
Unit syllabus: PHYSICAL LAYER 9

Data Communications – Networks - Networks models – OSI model – Layers in OSI

model – TCP / IP protocol suite – Addressing – Guided and Unguided Transmission

media.Switching: Circuit switched networks – Data gram Networks – Virtual circuit networks. Cable networks for Data transmission: Dialup modems – DSL – Cable TV – Cable TV for Data transfer.


To introduce the concept, terminologies, and technologies used in modern data communication and computer networking and the functions of different layers.

No. / Topics to be covered / Time / Ref/
Pg.No / Teaching Aids
1 / Networks-Definition, need for networks, basic building blocks of networks, performance measures of a network / 50m / 2/(1-8) / BB
2 / Distributed computing Vs computer networks,
applications of networks, Data communications-components,protocols, standards, standards organizations / 50m / 1/(3-9) & (19-21) / BB
3 / Topology of networks-bus, ring, star, mesh, tree. categories of networks-LAN,MAN,WAN / 50m / 1/(45-51) / BB
4 / Addressing-logical addresses, physical addresses, port addresses, specific addresses / 50m / 1/(45-51) / BB
5 / OSI Model-Layered Architecture, functions / 50m / 1/(27-42) / BB
6 / TCP / IP protocol suite. Guided Transmission media-twisted pair, coaxial cable, optical fiber-problems / 50m / 1/(42-45) & (192-203) / BB
7 / Unguided Transmission media -wireless media- Radio waves, microwave and satellite-problems. / 50m / 1/(203-208) / BB
8 / Circuit switched networks Vs Packet switched networks; Data gram Networks Vs Virtual circuit networks. / 50m / 1/(213-227) / BB
9 / Cable networks for Data transmission: Dialup modems –EIA 232,EIA-449,EIA-530 Interface standards / 50m / 1/(248-255) / BB
VDSL- Cable networks for Data transfer. / 50m / 1/(255-261) / BB

Unit syllabus: DATA LINK LAYER 10

Data link control: Framing – Flow and error control –Protocols for Noiseless and Noisy Channels – HDLC. Multiple access: Random access – Controlled access

Wired LANS : Ethernet – IEEE standards – standard Ethernet – changes in the standard – Fast Ethernet – Gigabit Ethernet. Wireless LANS : IEEE 802.11–Bluetooth.

Connecting LANS: Connecting devices - Backbone networks - Virtual LANS

Virtual circuit networks: Architecture and Layers of Frame Relay and ATM.

Objective: To explain the basics of connecting devices used and protocols used in data link layer and to introduce the IEEE standards used in Ethernet and wireless LANs.

No. / Topics to be covered / Time / Ref/
Pg.No / Teaching Aids
11 / Framing-fixed size framing, variable size framing, Flow control, Error control / 50m / 1/(301-311) / BB
12 / Protocols for Noiseless and Noisy Channels-go back n ARQ, selective repeat ARQ, stop and wait ARQ, sliding protocol. / 50m / 1/(311-340) / BB
13 / Bit oriented protocols-HDLC, Bit stuffing in HDLC, Random access-ALOHA, Slotted ALOHA / 50m / 1/(341-343) / BB
14 / CSMA-CD,CSMA-CA, Controlled access. / 50m / 1/ (364-381) / BB
15 / Ethernet-IEEE 802.1, Frame format,
CSMA/CD, 10BASE-5, 10BASE-2, 10BASE-T, switched Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, fast Ethernet-100BASE-TX, 100BASE-FX, 100BASE-T4 / 50m / 1/(395-417) / BB
16 / Wireless LANS : IEEE 802.11–architecture and Medium Access protocols / 50m / 1/(421-441) / BB
17 / Bluetooth ,Connecting devices- Repeaters, bridges,
Routers, gateways, switches / 50m / 1/(445-455) / BB
18 / Routing algorithms-Distance vector, Link state algorithm, Backbone networks, Virtual LANS / 50m / 1/(456-463) / BB
19 / Architecture and Layers of Frame Relay, congestion control, leaky bucket algorithm, traffic control / 50m / 1/(517-523) / BB
20 / Architecture and Layers of ATM-switching, switching fabrics, service classes / 50m / 1/(523-541) / BB

Unit syllabus: NETWORK LAYER 9

Logical addressing: IPv4, IPv6 addresses. Internet Protocol: Internetworking – IPv4, IPv6 - Address mapping – ARP, RARP,BOOTP, DHCP, ICMP, IGMP, Delivery – Forwarding, Routing – Unicast, Multicast routing protocols.


To understand the basic concepts of addressing and to study the various routing protocols.

