GA Minutes 11/27/12

Meeting start: 8:06pm


·  Hurricane donation collection – bring them to our office at Perkins

·  Next semester GA will still be here in Willard 007 at 8pm on Tuesdays

·  President’s – check your email for info on President’s Council

Pro-Peace Rally

·  Mahel Hamroun – President of Multicultural Student Organization

·  Trabant Patio – 6:00 to 7:30pm

·  Meeting to support peaceful resolution and negotiation for conflict in Israel

·  Speaker from both sides

·  Candlelight vigil for those who have died in the conflict

·  Trying to avoid political sway, only a peace rally

Hurricane Sandy Relief collection went very well

CCC Evaluation System and Awards – STAR Systems

Fall Semester Awards

·  Nominations due THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29TH AT 11:59PM

·  CCC of the semester

·  E-board of the semester

·  Best small program of the semester

·  Best large program of the semester

End of Year Holiday Party

·  You will get an e-vite tonight

·  Ugly holiday sweater

·  You guys can submit a board picture to try to win most original/creative picture, most spirited and most awkward

For the Good of the Campus

·  Door Decs for your doors that say you guys are RSA members and also for your floor reps

·  Gingerbread house competition – donated to Ronald McDonald House – Nov. 6th in the Scrounge at 3:30pm

·  Responses:

o  Brown water in George Read – they were doing construction

o  Bathroom trash cans that overflow – working on it

o  Too much heat in Rodney – turn from “cool” to “heat”

o  Heat in Smyth – replaced the outdoor sensor

o  Heat is now in Dickinson E/F

o  Lights on Laird bridge – ordering necessary parts

o  Right now Express cannot go to Ray St, but the Laird/West shuttle does


·  National Association of College and University Residence Halls

·  Information session after tonight’s meeting


·  Friday, April 12th on the Green from 3:00 – 7:00 pm

·  Submit t-shirt design ideas for the Pirate theme

CCC Holla


o  Study break – Dec. 9th

o  Maintenance appreciation went well


o  Hug-A-Janitor Day

o  Snack study table during finals

·  ThoLaRu

o  Candy gram sale – proceeds going to Hurricane Sandy

o  Study break


o  Thursday – sponsoring Towers After Hours

o  Study break in December

·  C4

o  Wednesday – stress relief/holiday event


o  Hair donations for Hair for Hope was successful

o  Movie night in the Hub was fairly successful

o  Winter extravaganza is coming up


o  Holiday giveaway – each day next week on the turf

·  DCC

o  Gingerbread house decorating contest

o  Taking pictures of the floors together

o  Stockings full of toys for salvation army

o  Football night and food

o  S’mores night was successful


o  Gingerbread decorating event

o  Study break on Dec. 11th

RSA was founded 40 years ago

New RSA Slogan

·  “making our residence halls a home”


Meeting end: 8:49pm