Graduate Counseling Program

Southern Arkansas University


March 2010


I. Mission Statements………………………………………………………………………………3

II. Goals…………………………………………………………………………………………...... 3

III. Purpose…………………………………………………………………………………………..3

IV. Course Objectives………………………………………………………………………………4

V. General Requirements………………………………………………………………………….4

VI. Application Process……………………………………………………………………………..5

VII. Evaluation……………………………………………………………………………………….6

VIII. Supervision of Students…………………………………………………………………….. ..7

IX. Obtaining Clients for the Practicum……………………………………………………………8

X. Practicum Paperwork…………………………………………………………………………….9

XI. Appendices…………………………………………………………………………………...... 10

o  Application for Supervised Practicum in Counseling

o  Practicum Supervision Agreement

o  Practicum Hours Log

o  Summary of Weekly Logs

o  Practicum Goals and Learning Activities Form

o  Supervision Attendance Log

o  Interview Consent Form for Minors

o  Interview Consent Form for Adults

o  Counseling Skills and Techniques Competency Scale

o  Verbatim Transcript Form

o  Interview Summary and Critique

o  Case Presentation

o  Evaluation of Practicum Site

o  Evaluation of Practicum Site Supervisor

o  Evaluation of Faculty Supervisor

o  Site Supervisor Evaluation of Practicum Student

o  Practicum Checklist

o  Counseling Practicum Completion Form




The mission of Southern Arkansas University is to educate students for productive and fulfilling lives in a global environment by providing opportunities for intellectual growth, individual enrichment, skill development, and meaningful career preparation. The University believes in the worth of the individual and accepts its responsibility for developing in its students those values and competencies essential for effective citizenship in an ever-changing, free, and democratic society. Further, the University encourages and supports excellence in teaching, scholarly and creative endeavors, and service.


It is the mission of the College of Education to prepare educators as professional members of collaborative teams. The College of Education encourages excellence in teaching, scholarly and creative endeavors and service.


The mission of the Southern Arkansas University School of Graduate Studies is to prepare individuals for positions of leadership in a variety of professions by providing advanced and specialized education. The curricula and instructional technologies are designed to meet the needs of students in our region and to prepare them to compete in a diverse and dynamic society.


This is an applied course consisting of supervised placement within approved field sites in agencies, schools, or colleges/universities. It will allow students to practice basic counseling skills, while applying knowledge and skills learned in previous coursework.


The Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) requires students to complete supervised practicum experiences. A practicum, as distinct from a job, consists of intensively supervised practice, with reflection on that practice. Students will continue their education by (a) trying out and observing practices and then (b) examining them in an intentional fashion, both in the seminar, at the practicum site, and at home through commentaries. The requirements listed throughout this handbook reflect and include CACREP 2009 standards.


a)  To practice basic counseling skills.

b)  To gain supervised experience in individual and group interactions with clients (including techniques and theoretical applications appropriate in a pluralistic society).

c)  To introduce students to a variety of professional activities and roles associated with counseling in a clinical agency, school, or college/university setting.

d)  To provide opportunities for problem solving, decision making, and critical thinking through the use of clinical practice and personal reflection.

e)  To provide experience commensurate with state licensure requirements.

f)  To encourage students to explore personal strengths and weaknesses, as well as values and beliefs, as they relate to the practice of counseling.


Per CACREP 2009 Standards, students must complete supervised practicum experiences that total a minimum of 100 clock hours over a minimum 10-week academic term. This should be planned to encompass 7-10 hours per week during a 15 week semester. The 100 hour clock hours should include the following:

a)  At least 40 clock hours of direct service with actual clients that contributes to the

development of counseling skills.

b) Weekly interaction that averages one hour per week of individual and/or triadic

supervision throughout the practicum by a program faculty member, a student

supervisor, or a site supervisor who is working in biweekly consultation with a

program faculty member in accordance with the supervision contract.

c) An average of 1 1/2 hours per week of group supervision that is provided on a

regular schedule throughout the practicum by a program faculty member or a

student supervisor.

