July 2010doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/0777r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

802.11 TGad July 2010 Minutes
Date: 2010-07-16
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Eric Tokubo / Motorola, Inc. /
Eldad Perahia / Intel Corporation /

Minutes of TGad session – Monday July 12th, 13:30 – 15:30

  • Call to Order – 13:30 PT
  • TGad Chairman’s Report (11-10/0775)
  • IEEE Attendance
  • IEEE Patent Policy
  • Call for Potentially Essential Patents  No Response from group
  • Review of Weekly Agenda
  • Initial Editor’s Report
  • ITU-R 60GHz Liaison
  • Comment Resolution on 11ad-D0.1
  • Review of May 2010 TGad Meeting Activities
  • Proposal voted & approved as 11ad-D0.1 (11-10/0433r2)
  • Motion to approve May 2010 TGad Meeting Minutes (11-10/0559r0)
  • Approved by Unanimous Consent
  • TGad Editor’s Report (11-10/0823r0)
  • Comment Resolution Database Document (11-10/0717)
  • TGad Goal is to complete comment resolution & enter initial LB by the end of the Sept. 2010 session
  • ITU-R 60GHz Liaison Report (11-10/0824r0)
  • ITU Recommendation (Non-technical) vs. Report (Technical) documents
  • Discussion/Q&A
  • John Barr (JRBarr Ltd) – Look to combine IEEE messaging to ITU-R
  • Shu (NICT)– Asking for additional time to approve liaison doc
  • Eldad (Intel) – Final discussion & motion during Tuesday PM1 session
  • “Further Rotation Modulation Application” (11-10/0732r2)
  • Discussion/Q&A
  • Assaf (Intel) – Was Phase Noise included in simulation? [Ans. NO] … Also, issue of complexity in rotation modulation from QPSK to 16/64-QAM
  • Shu (NICT) – What hardware impairments were included in simulation? [Ans. Unknown]
  • Vish (MediaTek) – Hardware impairments in simulation could have dramatic effect on simulation results … Also, possible feasibility issue for 64-QAM
  • 802.11ad-D0.1 Comment Resolution (11-10/0717r3)
  • Re-classify editorial comments to technical comments (for TGad to address)
  • Review of Technical Comments
  • CIDs to ‘Accept’ – 18,28,69,70,123,124
  • CIDs to ‘Reject’ – 6,7,16,19,71
  • CID45 – Yuichi to provide submission
  • Motion to be held on Wednesday PM1 session
  • Meeting Recessed – 16:33 PT

Minutes of TGad session – Tuesday July 13th, 13:30 – 15:30

  • Meeting Resumed – 13:31 PT
  • Updated Chairman’s Report (11-10/0775)
  • Voting on Comment Resolution – Wed PM1 & Thurs PM1
  • “Response to ITU-R Liaison to IEEE on MGWS 60GHz” (11-10/0824r1)
  • Discussion/Q&A
  • Eldad (Intel) – Appropriateness of 802.15 text in WG11 document
  • Shu (NICT) – All WG inputs shall be merged by 802.18
  • John Barr (JRBarr Ltd) – 802.18 process
  • Eldad (Intel) – Removal of reference to pre-D1.0 11ad spec
  • Straw Poll – “Remove 802.15.3c text from ITU-R Recommendation document”
  • Y-N-A – 19-7-XX
  • Document updated (to 11-10/824r2)
  • Meeting Recessed – 14:20 PT
  • Meeting Resumed – 14:30 PT
  • Motion – “Move to request that the 802.11 WG chair forward 11-10/824r2 to 802.18 as the response to ITU-R 60GHz Liaison”
  • Move – Ali Sadri (Intel)
  • Second – Shu Kato (NICT)
  • No Discussion
  • Vote (Y-N-A) – 40-1-4  MOTION PASSED!
  • 802.11ad-D0.1 Comment Resolution (11-10/0717r4)
  • D0.1 PHY Comment Resolution (11-10/0833r1)
  • Addresses various Technical CIDs
  • Addresses various Editorial CIDs
  • Change CID 441 & 48 to ‘Reject’ (Equation in 11ad-D0.1 is correct)
  • Resolution to CID 395 is same as CID 2
  • Resolution to CID 510 & 511 to ‘Counter’ (Add text to Clause 21.4.4 and subclause
  • CID 463 was final comment to be resolved
  • Meeting Recessed – 15:32 PT

