Vegetation (V1) removalform

This form must be attached to your planning permit application for the removal of native vegetation from your property

Property address:

Proposed works

  1. Why do you need to remove native vegetation? (tick all that apply)

☐Fire protection☐Agricultural production

☐Construct a new building☐Construct fence

☐Septic tank or water treatment system☐Control weeds or pest animals

☐Swimming pool or tennis court☐Timber harvesting

☐Landscaping of views☐Firewood

☐Access track/crossover or driveway

☐Other (please specify below)

  1. Describe what you propose to do that involves native vegetation removal

Avoiding and minimising removal of native vegetation

  1. Describe all of the actions you have taken to avoid native vegetation removal. If you cannot avoid native vegetation removal, please outline the reasons why.
  1. Describe all of the actions you have taken to minimise native vegetation removal, for instance through design, siting or construction techniques
  1. Describe how construction works will be managed to minimise disturbance to native vegetation which is not proposed to be removed.

Describe the native vegetation and the vegetation removal

  1. Describe the native vegetation (including trees and patches of bush) that you wish to remove.
  1. Tick the most relevant box

☐Patch of bush or native grassland with or without trees

☐Trees only with no native shrubs, ferns, grasses or wildflowers underneath

  1. Area of native vegetation proposed to be removed

hectares ORmetres squares

  1. What is the total number of trees to be removed?
  1. Give each tree proposed for removal a unique number and provide details of each tree
  • You must include any trees:

–required for removal to meet the CFA defendable space canopy separation

–within a proposed effluent disposal field

–on neighbouring properties within 10 metres of the proposed works.

Table 1.Tree description

Tree No.* / Tree species / Trunk diameter at 1.3m / Is the tree hollow bearing? / Is the tree dead? / Distance from tree to proposed works

* these numbers must also correspond to the tree number on your site plan

Land and water protection

  1. The area where the proposal is sited and/or where native vegetation is proposed to be removed is (please circle)

–less than 30 metres from a waterway or wetland? Yes No

–prone to water logging or at risk of salinity? Yes No

–at risk of erosion or landslip? Yes No

–on a slope greater than 20 per cent (12 degrees)?Yes No

–a salinity recharge or discharge area?Yes No

If you circled ‘yes’ to any of these questions, please outline any management or projection measures you propose to address the issues(s)


Attach colour photographs of the vegetation you propose to remove. The location that the photos were taken must also be included on the site plan.

Site plan

Attach a site plan to clearly show information required for the application. For a check list of requirements please refer to How to complete a vegetation (V1) removal form, to ensure that you have included all the requirements for your application to be assessed.

Additional information

Is your property size greater than 4000 square metres (1 acre)?YESNO

If you answered yes, you will also need to provide:

  1. Recent dated colour photographs of the native vegetation to be removed (digital photos are fine).
  2. Details of any other native vegetation that was permitted to be removed on the same property with the same ownership in the previous 5 years.
  3. Complete a Biodiversity Assessment in accordance with Clause 52.17 of the Cardinia Planning Scheme (available at