Note: Attendance at all group and individual supervision sessions is mandatory.

d) The development of program-appropriate audio/video recordings for use in

supervision or live supervision of the student’s interactions with clients.

e) Evaluation of the site, site supervisor, and student’s counseling performance throughout the practicum, including documentation of a formal evaluation at the middle and end of the semester.

f) Completion of a "Practicum Log" which includes a summary of the hours spent in (a) counseling, (b) observation, and (c) other activities each week. Students must submit a “Summary of Weekly Logs” for each week with hourly weekly log. (See appendix for a copy of the log form and weekly summary).

g) The audio and/or video recording of clients. Students will be required to submit a minimum of five (5) video tapes of their direct client work. Tapes will be used during group supervision as well as individual supervision. Students must submit a tape evaluation with each tape to their individual supervisor (see appendix for a copy of the interview summary and critique form).

In addition, a minimum of one verbatim transcript of a client session will be due per academic term. Have each parent of a minor client and adult clients complete a “Consent to Participate in Recorded Supervised Counseling” form prior to beginning counseling with the client (see appendix for a copy of the verbatim transcript form and consent forms).

h) Complete one (1) case presentation in group/class during the semester. The case study should be accompanied by an audio or videotape of at least two sessions with this client. Case conceptualization guidelines are provided in the appendices.


A. Practicum Application

Students must complete and submit an Application for a Supervised Practicum in Counseling prior to beginning their practicum experience. The application must be submitted by the appropriate deadline AND approved before hours may be accrued for the semester. The application deadlines are as follows:

Ø  Fall Semester - February 15th

Ø  Spring Semester - October 15th

B. Liability Coverage

Students will not be allowed to begin their practicum experience without proof of liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000. Student insurance is available from the American Counseling Association (ACA) at reasonable rates, and applications are available online.

A copy of insurance coverage should be attached and turned in with the practicum application by the above deadlines.

Note: Applications not fully completed (i.e. with blanks), without proof of liability insurance, and received after the deadline will NOT be processed for that semester. A new application will need to be submitted for the following semester.

C. Practicum and Internship Information Session

Students must attend an information session prior to submitting applications. These sessions are scheduled approximately one week prior to the application deadline and are mandatory for all students, including clinical mental, school, and student affairs and college counseling students.


Each student will be enrolled in the Practicum in Counseling (COUN 6493) course for one semester. The student will be evaluated throughout the semester by his or her faculty supervisor. The Counseling Skills and Techniques Competency Scale (See Appendix) will be used to assess student skills at the beginning, middle and end of the semester. In addition, at the middle and end of the semester, the student’s site supervisor will complete the Site Supervisor Evaluation of Practicum Student form (See Appendix). Also, the SAU faculty supervisor will evaluate the student by using case presentation and video recordings. The SAU faculty supervisor will use these evaluations to assist him or her in determining the student’s grade. In addition to this formal evaluation, it is expected that the student’s supervisor will be offering ongoing “process” feedback (e.g., verbal, written feedback).

The course is graded using the Southern Arkansas University grading system of A, B, C, D, and F. In order to pass, a student must meet all requirements as noted under "General Requirements" and demonstrate beginning competency in:

a. applying core counseling skills,

b. understanding the relationship between specific client problems and particular treatment approaches, and

c. knowing one's own attitudes and needs as they affect counseling while demonstrating sufficient personal adjustment to function ethically as a counselor.

Note: For specific information about course grading, see syllabus for evaluation criteria.


All supervision (University Individual, University Group, and Site Supervision) must be recorded weekly. (See appendix for a copy of the Supervision Attendance Log.)

A. Individual Supervision

As noted above (Section V.c), each student will receive weekly interaction that averages one hour per week of individual and/or triadic supervision throughout the practicum by a program faculty member, a student supervisor, or a site supervisor who is working in biweekly consultation with a program faculty member in accordance with the supervision contract.

Faculty Instructors as Individual and/or Group Supervisors

Program faculty members serving as individual or group practicum supervisors must have the following:

a. A doctoral degree and/or appropriate counseling preparation, preferably from a CACREP-accredited counselor education program.

b. Relevant experience and appropriate credentials/licensure and/or demonstrated competence in counseling.

c. Relevant supervision training and experience.

