Draft Commute Trip Reduction Work Plan for WSDOT staff

April to September 2017

This work plan describes the work that WSDOT staff plan to complete in the next six months as the team develops a longer term strategic work plan for the CTR program.

Strategic planning

Develop a 2019-2023 work plan for the program – Stan, Keith, Susan and others

Engage Technical Advisory Group (TAG) in the strategic plan – Susan

Develop and lead partner engagement in strategic plan development – Susan

Develop and implement legislative strategy– Stan

Develop a TDM program budget – Stan, Keith, Firas

Create the Board's work plan – Stan & Keith

Respond to federal policy changes – Keith

Technical assistance

Administer, collect and help people use survey data– Michael & Graham

Identify data and evaluation approach for 2019-forward -- Michael

Complete CTR survey report upgrades – Michael

Develop and provide tools and guidance for ETC training – Michael

Begin to engage TAG in employer report changes – Michael

Engage the TAG in the next data collection and evaluation system – Michael & Susan

Administer CTR online survey contract updates – Matthew & Michael

Try new evaluative methods [Tableau, ACS, etc.] – Rich & Matthew

Provide TDM data and expertise to WSDOT project teams – Matthew, Graham & KJ

CTR data aggregate analysis – Robert & Michael

CMAQ performance measurement plans – Robert

Update state manuals to integrate CTR/TDM – Andrew

Grant development and administration

Administer CMAQ grants – KJ

Develop and administer grants to local jurisdictions (all grants) – KJ & CLs

Train other CLs on CTR grants – KJ

Review pilot transition back to regular CTR – KJ & Amber (Michael in the future?)

Develop and administer Efficiency Grants (if legislature enables it) – Nicole, Keith, KJ

Review, evaluate and consider changes to the affected jurisdictions policy – KJ

Administer the King County ORCA project – Firas & Anthony

Administer the iCarpool contract (Rideshare Online) – Stan

CTR Board

CTR Board summaries – KJ & Amber (for now)

CTR Board logistics – Shelley (for April and May), resource needed beyond May

CTR Board appointments – Keith

CTR Board agendas— Keith

Develop and deliver legislative report – Keith, Jef, Robert, others

Maintain Board CTR Website – Jef

Continue to blog board meetings – Jef

Education & recognition

Nominate teams for the Wall of Fame – KJ

Develop WSTA conference sessions – KJ & Team

Identify and take advantage of key training opportunities – Team

Maintain and possibly convert the WSDOT CTR Website – Jef

Resource development

Hire new CL and new business services people – Tom & Firas

Manage Susan and others – Stan

Educate and help new hires be successful in their job – Stan & Theresa

Hire awesome planning & engineering peeps – Stan & Theresa

State agency CTR

Respond to state agency CTR questions and legislative inquiries – Amber

Update CTR guidelines for state agencies with the interagency CTR board – Amber

Engage with CTR strategy as part of the Capitol Campus coalition – Amber & Jef

Administer STAR Pass (and supporting efforts) – Amber & Shelley

Develop state agency CTR report to the Governor – Amber

Monitor the contract with TRPC for state agency emergency ride home – Amber

Internal CTR

Monitor ORCA and vanpool contracts – Amber

Retrieve and confirm incentives data for WSDOT employees – Tessica

Support the ETCs (training, answer questions, group outreach) – Pam

Update the internal CTR policy – Amber

Keith Cotton2017-04-11

RAFT April to September 2017 CTR work plan