Extremely loud and incredibly close

‘Sometimes we have to face our fears’


1.  The following exercises must be answer during classes.

2.  The format for the delivery must be on a word file printed on June 1st, 2017

3.  Follow the instructions for the technical elements.

Technical elements: Cover with logo (superior left side of the cover), Title (name of your work, centre of the page, letter design and size by choice), name of the student and Teacher (Andrea Reyes Tapia) at the inferior right side of the cover.

Write with: Letter: Calibri, Size: 12, Margin: Normal, Paragraph: Justify

Comprehension exercises

I.  The movie.

Answer the questions about the movie.

1.  Who are the main characters?

2.  What is the main conflicton the movie?

3.  What is the spark moment on the movie? Explain.

4.  What is the resolution of the main conflict?


Criteria / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Total
The answer is clear and coherent / The answer is not clear and coherent / It is difficult to read the answer but at the end it can be understood the main idea. / It is a clear and coherent answer in all aspects. / 1.
The answer has grammar elements / The answer shows some grammar elements which are very confusing. / The answer shows some grammar elements and they help to understand it. / The answer has grammar elements and makes the text very clear. / 1.

II.  Characters.

How would you describe the following characters?

a.  Oskar

b.  Grandpa

c.  Oskar’s mother

d.  Oskar’s father

Criteria / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Total
The answer is clear and coherent / The answer is not clear and coherent / It is difficult to read the answer but at the end it can be understood the main idea. / It is a clear and coherent answer in all aspects.
The answer has grammar elements / The answer shows some grammar elements which are very confusing. / The answer shows some grammar elements and they help to understand it. / The answer has grammar elements and makes the text very clear.

III.  Historical context.

Describe the historical context during the one the movie is taken place. Use historical facts and look for more information on books or online.

Criteria / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Total
The answer is clear and coherent / The answer is not clear and coherent / It is difficult to read the answer but at the end it can be understood the main idea. / It is a clear and coherent answer in all aspects.
The answer has grammar elements / The answer shows some grammar elements which are very confusing. / The answer shows some grammar elements and they help to understand it. / The answer has grammar elements and makes the text very clear.

IV.  Reflect on about the movie. Choose one topic from it and Write a short essay using the points. (200-250 words)


a.  Father-son bond

b.  Terrorism

c.  Autism

d.  Death

e.  Your own topic.______

Criteria / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4 / Pts
Deph of reflexion / Demonstrate little or no understanding of the writing task and subject matter. Needs careful revision. / Demonstrates a limited understanding of the writing task. Needs revision. / Demonstrate a thoughtful understanding of the writing task and subject matter. / Demonstrate a thorough and conscious understanding of the writing task and the subject matter.
Development of examples, evidence / None or very few specific examples used to support ideas presented in the essay. / Uses some vaguely developed examples to support the ideas presented in the essay. / Uses relevant examples from experience to support the ideas. / Uses specific and convincing examples to support ideas and makes insightful connections.
Use/style / Uses language that is not suitable for an essay for its context (it has no voice). And the sentences’ structures purpose with Little or no awareness / Uses some imprecise language with Little sense of voice and limited awareness of how to vary sentence structure (verb tenses) / Uses language that demonstrate a voice (awareness of the reader and purpose) and original style (own style). It is able to vary sentence structure / Uses language that demonstrate a precise voice (awareness of the reader and purpose) and original style (own style). Skillfull to vary sentence structure
Grammar /conventions / Demonstrate Little or no control of grammar and conventions, making comprehension difficult. / Demonstrate partial control of grammar and conventions, with occasional errors that do not hinder (dificultar) comprehension / Demonstrate control of grammar and conventions, with sight (a la vista) errors when using sophisticated language. / Demonstrate total control of grammar and conventions, with essentially no errors even with sophisticated language.