Pressure Relieving Systems Joint Session

November 16, 2011

Los Angeles, CA

Clark Shepard kicked off the joint meeting at 3:45 PM and introduction of attendees followed.

Clark Shepard presented a summary of the documents status and schedule summary. He indicated that there are no major changes to the original documents publication schedule. Each subcommittee chair was then asked to present a summary update.

API 521: Mike Porter provided highlights of the API 521 subcommittee (SC) meeting. He indicated that around 65 people had attended the November 15 meeting. One of the major issues that were discussed is the mechanism of handling the Technical Inquiries (IT) that are submitted to the API 521 SC. The SC felt that there is a lack of transparency and follow from the API side on the completed TI’s by the API 521 SC. SC will be provided by additional guidance from Stephen Crimaudo. Mike Porter indicated that the API 521 6th edition is planned for publication during Q4 of 2013.

Ed Zamejc indicated that more that 720 comments have been submitted on the ISO 23251 ballot. Many of these comments have been addressed during two summer meetings on July 12 – 14 and September 27 – 29, 2011 in Houston Texas. He also indicated that there is a plan for a follow up meeting in Europe in early March 2012 to address the remaining ISO 23251 ballot comments (about 213 comments). Ed Zamejc also discussed the DIS voting process and the need for better communication to assure that the US comments are included in the process in a timely manner.

It has also been discussed that there is a need to determine a method to minimize the editorial activities of the document during these meeting to maximize efficiency and productivity.

API 520 II: Phil Henry pointed out that it is not clear if it will be possible to meet the April 23, 2012 deadline to submit the API 520 II ballot. There is a plan to conduct a December 10, 2011 to continue document review.

API 520 I: Phil Henry indicated that all agenda items of the November 14, 2011 have been discussed and completed. A revised meeting document will be issued during the following few weeks to the participants. The API 520 I ballot will be issued during Q4 of 2012.

API 2000: Brad Otis presented the status of the API 2000 with no major issues. He indicated that two new inquiries have been discussed. Brad is expecting to send the document to the DIS in November 2011 and expected publication during 2013.

ISO 4126 Part 11: Tom Bevilacqua and Alan West signified that there is a lack of participation and the current document did not see much progress.

They indicated the following:

1. Part 4 and 5 of the document have been completed.

2. It was decided that Part 7 of the document will go through second DIS balloting. The ballot has been closed on November 14, 2011.

3. The working group of Part 6 of the document (rupture disc) is still working.

4. Part 10 of the document (two-phase flow) has received a new work item request from Germany. At this point, it is not clear if the ballot will pass due to required changes.

Clark Shepard questioned the objective of the API participation, whether to match API standards, maintain participation, or have some influence.

API 576: Becky Thomas will chair the committee and Chris Buxton will be a participant.

API 537: Clark Shepard indicated the need to maintain participation in the API 537 SC. The time overlap with the API 520, 521, and 2000 meetings needs to be resolved to allow participation. Clark Shepard will follow with the API 537 SC chair to understand level of interface/participation.

Stephen Cloutier has attended this SC meeting and indicated that there were no major issues discussed in that meeting, except flagging some of the API 521 guidance as being wrong.

General Discussion:

Meeting Rooms: It was raised by several attendees that the API 521 SC meeting room was not adequate. Clark Shepard indicated that he will follow on the logistics for upcoming meeting.

Work Processes Improvement:

Clark Shepard has already discussed the TI’s tracking and archiving with Stephen Crimaudo. SC’s chairs need to e-mail TI’s to Stephen Crimaudo and cc Clark Shepard.

Phil Henry shared his experience on the TI processes. He indicated that there is no consistent process. Rick Nicholas indicated that other subcommittees handled their TI’s on a customized fashion. He will look to identify the official work process and provide a status on old TI’s including the need to issue a ballot on completed TI’s.

In addition, it has been raised during the meeting that there is a need to understand the ISO balloting process. Clark Shepard will follow with Stephen Crimaudo.


GPSA is updating its handbook for the gas industry, specifically the relieve valve section where it is relying on API 520 and 521. Therefore, they are impacted by the API progress. Publication expected during summer 2012.

Meeting adjourned at 4:45 PM.