Five-Year Plan2012-2016
Goals and Objectives
Goal 1:Promote and support the development of leadership and self-advocacy capacity among people with disabilities and their family members.
Objective1:Support leadership training by people with developmental disabilities and their family members for other people with developmental disabilities and their family members who may become leaders in Colorado.
Objective2: Promote and support the development of leadership, self-determination and self-advocacy capacity among people with developmental disabilities and their family members through a variety of strategies, including state-of-the-art technology.
Objective3: Support policy-making groups to actively include people with developmental disabilities and family members in decision-making processes.
Objective 4:Serve as a representative voice of the cultural competence and cultural diversity interests and concerns among Colorado citizens with developmental disabilities.
Objective 5: Support and expand participation of people with developmental disabilities in cross-disability and culturally diverse leadership coalitions.
Objective 6: Establish or strengthen a program for the direct funding of a State self-advocacy organization led by people with developmental disabilities.
Goal 2:Support the development of broad community coalitions that include people with developmental disabilities in natural proportions to address community-identified issues.
Objective 1:Support local grassroots efforts in Colorado communities, with emphasis on rural areas, to contribute to the development of such efforts as accessible transportation, affordable housing, employment, inclusive recreation or meaningful participation in community policies that expand access and inclusion.
Goal 3:People with developmental disabilities will be free from abuse, neglect, exploitation, seclusion and restraint related to differential treatment because of disability in any settings.
Objective 1: The Council will investigate and establish an effective means for ongoing monitoring of the frequency with which people who have developmental disabilities experience instances of abuse, neglect, exploitation, seclusion and restraint.
Objective 2: The Council will work to implement successful strategies to decrease and ultimately prevent instances in which people with developmental disabilities experience abuse, neglect, exploitation, seclusion or restraint.
Goal 4:Support and sustain community inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in real jobs that offer real wages where non-disabled community members work.
Objective 1:Participate in and support a network of agencies providing education, training, employment and other supports to employers, community members and people with disabilities.
Objective 2: Support the cultivation of natural supports within non-segregated employment settings that foster job retention, skill achievement/enhancement and employee success.
Objective 3: Promote and increase the active participation of people with developmental disabilities in designing the approach and implementation of employment strategies.
Goal 5:Improve the quality of life, and increase real choices for people with disabilities to live in their communities by providing them the resources they need to live a quality inclusive life.
Objective 1:Support or lead a collaborative approach to the development of a long-term strategic plan to increase public awareness and understanding of the gifts and abilities of people with developmental disabilities in Colorado, both those receiving services and those on waiting lists, as well as the supports they need to be contributing members of their communities.
Objective 2:Engage in public policy and advocacy activities that encourage and result in the simplification and coordination of systems and resources for the support of people with developmental disabilities.