Minutes of TGad session – Tuesday July 13th, 16:00 – 18:00

  • Meeting Resumed – 16:00 PT
  • Continuation of 802.11ad-D0.1 Comment Resolution
  • D0.1 PHY Comment Resolution (11-10/0833r1), continued
  • CID 67 was first comment to be discussed after the session recess
  • Assaf to upload latest revision (11-10/0833r2) to document server
  • Process discussion on resolving editorial comments
  • Editorial comments will be actioned by editor
  • Will not be individually reviewed and motioned in TG sessions
  • Motion of draft will cover resolutions to any editorial comments
  • TGad Participants are still welcome to bring proposals to resolve editorial comments
  • No objections voiced by TGad to proposed process
  • Continuation of 802.11ad-D0.1 Comment Resolution
  • Review of Technical Comments (11-10/0717r4)
  • CIDs to ‘Accept’ – 72,82,86,105,107,108,127,136,139,143,144,155,157,158, 160
  • CIDs to ‘Reject’ – 74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,83,85,92,93,94,114
  • CID 73 – Change to ‘Counter’ … Insert “transmit sector sweep” to P64L26
  • CID 87 – Change to ‘Counter’ … Move Listening Mode definition (P165L11) to end of Clause 9.23 (P161L11)
  • CID 106 & 129 – Resolve with creation of ‘OBand’‘DBand’ terms (to replace LB, HB, UB)
  • CID 138 – Fixed editorial typo in commenter’s resolution
  • CID 168 – Changed to Editorial Comment (by Brian Hart)
  • CID 172 – Fixed editorial typo in commenter’s resolution
  • Meeting Recessed – 18:00 PT

Minutes of TGad session – Tuesday July 13th, 19:30 – 21:30

  • Meeting Resumed –19:32 PT
  • Continuation of 802.11ad-D0.1 Comment Resolution (11-10/0717r4)
  • CIDs to ‘Accept’ – 174,177,181,182,183,185,187,188,189,192,200,201,209,211,229, 233,236,245
  • CID 191 – Change to ‘Counter’ … Replace “shall” with “does” for P72L31
  • CID 198 – Change to ‘Counter’ … Replace “confined to within a BI, or can go across BI boundaries” by “specified at a future BI” (P72L34)
  • CID 199 – Change to ‘Counter’ … Remove “The Allocation Block Period field can be 41 confined to within a BI or can go across BI boundaries” (P72L41)
  • CID 208 – Change to ‘Counter’ … Replace "frequency band" by "frequency band or regulatory class or channel for P79L7 & 1st paragraph in
  • CID 210 – ‘Counter’ … Refer to proposal in 11-10/0717r5 (Row 211)
  • CID 214 – ‘Counter’ … Comment previously resolved in CID210
  • CID 216 – Change to ‘Counter’ … Define acronyms RSS & ISS in Section 4
  • CID 220 – ‘Counter’ … Comment previously resolved in CID160
  • CID 224 – ‘Counter’ … Refer to proposal in 11-10/0717r5 (Row 225)
  • CID 225 – Brian Hart to provide submission
  • CID 228 – ‘Counter’ … Refer to proposal in 11-10/0717r5 (Row 229)
  • CID 230 – ‘Counter’ … Modify Figure 9-6a to include coverage between STA B & D
  • CID 232 – Solomon to provide submission (updated Figure 9-6b)
  • CID 234 – Withdrawn by Commenter
  • CID 242 –Change to ‘Counter’ … Simply replace “does not” by “shall not” (P160L5)
  • CID 243 – Change to ‘Counter’ … Replace “regular” with “Normal” (P160L16)
  • Motion to Approve Comment Resolutions – 1st agenda item in Wed PM1
  • Meeting Recessed – 21:30 PT

