole (3.) nucleus
(4.) mitochondrion (5.) endoplasmic reticulum

17. Which cell organelle contains the chromosomes? (1.) golgi apparatus (2.) nucleus (3.) lysosome (4.) mitochondrion

18. Certain types of lymphocytes (white blood cells) in the lymph nodes ingest bacteria and debris. This function most likely occurs by (1.) exocytosis (2.) passive transport (3.) phagocytosis (4.) pinocytosis (5.) facilitated transport

19. Which cell structure is known as the powerhouse of the cell? (1.) nucleus (2.) mitochondrion (3.) vacuole
(4.) endoplasmic reticulum

20. Osmosis is a process that (1.) involves the movement of particles from saturated solutions (2.) moves water molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration, using energy (3.) involves the active transport of dissolved solids (4.) continues until the medium on each side of the membrane has become hypertonic (5.) equalizes the concentration of particles by the movement of water molecules

21. In plants, the plastids which store lipids are called (1.) leucoplasts (2.) scale scars (3.) golgi bodies (4.) chloroplasts
(5.) chromoplasts

22. Which is the part of the microscope you look into? (1.) ocular (2.) nosepiece (3.) body tube (4.) diaphragm

23. According to the fluid mosaic model of the plasma membrane, proteins are (1.) spread out in a continuous layer over both membrane surfaces (2.) located in the hydrophilic area of the membrane (3.) oriented in a random manner throughout the membrane (4.) embedded in the lipid bilayers (5.) capable of leaving the membrane and dissolving in the solution of the external environment

Use the information below and your knowledge of biology to answer questions 24 through 25 which follow the reading passage.

Each student in a biology laboratory received two solutions. One solution was distilled water. The other was a salt solution with concentrations of salts slightly greater than that of a living cell. The solutions were labeled X and Y, respectively. The students were instructed to place some fresh-water protozoans in each of the solutions and to identify the solutions on the basis of their observations. The protozoans in solution X shriveled. Those in solution Y swelled up and burst.

24. These results indicate that (1.) solution X was salt water (2.) solution Y contained killer protozoans (3.) solution Y was salt water (4.) solution X was distilled water (5.) solution X was tap water

25. The protozoans in solution X shriveled because (1.) an antagonistic substance was placed into the solution (2.) their membranes were more permeable to the passage of water than the organisms in Y (3.) osmotic pressure failed to operate (4.) a disproportionate amount of water diffused from the protozoans (5.) golgi bodies in the test organisms lost their function

26. Which structure is chiefly responsible for the rigidity of the plant cell? (1.) cell membrane (2.) cell wall (3.) nucleolus (4.) nucleus

27. In pond water, protozoans pump out excess water by means of their (1.) pellicle (2.) trichocyst (3.) cell membrane (4.) contractile vacuole (5.) pseudopodia

28. Which is a major function of the mitochondria? (1.) Assembling proteins such as enzymes. (2.) Carrying out respiratory activity. (3.) Duplicating the chromosomes needed for cell division. (4.) Absorbing light in photosynthesis. (5.) All of the above are major functions.

29. Which is involved directly in synthesis of proteins as well as transport within the cell? (1.) ribosomes (2.) golgi bodies (3.) rough endoplasmic reticulum (4.) smooth endoplasmic reticulum (5.) vacuoles

30. A dominant organelle in cells heavily involved in lipid synthesis is the (1.) ribosome (2.) lysosome (3.) smooth endoplasmic reticulum (4.) mitochondrion (5.) contractile vacuole

31. The golgi apparatus would be most prominent in cells that (1.) divide rapidly (2.) produce ATP (3.) contain chlorophyll (4.) actively secrete substances (5.) are large and inactive

32. A gland cell capable of producing large quantities of protein hormone would MOST LIKELY have well developed (1.) cilia (2.) centrioles (3.) rough endoplasmic reticulum (4.) smooth endoplasmic reticulum (5.) lysosomes

