BCBOHA Executive Committee Meeting

January 23, 2014 – 12:45 PM

BRPC, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 1 Fenn St., Pittsfield, MA

Executive Committee Members Present: Gina Armstrong, Jeff Kennedy, Scott Koczela, John Olander, Mark Pruhenski, Ron Stant

Executive Committee Members Absent:

Others Present: Soloe Dennis (MDPH), Charlie Kaniecki (MDPH), Gale LaBelle (Becket)

Staff Present: Laura Kittross, Sandra Martin, Diane Persson

12:47PM – Call to order by President Jeff Kennedy

·  Minutes of November 20, 2013

R. Stant motioned, S. Koczela seconded, unanimous approval of minutes

·  Reports

o  Used to be contractor reports

o  Now, report will be a combination of all staff activities under PHEP, BCBOHA, MRC, Faith Based, and TURI

§  Let L. Kittross if format works/doesn’t

R. Stant motioned, S. Koczela seconded, unanimous approval of reports for November and December


·  Treasurer’s Report

o  November and December expenses were ~ $2,200 with the large expenditure in November for the dinner meeting

o  Balance of $60,476

o  Treasurer’s Report is BCBOHA income from installers, chokesaver, small grants; MRC funds of ~$4,000; and WMPHA scholarship funds of ~ $1,900

R Stant motioned, J. Olander seconded, unanimous approval of Treasurer’s Report

·  Grant Budget Reports

o  Includes PHEP, BCBOHA, MRC, TURI and Faith Based

o  On target for spending (a little under because Tom Matuszko is not using as much admin money)

·  BCBOHA Invoice to BRPC

o  BCBOHA contracts with BRPC to pay for BCBOHA activities (septic installers, chokesaver, etc.)

o  BRPC needs to invoice BCBOHA

o  Process is TBD; but, ideally, Linda should directly invoice BCBOHA via President and Treasurer and Treasurer should write check

§  G. Armstrong needs to be added as a signatory, M. Pruhenski needs to be taken off

§  Also have to determine the frequency of invoices (quarterly, monthly)

·  G. Armstrong, S. Koczela, M. Pruhenski and R. Stant all voiced that invoicing should be quarterly

·  R. Stant motioned, M. Pruhenski seconded, unanimous approval to have BRPC invoice BCBOHA quarterly

Appointment of new member at large, Gale LaBelle

·  J. Kennedy introduced G. LaBelle, Chairperson of the Becket Board of Health

·  G. LaBelle said she has years of experience in the health field and as a volunteer (nurse at Baystate, going for her Masters degree, MRC volunteer, former BRPC Executive Committee member)

·  Executive Committee has a Member at Large opening and can appoint someone until the next election

S. Koczela motioned, G. Armstrong seconded, unanimous approval to appoint Gale LaBelle to Member at Large seat


·  L/SAC Update

o  Joint meeting with DPH

o  Minutes from November sent, no December

o  January meeting took place – conversation focused on HMCC

·  WMPHA Update

o  May 8th – housing seminar – scholarship money is available

o  Totally Title 5 will be in October

o  L. Kittross emailed MHOA about how the DEP seminar is in Auburn (not Western MA)

§  Was told there used to be 4 seminars, now there are 3, and there will mostly likely be 2 next year

§  It’s very difficult for people to get there CEUs

·  That’s why BCBOHA efforts are so important

§  L. Kittross will add training schedule to next agenda – please bring suggestions

·  HMCC Update – Dec. 2 meeting, January 30 meeting, alternate for 1/30 mtg

o  Hospitals, EMS, Community Health Centers and Public Health will form as a response group during emergencies

§  PHEP money will go to HMCC (a large amount of the funding will come from PHEP because the other disciplines don’t have large grant budgets)

§  Only one will form in Western MA

o  Eastern part of the State doesn’t want them. Western MA is used to talking with everyone already.

o  First meeting will be held on January 30th at the Froio Senior Center in Pittsfield

§  Want to know what resources we have and what are we doing now that we don’t want to lose.