Minutes of TGad session – WednesdayJuly 14th, 13:30 – 15:30

  • Meeting Resumed – 13:30 PT
  • Updated TGad Agenda (11-10/0775r5)
  • Add China mmWave Liaison request – Thursday PM1
  • Add technical presentation, 11-10/0883 – Wed PM2
  • Add technical presentation, 11-10/0887 – Wed PM2
  • Motion #1 – Approve resolution of all comments found in document 11-10/0833r2
  • PHY Comment Group
  • No objections to resolutions during review
  • Moved – Carlos Cordeiro (Intel)
  • Second – Sai (Broadcom)
  • APPROVED by Acclamation(No objections from TGad)
  • Motion #2 – Approve resolution of comments 6, 7, 16, 18, 19, 28, 69, 70, 123, 124, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, 92, 93, 94, 105, 129, 106, 107, 108, 114, 127, 136, 138, 139, 143, 144, 155, 157, 158, 160, 172, 174, 177, 181, 182, 183, 185, 187, 188, 189, 192, 198, 199, 200, 201, 208, 209, 191, 210, 211, 214, 216, 220, 224, 228, 229, 230, 233, 236, 242, 243, 245, found in document 11-10/0717r5.
  • No objection to resolutions during review
  • Moved – Sai (Broadcom)
  • Second –Brad Lynch (Peraso)
  • APPROVED by Acclamation (No objections from TGad)
  • D0.1 Comment Resolution (11-10/0717r5)
  • CID 112 & 113 – Solomon to provide submission
  • CID 169 – ‘Accept’
  • CID 247 – ‘Counter’ … Solomon to provide submission
  • CID 248 – ‘Accept’
  • CID 252 – ‘Accept’
  • CID 253 – ‘Accept’
  • CID 255 – ‘Counter’ … Modify 1st paragraph in
  • CID 266 – ‘Counter’ … Add clarifying text
  • CID 267 – ‘Accept’
  • CID 268 – ‘Counter’ … Add clarifying text
  • CID 269 – ‘Counter’ … Change “cluster members” with “members of cluster”
  • CID 270 –‘Counter’ … Change to more precise text
  • CID 271 – ‘Accept’
  • CID 274 – ‘Accept’
  • CID 276 – ‘Accept’
  • CID 278 –‘Counter’ … Keep changes to text, but remove updating of Figure 115
  • CID 280 – ‘Counter’ … Insert “training” after “beamforming” (P236L22)
  • CID 282 – ‘Accept’
  • CID 283 – ‘Accept’
  • CID 293 – ‘Reject’
  • CID 300 – ‘Reject’
  • CID 305 – ‘Counter’ … Add clarifying text
  • CID 308 – ‘Reject’
  • CID 310 – ‘Counter’ … Add text for RTS & CTS
  • CID 320 – Defer discussion
  • Meeting Recessed – 15:33 PT

Minutes of TGad session – WednesdayJuly 14th, 16:00 – 18:00

  • Meeting Resumed – 16:00 PT
  • Updated TGad Agenda (11-10/0775r6) & D0.1 Comment Resolution Database (11-10/0717r6) have been uploaded to the 802.11 Document Server
  • Continuation of D0.1 Comment Resolution
  • Comment Resolution on Spatial Reuse (11-10/0883r0)
  • Addresses CIDs – 96, 98, 99, & 292
  • Discussion/Q&A
  • Discussion on CID98 to continue in future conference call
  • Drafting text for CID292 to be created in future conference call
  • D0.1 Comment Resolution (11-10/0717r6)
  • CID 309 – ‘Counter’ … Modify draft text
  • CID 311 – ‘Reject’
  • CID 327 – ‘Counter’ … Remove text on P240L3
  • CID 322 – ‘Reject’
  • Technical presentation, 11-10/0887, postponed until Thursday AM1
  • Meeting Recessed –17:56 PT

Minutes of TGad session – ThursdayJuly 15th, 8:00 – 10:00

  • Meeting Resumed – 08:00 PT
  • Updated TGad Chairman’s Agenda (11-10/0775r7)
  • Add technical presentations, 11-10/902 & 903 – Thurs AM1
  • Add technical presentation, 11-10/0901 – Thurs AM1
  • Continuation of D0.1 Comment Resolution
  • Additional PHY Comment Resolution (11-10/0887r1)
  • Addresses CIDs – 404, 409, 410, 411, 415
  • IEEE Style Guide  Only reference “this subclause” or “21.9”
  • Author to update to 11-10/0887r2
  • QAB Mechanism in 60GHz (11-10/0903r0)
  • Addresses CID 335
  • Modified draft text, 11-10/0902r0
  • Discussion/Q&A
  • Comment Resolution Accepted by Acclamation
  • Secure PSK Authentication (11-10/0889r1)
  • Modified draft text, 11-10/0884r0
  • Addresses CIDs – 115, 116, 117, 118, 121, 122
  • Discussion/Q&A
  • Previously defined authentication mechanism in 11s
  • Postpone discussion to future conference call
  • Straw Poll – “Do you support the resolution in 10/884r0 to CIDs 115, 116, 117, 118, 121, 122 on the topic of security?”  2-27-22 (Y-N-A)
  • Straw Poll – “Do you view the current use of PSK in TGad D0.1 as a problem?” 1-13-25 (Y-N-A)
  • Comment Resolution CID 377 (11-10/0901r1)
  • Comment Resolution Accepted by Acclamation
  • Meeting Recessed – 09:00 PT
  • Meetring Resumed – 09:10 PT
  • D0.1 Comment Resolution (11-10/0717r8)
  • CID 102 – ‘Accept’
  • CID 103 – ‘Accept’
  • CID 287 – ‘Reject’
  • CID 325 – ‘Counter’ … Draft text deleted (per CID 282)
  • CID 334 – ‘Reject’
  • CID 336 – Withdrawn by Commenter
  • CID 376 – ‘Reject’
  • CID 378 – ‘Reject’
  • CID 419 – Duplicate of CID 105
  • CID 424 – ‘Accept’
  • CID 428 – ‘Accept’
  • CID 429, 430, & 431 – ‘Accept’ … Resolved in comment resolution to CID 210
  • CID 474 –‘Reject’
  • CID 484 – ‘Counter’ … Replace “non-MSDUs” terminology & clarify statement
  • Meeting Recessed – 10:00 PT

