Hard Rock Casino, Tulsa
Technical Production Operations V 1.0 / 2

Company Representative

Technical Productions and Operations

Hard Rock Casino, Tulsa – the Joint


Kevin Stewart Productions (“Company Representative”) has been contracted Cherokee Nation Entertainment (”Company”), to manage talent bookings, event operations, management and facility operations of the Joint at Hard Rock Casino, Tulsa.

Contractors will work directly with Company Representative and Company personnel.

Requirements for Vendors – Production Technical Operations

The following information details the expectations and requirements for the contractors hired to operate the Production Technical Operations (Stage Crew) for the Hard Rock Casino Tulsa’s – The Joint.

Below is a summary; each one will be detailed below.

1.  Advance production for upcoming shows as assigned by Company Representative or Company

2.  Providing operating staff (Stage Crew) as needed based upon needs of the production

3.  Day of Show Operations

4.  Work Calls (Pre-Production, Maintenance, Special Events)

5.  Maintenance of Equipment

6.  Organization and cleanliness of stage and surrounding areas

7.  Sourcing of Backline and Rental gear as needed

8.  Professional Staff

9.  Maintaining and updating all technical and operational information

10.  Communicating and reporting to Company Staff and Company Representative of show status and operations

11.  Accurate and Timely billing for services

12.  Confidentiality

13.  Additional duties as required

Advance production for upcoming shows when needed and as assigned by Company Representative and Company

When needed and assigned, contractors will be responsible for advancing production that is currently scheduled based upon the approved rider supplied by the Company Representative or Company. The approved rider will have items that have been modified from the standard artists rider.

1.  Advances are to be done a minimum of 10 days prior to the event. In the event that this is not possible due to the act not responding, then notification must be made to Company and Company Representative as to reason.

2.  Staffing of show based on show needs.

3.  Contractors are to actively work to keep crew labor costs down to the minimum required to ensure a good show. This means not just filling out the rider requirements blindly, but actively working with the act to determine what the actual needs are.

4.  Procurement and pricing of necessary backline if specified in rider that Company is to supply.

5.  Rental of any gear and equipment that is rider specified – However, it is expected that during the advance the contractors will do their best to convince the artist to use existing house supplied equipment.

6.  A once a week meeting (minimum) with Company staff and Company Representative to go over upcoming shows, act needs, rider requirements, and any other necessary information.

7.  Providing a proper advance sheet detailing all aspects of the advance is to be provided to the Company and Company Representative. This is to include Crew needs, load in times, special directions, contacts, etc.

8.  Rentals, backline and any other expenses to be implemented in most efficient manner possible.

9.  A crew list with names will be submitted to Company and Company Representative prior to the event of all working staff.

10.  Provide artists staff with a production packet of the venue.

11.  All advance information (crew, rentals, backline, etc.) must be reviewed and approved by Company and Company Representative no later than 10 days prior to date of event. Items not approved by Company Representative and Company will not be paid for.

12.  A post show report will also be required; this is to be submitted to Company and Company Representative the day after the show. This report should detail any problems, plusses, minuses, repairs, crew issues and any other pertinent data.

13.  Contractors may charge a nominal fee for show advances, corresponding to work required. Please provide costs associated for this in proposal.

Provide Operating Staff (Stage Crew)

Contractors will be responsible for providing the following technical staff for the production. Contractors will endeavor to provide the most skilled and professional persons available in the capacity of the job required. Positions are to be show dependent, and may not necessarily be used on each show.

All staffing will is to be reviewed and approved by Company Representative and Company for appropriate staffing sizes, call times and positions. Company Representative or Company will make the final determination of staff needs, which may be subject to change and revision at any time.

Crew Breakdown

SM- Stage Manager/Deck Lead – Crew Operations / Stage Ops and Setup

A1 – Lead Audio Technician/Sound Engineer – Board Operation, stage patching

A2 – Second Audio Technician/ Sound Engineer – Monitor Board Operations, stage patching

A3 - Audio Tech – Patching and mic’ing up of stage

L1 – Light Board Operator – Lighting operations/Maintenance

L2 – Lighting Assistant /Dimmer Tech/Focus

UR – Up Rigger

DR – Down Rigger

V1- Lead Video Operator/EIC – Switcher and shot calling

V2 – Camera Operator

V3 – Video grip

SH- Stagehand – General stage work – Catch all position

LD – Truck Loader

SP – Spotlight Operator

RUN – Show Runner – Provides transportation needs and also handles dressing room

WAR – Wardrobe

Day of Show Operations

Contractors will work under Company Representative and Company staff supervision to perform all Load-In, Show Run, and Load-Out operations. This is to be performed based on the advance and rider information. Call times are to be scheduled to ensure that venue is set up properly for acts/events prior to scheduled load in time of the act.

Contractors is to provide a point of contact supervisor (working crew), to supervise show operations. Point of contact supervisor is to be on-site during the entire call, and must be available by phone at all times.

All crew are considered working staff. All crew are to assist in the load-in and load-out of the show. This includes the loading and unloading of cases and band gear.

Generally most shows will not involve a rigger. Riggers are only to be provided when they are specifically needed. However, someone with working knowledge and operation of the trussing and motors will be required at all times. This should be one of the crew leads.