·  S. Koczela said he doesn’t want to lose local representatives coming out and helping towns with emergency plans

o  Need that resource to provide assistance and push to get work done

o  Locals know the community (everything starts as a local emergency and we have the local knowledge)

·  L. Kittross doesn’t want to lose the regional relationship building (REPCs, 1st responders, etc.)

o  Those relationships build trust that allow us to work well together during an emergency

·  S. Martin doesn’t want to lose the ability to increase capacity and create partnerships

o  RFP will be sent out for entire Western MA

o  L. Kittross and S. Martin are representatives and attend meetings together

§  S. Martin will be in California for January 30th meeting

§  L. Kittross wants to know if someone wants to attend in S. Martin’s place

·  CHI Update – forum Jan 24

o  At Berkshire Hills Country Club from 8AM – 11AM

o  Forum will focus on 6 target areas

Grant Updates

·  Current:

o  FY 14 PHEP – on target

o  TURI – planning training

o  WHRSAC Faith-based (rest centers) – moving forward

o  Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) – on target

·  Received:

o  WHRSAC Public Information Officer training

§  One will be in Berkshire County, one in Pioneer Valley in late Spring

·  Pending:

o  Prevention & Wellness Trust Fund

§  BCBOHA would work on indoor air quality (2nd hand smoke)

o  Tufts Foundation – Healthy Aging (LOI) (New Application)

§  T. Matuszko, B. Orsi and L. Kittross summited for healthy brain initiatives

Old Business

·  Request to hire Region 1 RC

o  When Don Snyder retired, 4 Counties requested to hire their own, similar to how other Counties have.

§  Told no; but, we may be able to sit in on early hiring

§  Katie Kemen has taken on role in the meantime

§  We’ve been told that there is no plan not to hire a new RC; but, L. Kittross suspects it will be rolled into Gail Bienvenue’s position

·  Sharps program – meeting w/ elected officials, bill 1480 support

o  Sharps cannot be thrown away anymore

o  3 communities have some sort of program (Egremont, North Adams, Williamstown)

o  Jim Wilusz at Tri-Town set up meeting with elected officials

§  Smitty Pignatelli has introduced a bill that would require anyone who sold them/distributed them to take them back

·  Letter of Support to be drafted – L. Kittross would like J. Kennedy to sign it

M. Pruhenski motioned, S. Koczela seconded, unanimous approval to have J. Kennedy sign on behalf of the Coalition

·  BOH Orientation Class – Greenfield

o  Originally scheduled for January. Postponed indefinitely. We are will to go; but, our costs need to be covered.

New Business

·  PWTF Confidentiality Agreement

o  BHS was required to sign it as part of the application and would like all the partners to sign as well

§  Nat Karns and Mark Maloy vetted agreement

§  R. Stant motioned, M. Pruhenski seconded, unanimous approval of J. Kennedy signing on BCBOHA’s behalf

·  Temporary Food Class for Spring?

o  G. Armstrong asked about cost

§  BOH – free, Vendors – small fee

o  J. Kennedy wants one in Williamstown

o  M. Pruhenski wants one in Great Barrington

·  Food Establishment Inspector Training

o  FDA funding/WMPHA funding

o  $1500 for Nancy Simonds-Ruderman to design and teach

§  Whole day training centered around inspection form

§  Looking for help from senior health agent

§  Anyone who goes through the class could have Nancy come out and help with an inspection

o  Charge ~ $25 for people to attend

o  S. Koczela has spoken with Bountifare in Adams to host

§  Could do an unofficial walk through inspection as part of the class

S. Koczela motioned, G. LaBelle seconded, unanimous approval to pay Nancy Simonds-Ruderman up to $1500 to design and teach a food inspection training

Upcoming Events

·  CHI Community Forum - 1/24

·  EDS Training - 1/27

·  Pittsfield EDS Training – 1/27

·  WMPHA Housing Seminar – 5/8, Totally Title 5 Fall Seminar – 10/7

·  Lead Determinators – need 10 people (C. Kaniecki and L. Kittross will compile list and advertise)

·  Inspector Safety Training with Captain Gaynor – Tuesday morning in February

o  J. Kennedy would like CEUs

·  BOH Orientation – in July

2:20PM – Adjourn – S. Koczela motioned, G. LaBelle seconded, unanimous approval to adjourn

Documents distributed for meeting:


November 20, 2013 minutes

BCBOHA/Berkshire Preparedness Coalition Report (November/December 2013)

Berkshire MRC Activities Report (Sept 15, 2013 to Dec 15, 2013)

FC-PEP Phase III Project Report (November 2013)

BCBOHA Treasurer’s Report

Grant Budget Report (PHEP, MRC, TURI, BCBOHA, WRHSAC)

Local/State Advisory Council Meeting Minutes (November 2013)

Next Meeting 2/19/14 @ 12:45 pm