"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that our aim is too low and we reach it."

~ Michelangelo

Welcome to the Great Story of European History!

Welcome to the storybook adventure of a lifetime - a 700 year journey through time to discover the history of Europe. This course begins in the Middle Ages, continues through the fall of the Communist Bloc, culminating with the recent events in Europe.

AP European History is one of the most challenging courses taught in high school, yet it may also be the most rewarding for both teacher and student. I’m excited to share with you the stories of Shakespeare, da Vinci, Michelangelo, Machiavelli, Voltaire, Joan of Arc, Luther, Calvin, Magellan, Columbus, Elizabeth I, Louis XIV, Newton, Copernicus, Galileo, Napoleon, Locke, Rousseau, Descartes, Marx, Darwin, Bismarck, Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Einstein, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Freud, Nietzsche, Monet, the list goes on and on. This course is incredible in its scope and demanding in its curriculum. I am excited that you’ve chosen to challenge yourself with this relevant and important course.

“We pledge to send a man to the moon … not because it is easy but because it is hard.”

~ John F. Kennedy

Course Description

This course places attention upon understandings equivalent to those gained in a college-level introductory course. Emphasis is on the general narrative of European history from 14th century to the recent past; the study also includes an examination of the political and diplomatic, intellectual and cultural, and social and economic history of Europe. Students will evaluate, discuss, and analyze themes in modern European history. The course requires a large amount of reading and classroom lecture and discussion that leads to a greater understanding of European history.

The AP European History Exam

By registering for this course, all students are expected to take the AP European History Exam in May. There is a small fee (roughly $30) to take this test. Receiving a passing grade on this test will grant you college credit for the course. If you decide NOT to take the test, you must tell Mr. Purrington by April 1, 2015. If I don’t hear from you, a test will be ordered and you will be expected to pay the fee. If a test is ordered and you decided not to take the test, you will need to also pay a return fee.

Required Materials for Class

§  Student Planner

§  3-ring binder (1.5”) and dividers for each chapter (21 dividers needed, one for Chapters 1-21)

§  Notebook paper for notes

§  Pens (blue, black, & red) and highlighters

§  Colored pencils for geography assignments

§  Email account

§  A portable flash drive

Required Reading

§  Kagan et al., The Western Heritage, 11th edition, Houghton Mifflin, 2014. (provided) Bring textbook to class every day.

Online Textbook:

§  Hochschild, Adam. King Leopold’s Ghost. Mariner Books, 1998. (provided)

Additional (not required) Reading

§  The Complete Idiot’s Guide to European History, by Nathan Barber.

§  Any AP European History Exam study supplement.

§  Most students find these extremely helpful for review and clarification. They can be purchased on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

Grade standards

94- 100% A 84 - 87% B 74 - 76% C 64 - 66% D

90 - 93% A- 80 - 83% B- 70 - 73% C- 60 - 63% D-

87 - 89% B+ 77 - 79% C+ 67 - 69% D+ 59% or less F

Weekly Schedule

At the beginning of each week, the daily schedule for the week will be on the white board in the classroom. It is expected that you write down the schedule for the week in your planner. As AP students it is also expected that, when absent, you will return to class ready to get caught up.

Lectures and Note-taking

Most days there will be a lecture and notes covering the chapter for the day. It is your responsibility to take and keep complete and organized notes and place them in the appropriate chapter of your binder. Be sure to get the notes you missed from a classmate or from the class website if you are absent. If you need the notes explained by Mr. Purrington, just ask and we’ll set up an appointment.

Chapter Study Guides

Students are expected to carefully read every chapter in the textbook and to thoroughly and individually complete each chapter study guide. The reading assigned for each day must be completed before coming to class.

Quizzes and Tests

Students should be ready for announced and unannounced quizzes. Students can expect at least one quiz covering a portion of the study guide each week. Study guides may be used on most quizzes but usually not on tests. There will be a multiple-choice and in-class essay test after most but not all chapters.

“Error Analysis” - Failing a Quiz or Test is NOT an Option

One of the goals of this course is to become a better history student. This means that not understanding the content of the class at a passing level is NOT an option. In an effort to make sure all students are learning the content, students earning a failing grade on a quiz (less than 6/10) will need to complete the “Error Analysis” sheet and turn it in before the test on that chapter. An M will appear in the gradebook for that quiz until the “Error Analysis” is effectively and punctually completed. Once completed, the student will then earn a 6/10 for that quiz. Likewise, for all multiple-choice tests, students who earn a failing grade (less than 60%) will need to effectively complete the “Error Analysis” in order to remove the M from the gradebook and earn 60% on the test.

Writing Assessments

Students will write Document Based Question Essays (DBQ) AND Free Response Question Essays (FRQ). These essays will be assessed using the same scoring criteria used by the AP College Board.

Video Guides

When we watch a video in class, students are expected to take notes on the video. Most of the time, I will provide you with a video guide to aid your note-taking. If you are absent and miss a video, you can watch the video after school or get notes from a classmate.

Socratic Seminars

One requirement of this class is that you participate in Socratic Seminars. A Socratic Seminar is an in-depth discussion in class, in which we will try to understand the concepts, ideas, and values of some of the most significant documents and issues from European history. The seminars take their name from Socrates, who taught his students through the art of conversation and through posing difficult questions for them to expand their minds.

There are several purposes for the seminars in this course. The first is to do some in-depth analysis of some of the most important, influential, or controversial documents in European history. This will also help to prepare you for the AP exam, where you will need to do your own analysis and interpretation of primary source documents. Additionally, these seminars will help you to improve your listening and discussion skills, to become more actively involved in your learning, to think more clearly and critically, to learn from your classmates, and to take responsibility for in-class discussion.

Current Events

Most days we will discuss important current events. Students are expected to take notes on the current events in their current events packet. This packet can be used on current events quizzes and it will be collected at the end of the quarter.

Expectations and Policies

1.  No food or drink is allowed in class. Water is permissible if it is in a clear bottle with a cap.

2.  Proper cell phone etiquette is to be followed. If you don’t know the etiquette, learn it or face the social and school consequences.

3.  Be on time. Tardiness, in any instance, comes with social consequences that can harm your reputation.

4.  We will take a break every day. Therefore, trips to the bathroom or locker during class time should be unnecessary. Please do not disturb other classes during the break.

5.  Students are expected to complete all assigned tasks on time. Late work is not tolerated or accepted.

6.  Cheating in any form is not tolerated! You are expected to exercise academic integrity - if you fail in this endeavor you will be disciplined and your parents will be notified. You will not receive any credit for the assignment, test, essay, etc. Further, I will not write any recommendations for you for college entrance, scholarship, and/or recommendation for any awards. This means understanding the difference between working together and cheating. Copying a classmate’s study guide or allowing a classmate to copy your study guide is considered cheating. When we correct quizzes together in class, not correcting the quiz you have accurately is cheating.

If… / Then…
You need to go to the restroom, / go during the break.
You have an electronic device, / respect proper etiquette or risk losing it.
You miss a day’s current events, / get the notes from a classmate before our next quiz.
You miss a day’s notes, / get the notes from a classmate before our next quiz.
You are absent the entire class, / get current events and notes from a classmate and any other instructions/assignments from me.
You know in advance you will be gone, / be proactive and speak with me to get what you need in advance.
You miss a quiz, / make arrangements with me to make it up during the break.
You miss a test or essay, / make arrangements with me to make it up before school, after school, or during lunch.
You don’t correct a quiz accurately, / you will face the consequences that come with cheating.
You score less than 6/10 on a quiz, / accurately complete the Error Analysis sheet before the test on that chapter.
You score less than 60% on a test, / accurately complete the Error Analysis sheet in order to remove the “M” from the gradebook.
You need extra help with anything, / see me during the break or make an appointment to meet before school, after school, or during lunch.
You do not plan to take the AP Exam, / tell me by April 1 or a test will be ordered for you.

How to be Most Successful in AP European History (according to past students!)

1.  READ EVERY NIGHT! The reading homework can quickly become unmanageable if you don't keep up with the schedule. The best strategy is to block time to read every night so you can read slowly.

2.  As you read the textbook, LOOK UP WORDS YOU ARE UNFAMILIAR WITH. Write these words down in your study guide and/or notebook so you don’t have to look them up again when you forget.

3.  ASK QUESTIONS in class when you are confused or struggling to understand - chances are others would like clarification as well.

4.  TAKE GOOD NOTES as you read and during the lectures in class. Be an active reader and note-taker AND review when you are finished.

5.  BUDGET YOUR TIME thoughtfully - don't underestimate the amount of time you need to do your reading and complete assignments.

6.  Form small STUDY GROUPS to review for tests and make sure that when you get together that you stay on task.

7.  REVIEW past chapters as you go through the course - it will continuously help you to see and understand the big picture of history.

8.  THINK OF HISTORY AS A STORY unfolding for you throughout the year. Become intrigued in the personal stories, emotional battles, exciting ideas, amazing accomplishments, disheartening (and sometimes humorous) failures, and the fascinating and often strange personalities of the people that you’re studying.

9.  STAY ORGANIZED – use your 3-ring binder and dividers to organize your study guides, notes, essays, articles, and other materials by chapter. When it comes time to review in the spring you'll have everything ready!

10.  BE IN CLASS - Missing notes, explanations, videos and group activities can make understanding the textbook more difficult.

11.  PREPARE for tests - if you are in the habit of “never studying” or "cramming" the night before the test, you will be disappointed with your results in this class. There is just far too much content to "cram." Always remember that this is a college-level class!

12.  ASK FOR HELP if you need it – Mr. Purrington can help you with writing or in preparing for exams!

13.  BUY THE AP EXAM SUPPLEMENT MATERIALS – they can be used to prepare for the AP Exam and for chapter tests!

“The supreme purpose in learning history is to create a better world.”

~Eleanor Roosevelt

Welcome to AP European History!