Admission Form for Cranwell Primary School

(To be completed prior to child’s entry to School)

Please complete this form in black ink and BLOCK CAPITALS. Place an ‘X’ to select a check box.

Arrival date (DD/MM/YYYY) / /

Child details and main address

Surname Forenames

Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) / / Male Female

Country of Birth ______Nationality ______

House name or number

Street and village (if applicable)

Town or city and County

Post Code -

Please indicate the boxes that are relevant to the child(if none are relevant, leave all blank):

Statemented – a statement of Special From a UK service personnel family or other

Educational Needs crown servants

A traveller Attending a pupil referral unit

Permanently excluded Known to the police or the criminal justice

Fixed term exclusions in the last 6 system

monthsPastoral Support Plan or an Individual Education

Not attended school in the last termPlan

Problems with school attendanceMedical needs or disabilities

HomelessA refugee or an asylum seeker

Estimated arrival date (DD/MM/YYYY) / / /

Family details

1.Parent or Guardian

Title Relationship to child

Surname Forenames

Home Phone - Mobile Phone

Employer Work Phone -

Email address

The School also operates a ‘Parent Mail’ scheme, in which parents are notified of events and things concerning the School via email. If you would like to be contacted in this way, please put an ‘X’ in the box.

Address (leave blank if the same as the child)

House name or number

Street and village (if applicable)

Town or city and County

Post Code -

Letters from the School to be addressed to

2.Parent or Guardian

Title Relationship to child

Surname Forenames

Home Phone - Mobile Phone

Employer Work Phone -

Email address

Please put an ‘X’ in the box if you would like to be contacted via ‘Parent Mail’.

Address (leave blank if the same as the child)

House name or number

Street and village (if applicable)

Town or city and County

Post Code -

Letters from the School to be addressed to

We are also obliged to have the following information in respect of one-parent families, or divorced/separated parents (if this is not applicable, leave blank):

Name of parent having custody

Is the other parent allowed access? Yes No

If ‘Yes’, are there any conditions attached to the access which may affect the School?

We are able to provide the following information for non-custodial parents if requested

at the School Office:

  • Letters detailing events, e.g. concerts, fairs, etc.
  • Parent/Teacher interview details/appointments.
  • End of School Year Reports

Please read the following link before answering the questions below:

Is your child eligible for Free School Meals? Yes No

Has your child been eligible for Free School Meals in the last six years? Yes No

Emergency contact

Title Relationship to child

Surname Forenames

Home Phone - Mobile Phone

Siblings(if this is not applicable, move onto the next section)

Number of children in family Pupils position in family

Other children in the household currently attending this School(if there are more than three, list the three youngest children, or leave blank if there are none)

Surname Forenames

Relationship Date of Birth / /

Surname Forenames

Relationship Date of Birth / /

Surname Forenames

Relationship Date of Birth / /

Previous school attended

Previous school name

Telephone number -

Date attended(DD/MM/YYYY)From / / To / /

Reason for leaving

Previous school address

Street and village (if applicable)

Town or city and County

Post Code -

Medical information

Name of Family Doctor

Location of Family Doctor

Telephone Number -

Medical Conditions and medication to be kept in School (leave blank if there are none)


I declare that the information provided in this Admission Form is correct at the date signed. By submitting this Form, I accept the School policies as set out by the School and which can be provided upon request.


Full name

Date signed (DD/MM/YYYY) / /

Please return your completed form to the school.

Cranwell Primary School
NG34 8HH / Telephone: 01400 261271

Ethnic Information

The Department for Education requires Local Authorities to collect statistical data about pupils in its schools. It would be helpful, therefore, if you could complete the following (tick where appropriate).

It should be remembered that parents are not obliged to give this information.

Ethnic Origin

It is a child’s heritage that is being asked for here, not nationality. Where the child has dual or multiple heritages, which is, descended from more than one ethnic or racial group, the ethnic group it is considered the child belongs should be given. The classifications below should help as a guide.

White British / Black African
White European / Black Caribbean
White Other (please specify below) / Black Other (please specify below)
Bangladeshi / Pakistani
Chinese / Indian

Home Language

The response here should be the main language that is spoken in the home. If none of the categories shown are appropriate, the language should be specified.

English / Gujerati / Portuguese
Bengali / Hindi / Spanish
Cantonese / Italian / Turkish
Greek / Panjabi / Urdu
Other (please specify)


Although the child may not be a practising member of a religion, it is the religious affiliations that are asked for here.

Christianity / Hinduism
Judaism / Islam
Sikhism / No religion
Other (please specify)