CDOT Heat is On! Reporting Site.

The CDOT Heat Is On! Reporting Site was designed to allow members of the media and other interested parties to view statistical data on DUI arrests made during enforcement periods throughout the year.

The banner at the top displays the total number of arrests made from the inception of the program through today, as well as the number of arrests from the most recent enforcement period.

2 / 4 / 7 / 1 / 4
1324 / Arrests From Winter Holiday 2002-2003 (12/20/02-01/05/03)

The reporting tool is designed to access to a variety of data, and can be run with several different criteria:

All Law Enforcement Police/Sheriffs Only State Patrol (CSP) Only Selected (choose from below)
Display Totals Only Include LEAF Agencies Only

Selecting “All Law Enforcement” will display arrest counts from all Police Departments/Sheriffs’ Offices, as well as all State Patrol troops. Alternatively, you can display just Police Departments/ Sheriffs’ Offices or just State Patrol troops by selecting the appropriate radio button. You can also display arrest counts for individual organizations by choosing “Selected”, and selecting them from the drop-down boxes.

Note: if you would like to select multiple records from any of the drop-down boxes, use the shift key to highlight several consecutive records, and use the Ctrl key to highlight non-consecutive records.

“Display Totals Only” will show the total arrest count for the enforcement period, without the breakdown by day. “Include LEAF Agencies Only” will display all Police Departments/Sheriffs’ Offices that are part of the LEAF program for that year, along with whether or not they reported data.

The system will automatically default to the latest enforcement period, but you may view totals from a previous enforcement period by selecting it from the drop-down box. You may view total arrests made by an organization over several enforcement periods by selecting multiple enforcement periods from the drop-down box. You may also run the report for specific counties.

If you select a Checkpoint enforcement period (i.e. Summer Checkpoints 2003), the resulting report will display DUI arrests for any agency that reported. In addition, you can click on the Agency name, and you will be routed to a detail report displaying statistics for other types of arrests made at the checkpoint (drugs, stolen vehicles, etc.), number of cars through the checkpoint, etc.