B. Group Supervision

All students must receive a minimum of one and one-half hours (1 ½) of group supervision per week. Such supervision must be given by a faculty supervisor. A maximum of 6 students will be allowed to participate in group supervision at one time.

C. Site Supervision

All students must receive a minimum of one (1) hour per week of individual supervision by their site supervisor. Weekly site supervision should be used review goals, tasks as defined by the site supervisor, and progress toward those goals and tasks. Site supervision should also include processing of the student’s experience with clients.

Site supervisors must have the following qualifications:

1. A minimum of a master’s degree in counseling or a related profession with equivalent qualifications, including appropriate certifications and/or licenses.

2. A minimum of two years of pertinent professional experience in the program area in which the student is enrolled.

3. Knowledge of the program’s expectations, requirements, and evaluation procedures for students.

4. Relevant training in counseling supervision.

5. Attend at least one Site Supervisor Orientation a year at Southern Arkansas University; understand student requirements & responsibilities.

Practicum Site Visit

The university supervisor will visit each site at least twice during the semester. The site visit will be arranged with the student and the host as early in the semester as possible. An additional site visit will occur toward the end of the semester and may include live observation.


A. Practicum Sites

Students are responsible for finding an appropriate field placement for practicum. However, we can assist the students by providing them with a list of potential sites.

All practicum sites are to be pre-approved (before accruing hours) and must meet the following requirements:

·  The site has agreed to accept a student for a 100-hour practicum experience over a minimum 10-week academic semester. At least 40 hours must be direct service with actual clients.

·  The site supervisor meets the minimum qualifications (see Section VIII.C).

·  The site supervisor has reviewed and signed the Practicum Supervision Agreement (see Appendix).

·  The site will allow the student to video tape direct service work with clients for use in supervision.

·  The site has been approved by the SAU Practicum and Internship Coordinator.

B. Rollover Hours

“Roll-over” hours for Practicum are not permitted.


All students completing the counseling practicum must complete and/or submit the following forms:

1. Practicum Application (with verification of insurance attached)

2. Practicum Supervision Agreement

3. Practicum Hours Log

4. Summary of Weekly Logs

5. Practicum Goals and Learning Activities Form

6. Supervision Attendance Log

7. Interview Consent Form for Minors

8. Interview Consent Form for Adults

9. Verbatim Transcript Form

10. Interview Summary and Critique

11. Case Presentation

12. Evaluation of Practicum Site –To be completed at the end of semester (100 hours)

13. Evaluation of Practicum Site Supervisor -To be completed at the end of semester (100 hours)

14. Evaluation of Faculty Supervisor – To be completed at the end of semester (100 hours)

15. Site Supervisor Evaluation of Practicum Student -To be completed at the middle (50 hours) and end of semester (100 hours)

16. Practicum Checklist

17. Counseling Practicum Completion Form


Southern Arkansas University

Graduate Counseling Program

Application for Supervised PRACTICUM in Counseling

Return to Practicum and Internship Coordinator

Semester: ___Fall ___Spring ___Summer Year: 20____

Student Name: ______ID Number: ______

Address: ______


City State Zip

Telephone: Home______Work______Cell______

SAU E-mail: ______

Emphasis Area:

School: ___Elementary ___Secondary Clinical___ Student Affairs & College____

Indicate the core courses you will have completed by the time you take practicum. You must have completed ALL of the courses listed below in order to begin the practicum. Attach an unofficial copy of your transcript from Campus Connect.

Course # Course Title Semester Taken Grade

COUN 6403 / Introduction to the Counseling Profession
COUN 6413 / Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Counseling
COUN 6423 / Counseling Theories
COUN 6433 / Basic Counseling Skills
COUN 6443 / Group Counseling
COUN 6453 / Human Development for Helping Professionals
COUN 6463 / Career Counseling: Theory and Practice
COUN 6483 / Assessment Procedures for Counselors

Liability Insurance: