PRESENT:Greg Arlett, Nicole Arlett, Marci Schwengler, Abby Schwengler, Colette Lemire, Karen Millband, Kari Martin, Dolly Deringer, Bernadine Boulet, Toby Boulet, Terry Schwengler, Kim Graham, Dave Martin, Fay Jentink, Evelyn Lyon, Rob Coleman, Vera Abrey, Lyn Paterson, Diane Rombough, Sean Miles, Andrea Romaniuk, Marlene Hoffman, Cynthia Fritzler, Wendy Jonker, and Bill Weiler

  1. CALLED TO ORDER:The meeting was called to order at 7:10pm by Dave.
  1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES FROM THE PREVIOUS AGM:April 20th, 2005: Dave read last year’s minutes. Terry Schwengler motioned that the minutes were read, seconded by Fay Jentink. CARRIED
  1. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF PREVIOUS MINUTES:Change 7f) to read Coaching Director Report.
  1. PRESIDENT’S REPORT:Dave Martin read the President’s report as well as the reports of the Vice President report from Blair Rombough. Dave thanked the 2005/2006 board for all of their hard work and dedication over the last year. SEE ATTACHED.
  1. TREASURER’S REPORT:Sean Miles read the Treasurer’s report. Dave explained how the Casino funds are now handled. There are still a few items to be deposited so the final statement is not exact. SEE ATTACHED.
  1. REGISTRAR’S REPORT: Diane Rombough read the Registrar report. Registration was up from last year. Early registration will take place for the 2006/2007 season on Saturday June 17th, 2006. SEE ATTACHED.

a)Bingo Report:Marlene Hoffman spoke to the membership; there was not a hard copy report available. The utilization of post-dated cheques for $150 worked very well this season. Only 5 were cashed in total. As of January 2007 there will be no smoking in the bingo halls. It is recommended that the LRA look at other fundraising options in the near future. The bingo revenue may decline in the future.

b)Ice Allocator Report:Karen Millband read her report; there was not a copy available for distribution. There were 9 teams to utilize ice this year. For the most part ice was distributed evenly. There were some issues in December due to the tournament. Everything seemed to work out well. Karen made the suggestion to the new board to look at alternatives to the Coaldale ice due to the high cost as well as utilizing half ice next season, depending on enrolment numbers. Dave asked if Karen was aware if the city would give us more ice if we asked for it. She wasn’t sure and suggested that be brought up at the next city ice meeting, coming in June. Tournaments are set at the June meeting as well.

c)Equipment Report: Dave Martin provided a report in Lyal Sakamoto’s absence. The only equipment the association purchased this year was a goalie stick and a set of pads for $200.

d)Referee Report: Evelyn Lyon read her report and submitted a final cost statement.SEE ATTACHED. This being Evelyn’s first year in this position she struggled a bit, but the referee’s were great to work with and helped quite a lot. Evelyn recommends to the new board that new and younger refs be recruited. A parent clinic will be hosted by a couple of the top level refs, hopefully in October. There were a few problems with wasted ref time when games were cancelled without Evelyn being contacted to cancel the refs.

e)Tournament Report: Fay Jentink read her report which included the Chinook Tournament budget. SEE ATTACHED

f)Coaching Report: Terry Schwengler read the Director of Coaching report. SEE ATTACHED

g)Promotions Report: Dave Martin read Brenda Ikuta’s report in her absence, SEE ATTACHED.

  1. CONSTITUTION AND BYLAW AMENDMENTS: There was a proposal brought forth by Ralph Jonker and copies were made available to all members present for their review. Dave read all deletions and additions suggested by Ralph. Wendy Jonker requested time to go over the proposed changes as this is the first she has seen the proposal and she would like time to read it through before voting on it. Toby Boulet motioned that the proposal brought forth by Ralph Jonker to make changes to the LRA’s constitution and bylaws be tabled until the next AGM in 2007. Sean Miles seconded the motion. CARRIED.

Nominations: Treasurer - Kim GrahamACCEPTED

Ice Allocator - Lyn PatersonACCEPTED

Tournament Coordinator - Wendy Jonker (withdrawn)

- Kari MartinACCEPTED

Equipment Manager - Fay JentinkACCEPTED

All open positions were voted on and carried.

The new Executive Board for the 2006/2007 season is as follows:

President: Dave Martin

Vice President: Blair Rombough

Treasurer:Kim Graham

Secretary:Andrea Romaniuk

Registrar:Diane Rombough

Promotions Director:Brenda Ikuta

Coaching Director:Terry Schwengler

Referee in Chief:Evelyn Lyon

Ice Allocator:Lyn Paterson

Tournament Coordinator:Kari Martin

Equipment Manager:Fay Jentink

Bingo Coordinator:Marlene Hoffman


a)Ringette Alberta AGM: Dave Martin, Brenda Ikuta and Roland Ikuta will attend the Ringette Alberta AGM at the end of the month. Each association has 3 votes. Fay Jentink (Ringette Alberta Zone Director at large) explained some of the things that will be discussed at the AGM. Greg Arlett made the suggestion that it be brought up to RA that shot clocks be put in place for the Open division. Fay ensured Greg that it will be discussed. Toby Boulet suggested that a tournament pass be allowed to be sold for entrance into provincial tournaments. Dave ensured his suggestion would be brought up at the AGM.

b)Bingo changes: It looks like SABA is going to cancel Thursday night bingos due to financial loss. We must decide what day and time we would like to replace this bingo with. Our options are Friday afternoon or Saturday late night. Colette Lemire mentioned that Winner’s bingo hall has a Friday afternoon slot but not a Saturday late night. This suggests that Saturday late night will be more beneficial to our association. By show of hands, 1 person was in favour of Friday. By show of hands all others present were in favour of Saturday late night. It will be communicated to SABA that the LRA has chosen to replace the Thursday late night slot with the Saturday late night slot.

c)Open floor to membership: Terry Schwengler stated that we are missing the boat on corporate sponsorship and suggested that a fundraising committee be created with members who are knowledgeable in this area. He feels that bingo revenue will not be available in the long term.

Colette Lemire asked if the Petite A/B teiring for the 2005/2006 season was by board choice or RA mandate. Terry answered that the board made the recommendation but it is also a mandate in place for all associations through Ringette Alberta.

Toby Boulet motioned that all decisions made by the 2005/2006 LRA board be ratified and accepted. Dolly Deringer seconded the motion. CARRIED: all in favour minus Colette Lemire.

  1. ADJOURNMENT:The meeting was adjourned at 8:02pm. Bill Weiler won the free registration draw.

Next meeting: TBA, 2007