Minutes of TGad session – ThursdayJuly 15th, 13:30 – 15:30

  • Meeting Resumed –
  • Updated TGad Agenda (11-10/0775r8)
  • Additional Comment Resolution proposals
  • 11-10/914r0
  • 11-10/920r0
  • China WPAN GHz Liaison Request (11-10/0921r0)
  • Discussion/Q&A
  • Carlos (Intel) – Support for liaison
  • Xiaoming (I2R) – CWPAN created March 2010; completion goal ~2012
  • Motion – “Request WG Chair to establish liaison with China WPAN standards organization
  • Moved – Eric Tokubo (Motorola)
  • Second – Assaf (Intel)
  • Vote (Y-N-A) – 39-0-4  APPROVED
  • Conference Calls
  • Previously Allocated Dates & Times
  • 7/22, 10:00-12:00 ET – Assaf
  • 7/29, 20:00-22:00 ET – Thomas, Toyoda
  • 8/5, 10:00-12:00 ET – Solomon, Brad
  • New Dates & Times
  • 8/12, 20:00-22:00 ET – Carlos, Sai
  • 8/19, 10:00-12:00 ET – Dan H., Yong
  • 8/26, 20:00-22:00 ET – Daniel, Brian H.
  • 9/2, 10:00-12:00 ET – Liwen
  • 9/9, 20:00-22:00 ET
  • 9/16, 10:00-12:00 ET
  • 9/23, 20:00-22:00 ET
  • 9/30, 10:00-12:00 ET
  • 10/7, 20:00-22:00 ET
  • Motion to approve conference call dates & times
  • APPROVED by Acclamation (No objection)
  • Conference Call Topic Allocation – reference 11-10/0775r9
  • Motion #3 – “Approve resolution of CID 96 found in document 11-10/0883r1
  • Moved – Thomas (Orange Labs)
  • Second –Carlos (Intel)
  • APPROVED by Acclamation (No objection)
  • Motion #4 – “Approve resolution of comments 169, 248, 252, 253, 255, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 274, 276, 278, 280, 282, 283, 293, 300, 305, 308, 310, 309, 311, 327, 322, found in document 11-10/0717r9
  • Mover – Solomon (Intel)
  • Second – Sai (Broadcom)
  • APPROVED by Acclamation (No objection)
  • Motion #5 – “Approve resolution of all CIDs found in document 11-10/0887r2”
  • Moved – Brad (Peraso)
  • Second – Assaf (Intel)
  • APPROVED by Acclamation (No objection)
  • Motion #6 – “Approve resolution of CID 335 found in document 11-10/0902r0
  • Moved – Zhou Lan (NICT)
  • Second – Shu (NICT)
  • APPROVED by Acclamation (No objection)
  • Motion #7– “Approve resolution of CID 377 found in document 11-10/0901r1
  • Moved – Carlos (Intel)
  • Second – Shu (NICT)
  • APPROVED by Acclamation (No objection)
  • Motion #8 – “Approve resolution of comments 102,103, 287, 325, 334, 376, 378, 419, 424, 428, 429, 430, 431, 474, 484, found in document 11-10/0717r9
  • Moved – Sai (Broadcom)
  • Second – Solomon (Intel)
  • APPROVED by Acclamation (No objection)
  • Plans for September 2010 Interim Meeting (Hawaii)
  • Completion of D0.1 Comment Resolution
  • ITU-R 60GHz Liaison – Wed 16:00-18:00
  • CWPAN Liaison
  • LB for 802.11ad-D1.0
  • D0.1 Comment Resolution
  • Beamlink Maintenance Illustration (11-10/0920r0)
  • Addresses CIDs 330 & 331
  • Modified draft text, 11-10/0914r0
  • Discussion/Q&A
  • D0.1 Comment Resolution Database (11-10/0717r10)
  • CID 320 – ‘Counter’
  • CID 330 & 331 – ‘Counter’
  • Meeting Adjourned – 15:30 PT

Submissionpage 1Eric Tokubo, MotorolaMotorola, Inc.