No. / Topics to be covered / Time / Ref/Pg.No / Teaching Aids
21 / IPv4 addressing-classes, dotted-decimal notation,subnetting,masking,NAT / 50m / 1/(549-563) / BB
22 / IPv6 addresses-Address, packet formats / 50m / 1/(566-572) / BB
23 / Internetworking, IPv4,IPV6,transition from IPV4 to IPV6 / 50m / 1/(579-605) / BB
24 / Address mapping :ARP, RARP, BOOTP, DHCP / 50m / 1/(611-618) / BB
25 / ICMP-Message format, error reporting, query / 50m / 1/(621-630) / BB
26 / IGMP-IGMP messages, packet format,operation,encapsulation / 50m / 1/(630-638) / BB
27 / Delivery and Forwarding-techniques,process,routing table / 50m / 1/(647-658) / BB
28 / Unicast routing-shortest path routing, Distance vector routing, link state routing, path vector routing / 50m / 1/(658-678) / BB
29 / Multicast routing protocols-routing and routing protocols / 50m / 1/(678-694) / BB
CAT-1 / 180m

Unit syllabus: TRANSPORT LAYER 7

Process-to-Process delivery - User Datagram Protocol (UDP) – Transmission Control

Protocol (TCP) – Congestion Control – Quality of services (QoS) – Techniques to improve QoS.


To learn how process to process delivery is carried out in transport layer and basic transport layer protocols and congestion control techniques.

No. / Topics to be covered / Time / Ref/Pg.No / Teaching Aids
30 / Process-to-Process delivery-connection oriented and connection less service, reliable and unreliable service / 50m / 1/(701-708) / BB
31 / Process to process delivery- flow control and buffering ,multiplexing,crash recovery / 50m / 1/(708-715) / BB
32 / Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)-service model, protocol, segment header, connection management, transmission policy / 50m / 1/(715-728) / BB
33 / Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) –congestion control, timer management, UDP / 50m / 1/(728-735) / BB
34 / Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) –congestion control, timer management, UDP / 50m / 1/(709-715) / BB
35 / Congestion Control-open loop and closed loop, congestion control in VC subnets / 50m / 1/(760-768) / BB
36 / Congestion Control-choke packets, load shedding, jitter control, congestion control for multicasting / 50m / 1/(768-775) / BB
37 / Quality of services (QoS)-best effort service, flow characteristics, flow classes / 50m / 1/(775-778) / BB
38 / Techniques to improve QoS-scheduling, traffic shaping, resource reservation, admission control / 50m / 1/(776-780) / BB
CAT-II / 90m

Unit syllabus: APPLICATION LAYER 10

Domain Name System (DNS) – E-mail – FTP – WWW – HTTP – Multimedia Network Security: Cryptography – Symmetric key and Public Key algorithms - Digital signature – Management of Public keys – Communication Security – Authentication Protocols.


To study about various applications and to understand the various network security algorithms.

No. / Topics to be covered / Time / Ref/
Pg.No / Teaching
39 / DNS-Namespaces,resource records,name servers / 50m / 2/(622-630) / BB
40 / E-mail-Architecture and services,user agent,message formats,RFC 822,MIME / 50m / 2/(643-657) / BB
41 / E-mail-Message transfer,email privacy,PGP,PEM. File transfer protocol / 50m / 2/(657-669) / BB
42 / WWW- client side,server side,HTTP,writing web pages in HTML,Basics of HTML,forms / 50m / 2/(681-706) / BB
43 / WWW-Basics of JAVA,API,locating information on web / 50m / 2/(706-723) / BB
44 / Multimedia-Audio,video,data compression,video on demand,multicast backbone / 50m / 2/(723-760) / BB
45 / Cryptography-substitution ciphers,transposition ciphers.symmetric key algorithms-DES,chaining DES,Breaking DES / 50m / 2/(577-587) / BB
46 / Public key algorithms-RSA and other algorithms / 50m / 2/(587-596) / BB
47 / Digital signatures-secret key signatures, public key signatures, message digests, Birthday attacks, Management of public keys / 50m / 2/(596-601) / BB
48 / Authentication protocols-based on a shared secret key, establishing a shared key,Diffie-Hellman key exchange / 50m / 2/(602-610) / BB
49 / Authentication protocols-using key distribution center, authentication using Kerberos, using public key cryptography / 50m / 2/(610-616) / BB

Course Delivery Plan:


1. Behrouz A. Foruzan, “Data communication and Networking”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006: Unit I-IV

2. Andrew S. Tannenbaum, “Computer Networks”, Pearson Education, Fourth Edition, 2003: Unit V


3. Wayne Tomasi, “Introduction to Data Communication and Networking”, 1/e, Pearson Education

4. James .F. Kurouse & W. Rouse, “Computer Networking: A Topdown Approach

Featuring”,3/e, Pearson Education.

5. C.Sivaram Murthy, B.S.Manoj, “Ad hoc Wireless Networks – Architecture and

Protocols”, Second Edition, Pearson Education.

6. Greg Tomshon, Ed Tittel, David Johnson. “Guide to Networking Essentials”, fifth edition, Thomson India Learning, 2007.

7. William Stallings, “Data and Computer Communication”, Eighth Edition, Pearson Education, 2000.

Prepared by / Approved by
Designation / Assistant Professor(s) / HOD - EC