The Bachelor of Liberal Studies (BLS) Traditional Program

The bachelor of liberal studies degree program is designed to enable students to pursue a broad-based education in liberal arts and sciences. Students pursuing the bachelor of liberal studies degree are offered the flexibility to develop an individualized program of study with a specific interdisciplinary focus. Unlike other majors, the BLS emphasizes breadth of study rather than

focus on a single discipline. The program is designed to meet the needs of students whose educational, employment, career, professional, and personal goals may not be fully met with a specific SIUE major, and for students who have integrative abilities to plan and develop a program appropriate to their interests. Admission to the program is based on approval of a

proposed plan of study that demonstrates both an interdisciplinary focus and the inability to satisfy goals with a specific SIUE major. The plan of study must satisfy all the requirements listed below. The proposal must include a statement of educational goals, the interdisciplinary focus, courses selected to satisfy all requirements, and the relevance of the BLS degree to

those goals. Students submit the proposal for a review by three faculty who must acknowledge the appropriateness of the interdisciplinary focus and who agree that the focus cannot be supported within any existing SIUE major. This process must also include the student’s planning for the Senior Assignment. Students should have at least a 2.0 grade point average at the time of entry into the program. An approved student proposal constitutes an educational contract, which may be modified only after approval by the director of the BLS degree. The educational contract should reflect a curriculum with an interdisciplinary focus in the Liberal Studies Disciplinary Course Distribution requirements as well as in elective courses. Students who plan to pursue

graduate study should develop a contract that can satisfy graduate admission requirements.

Students should apply for a BLS major before their senior year. Seniors may enter the program, provided they develop an approved proposal that demonstrates both an interdisciplinary focus and the inability to satisfy goals with a specific SIUE major. This student, having completed more than 90 credit hours, must demonstrate relevance of the BLS degree to his or her goals and

propose a plan of study that satisfies SIUE requirements

Career Opportunities

The BLS program is intended to enhance knowledge in a variety of areas. Extensive course alternatives available through this program allow students to adapt their curriculum to meet individual needs. This enables the student to develop a comprehensive resumé to reflect individual characteristics and capabilities expected of all graduates of the College of Arts and Sciences. The program is of special value to those not seeking a career based in a single discipline, those who already possess occupational skills, and those who seek enrichment of their personal and professional lives. Parttime students, with careful planning, are able to complete

this degree through evening and weekend courses.

Degree Requirements

Bachelor of Liberal Studies

Each student must develop an educational contract that satisfies thefollowing requirements:

A. Total number of hours required ...... 124

B. General Education ...... 42-44

C. Required Courses in Arts and Sciences ...... 45

At least 5 courses consisting of a minimum of 15 semesterhours, above and beyond the general educationrequirements, must be completed with grades of C or better,of the disciplinary distributions indicated below.

1. Natural Sciences and Mathematics ...... 15

2. Social Sciences ...... 15

3. Fine Arts and Humanities ...... 15

D. Elective Hours ...... 32-34

1. General Electives ...... 10-16

2. Focused Electives ...... 18-22

A specific interdisciplinary focus will be formulated upon thestudent’s entry into the program and will become a part of thestudent’s educational contract. Courses taken to satisfyelective hours will explicitly relate to this focus.

E. Senior Project ...... 3-6

The Senior Project (a capstone academic experience),serving as a component in senior assessment, affords thestudent an opportunity for self reflection and independent

study. The academic breadth of the liberal studiesprogram orients students’ attention toward activities thatmight include, but are not limited to, a student practicum,internship, integrative research paper, presentation, orcreative undertaking. A minimum grade of C in LIBS 400

is required to meet degree requirements.

At least 45 hours of the total required for graduationshould be earned through junior- and senior-level courses(300 and/or 400 level).

A maximum of 24 hours, beyond general educationrequirements, may be used in any one discipline to meetdegree requirements.