33. Which substance would have normally have the LEAST difficulty crossing a cell membrane? (1.) water (2.) protein (3.) carbohydrate (4.) salt (5.) there would be little difference in any of the above

34. Which requires the chemical energy of the cell to occur? (1.) diffusion (2.) facilitated diffusion (3.) osmosis (4.) bulk flow (5.) none of the previous

35. Normally the cytoplasm of the cell does NOT contain (1.) chloroplasts (2.) mitochondria (3.) ribosomes (4.) lysosomes (5.) chromosomes

36. A cell membrane is (1.) permeable (2.) semi permeable (3.) impermeable (4.) none of these

37. Which organelle is responsible for the master control of the cell? (1.) mitochondrion (2.) ribosome
(3.) golgi apparatus (4.) nucleus

Correctly complete the following statements. (3 pts. @)

1. A solution which contains more a higher concentration of solute than the solution it is being compared with is said to be ______to that solution.

2. A(n) ______is an educated guess.

3. A controlled experiment contains 2 groups ______and ______.

4. The cristae is the inner membrane of the ______.

5. When graphing the ______variable is placed on the x axis.

6. The plastid chiefly responsible for the synthesis of sugars in some cells is the ______.

7. The term ______refers to a solution containing a greater concentration of solvent than the solution it is being compared with.

8. The organelle responsible for the storage of colored pigments in some cells is the ______.

9. The ______is a cell organelle found in animal cells not found in plant cells.

10. The plastid which stores starches in some cells is the ______.

11. The release of materials from a cell by active transport which often involves molecules which carry the materials from the cell is called ______.

12. The ______is chiefly responsible for lipid synthesis in eukaryotes.

13. The ______is the basis of comparison in a controlled experiment.

14. The ______is the thing being tested in a controlled experiment.

15. A good experiment should have _____ independent variable(s).

16. The ______serve as cytoplasmic communication channels connecting plant cells.

17. The ______is a material helping to hold some animal cells together.

18. ______is a cementing material holding some plant cells together.

** Short Answer Section

1. Explain the concepts of cytoplasmic inheritance and the endosymbiont theory to the satisfaction of
your instructor. (10 pts.)

2. List three cell organelles found in plant cells but not in animal cells.

3. List three structures besides the glycocalyx which helps to hold animal cells together.

4. List three cytoskeletal structures which help to support cells.
Link toanother cell practice quiz

Now hopefully some correct answers!

Multiple choice section

1. 3

2. 1

3. 4

4. 1

5. 1

6. 4

7. 4

8. 3

9. 4

10. 1

11. 2

12. 5

13. 1

14. 1

15. 2

16. 2

17. 2

18. 3

19. 2

20. 5

21. 1

22. 1

23. 4

24. 1

25. 4

26. 2

27. 4

28. 2

29. 3

30. 3

31. 4

32. 3

33. 1

34. 5

35. 5

36. 2

37. 4

Creative spelling section

1. hypertonic

2. hypothesis

3. control and variable

4. mitochondrion

5. independent

6. chloroplastid

7. hypotonic

8. chromoplastid

9. centriole

10. amyloplastid

11. receptor mediated exocytosis

12. smooth endoplasmic reticulum

13. control

14. variable

15. 1 and only 1

16. plasmodesmata

17. glycocalyx

18. pectin (calcium pectate)

Short Answer Section

1. The endosymbiont theory is the concept that the mitochondria and chloroplast were once primitive prokaryotic cells which were taken over by more advanced cells in the process of evolution. The concept of cytoplasmic inheritance supports this, as the mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own DNA and are capable of independent replication without the nucleus first dividing. This indicates that the chloroplast and mitochondria are their own entities and therefore supports the endosymbiont theory.

2. Obviously chloroplasts, cell walls, and other kinds of plastids aren't found in animal cells.

3. desmosomes, gap junctions, belt junctions

4. microtubules (also associated with movement of materials in the cell), intermediate filaments, and microfilaments