Additionally one member of the crew must be able to conduct truss focuses. If an L2 is present that will be their responsibility, with no additional pay. However if no L2 is on the call a qualified crewmember is to conduct the focus. A focus fee may be added at that time for crew compensation. This fee is for all focus on all structures, and is not for a specific truss/structure.

All staff will check in with security and on-site with Company staff. At the end of the show day, authorized Company Representative & Company staff will release crew following all end-of-day tasks.

There will be some instances where a crew designation will change. An example of this would be a show somehow requires. A rigger is on the crew but is working as a stagehand or Spot op. In those instances, that staff member would be allowed to move to the higher pay scale with approval from Company Representative & Company Management.

Staff members may also work 2 positions in some cases. This would be a person performing Load-In, Load-Out, and also running spots. When this occurs, they are paid separately for each position, and must have separate sign in’s on the crew sheet.

Additionally all staff must be willing and able to step in and perform any job required. What this means is that if something needs to be done, I do not want the “It’s not my job” attitude.


The following is the billing structure for show days. There are also two types of events. The first event is your standard concert or show. The second type of event is a comedian act, which is to be a reduced rate due to the much shorter day for all staff members.

Please provide costs and numbers detailing rates for all positions in all rate categories in your proposal.

Contractors are to provide a signed hours sheet at end of show and included with the invoice. Company or Company Representative must sign off on this sheet at end of day for it to be accepted.


All staff members are to be on a single Event Rate specific for this event. Pricing should be lower due to the significantly shorter workday and workload.



All staff involved in Load-In/Show Run/Load-Out are to billed as a fixed cost per position. No overtime or additional fees are to be charged.


Staff members who are only involved in the load in/out are to be billed as a fixed cost per position. This is essentially based on a 4 hour in/4 hour out, but the load in and load out may be longer based on the needs of the show. Riggers, Loaders, Additional Stagehands typically are in this category. No overtime or additional fees are to be charged.


Straight rate for people only involved in show run and are not present for load-in or load-out. Typically Spot Ops, video ops and some stage positions. No overtime or additional fees are to be charged.


This is not to be used commonly, but is specifically when some position needs more time than just a run-crew rate or is specifically needed only for something specific.

Work Calls (Pre-Production, Maintenance, Special Events)

Any pre-production for any event, Maintenance etc. must be pre-approved by Company Representative and Company at least 7 days in advance. In the event of an emergency repair or maintenance exceptions will be made but still must be made and conducted with the knowledge and approval of Company Representative and Company.

Maintenance calls are only to be scheduled on non-show days when the maintenance required cannot be performed on a show day during dark time.


Work days are under a separate billing rate, following industry standard policies. Please provide a rate sheet for non-show days in your proposal for all positions. Include in that rate sheet, straight time and OT rates.

All staff are to be paid hourly, with an hourly minimum of 5 hours. At which point any additional hours accrue as straight time until 10 hours has elapsed. After 10 hours, overtime can be charged.


It is the responsibility contractors to ensure that staff members accrue as little overtime as possible.

Short Time turnover is anything under 5 hours. In cases of a short time turnover an additional two hours of straight time will be added to staff members hours. In no case will the additional two hours be accrued in the following days worked hours or counted to overtime on the following day.

Maintenance of equipment

Contractors will be responsible for maintaining all show related equipment in the venue to the satisfaction of Company Representative and Company. This is to be an active maintenance, meaning that equipment should be cleaned and serviced prior to it breaking.

Equipment Policy

1.  All equipment is to be functional

2.  If it is not working – It is to be repaired

3.  If it cannot be repaired, it is to be disposed of according to company guidelines

4.  A repair/ log is to be created listing any and all repairs, costs, date , and status

Maintenance is do be done on show days during dark times and also on scheduled maintenance days. If equipment is not field-serviceable, then it is to be sent to a repair facility that can conduct the repairs.

All equipment is to be organized and secured against loss and damage. A complete running inventory is to be created along with a needs list of equipment coming to end-of-life and other equipment that may be needed for various reasons.

Also general venue repair should be noted to Company Management so it can be undertaken. This should also be in the post show report.

Consumables Management

Contractors and their staff are to manage consumables use (Gaff Tape, Lamps, Duvy, etc). When consumables are needed a list is to be generated, along with the time the items are needed. List is to be sent to the Company and Company Representative. This will then go to casino purchasing. Consumables are only to be purchased by vendor only in unanticipated circumstances.

Organization and cleanliness of stage and surrounding areas

Contractors are responsible for the cleanliness and organization of the venue to the satisfaction of Company and Company Representative. Stage is to be cleaned and maintained following every show. Trash and water bottles are to be disposed of. Front of house (FOH) and video room is to be left in a client-presentable manner.

Backline / Rental Gear

The Contractor is to coordinate and/or source any backline or rental equipment that is required by the artist as per the approved rider during the advance. The Contractor is to work with Company and Company Representative, the backline/rental company and the artist to ensure compliance.

The Contractor is not to charge any additional fees for backline or rental provided by another backline or rental gear provider, as their advance fee covers this. All backline or rental gear invoices will provide the original invoice from the company providing the backline or rental gear. Failure to provide this will hold up payment of that specific expense.