Similarity in Relationships as Niche Construction:

Choice, Stability, and Influence within Dyads in a Free Choice Environment

Angela J. Bahns

Wellesley College

Christian S. Crandall

Omri Gillath

University of Kansas

Kristopher J. Preacher

Vanderbilt University

This is the authors’ accepted version of the article which is currently in press at Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Personality Processes and Individual Differences (Acceptance date: 11-18-2015)


MLM Analysis Summary: Evidence for Social Influence?

Sample / Length / Closeness / Intimacy / Discussion / Importance
1 / 0/7 / 1/7 / † / † / †
Attitudes and Values
1 / 0/3 / 0/3 / † / † / †
2 / † / 0/9 / † / 1/9 / 2/9
3 / 0/12 / 1/12 / 1/7 / 1/11 / 3/11
11 / 0/10 / 1/10 / 1/10 / † / 3/10
4 / 4/20 / 2/20 / 2/20 / † / †
5 / 0/8 / 1/8 / † / † / †
6 / 0/15 / † / † / 0/15 / †
7 / 3/20 / 1/20 / 2/20 / † / †
8 / 0/15 / † / † / 0/15 / †
9 / 0/15 / † / † / † / †
5 / 0/12 / 2/12 / † / † / †
10 / 0/10 / 0/10 / 1/10 / † / †
All Samples Measuring Personality
0/7 / 1/7 / -- / -- / --
All Samples Measuring Attitudes and Values
0/25 / 2/34 / 2/17 / 2/20 / 8/30****
All Samples Measuring Prejudice
7/93 / 4/48 / 4/40 / 0/30 / --
All Samples Measuring Behaviors
0/22 / 2/22 / 1/10 / -- / --
Summary Across All Domains
7/147 / 9/111 / 7/67* / 2/50 / 8/30****

Note. Tabled values represent the number of tests that resulted in statistically significant (p < .05) moderation of dyad similarity by relationship length, closeness, intimacy, discussion of attitudes, and attitude importance. Asterisks indicate the results ofbinomial probability tests, which give the probability of finding at least the same number of significant effects by chance alone.

* p<.05, ****p<.0001.

† Moderator variable not measured on this version of the questionnaire.