Abstract submitted as possible contribution to the 70th Canadian Geotechnical Conference “GeoOttawa2017”, October 1st-4th, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Wellhead Protection Areas for public supply wells in Baraki, Algiers, Algeria

Sarah Boukemidja,

LRS EAU, École Polytechnique, El Harrach, Alger, Algérie

Djaouida Chenaf*

Civil Engineering Department, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston,

* Corresponding author

Ahmed Kettab

LRS EAU, École Polytechnique, El Harrach, Alger, Algérie


The wellhead protection area (WHPA) is the area of land surrounding a municipal or a private well, which contributes water to the well. For each well, a WHPA has to be delimited. In Algeria, the provisions of the Algerian Water Law (2005) devote 19 articles dealing with the qualitative and quantitative protection of water resources (Title I, Article 2, paragraphs 2 and 3 of Act No. 05 12 of 4 August 2005). It stipulates the objectives of the management and sustainable development of water resources and protection of groundwater against the risks of pollution. The Executive Decree No. 07-399 (2007) sets out the terms and conditions for the creation and delimitation of a WHPA. The Executive Decree No. 10-73 (February 2010) on qualitative WHPA sets standards in the context of the sustainable management of water resources.

The municipality of Baraki is located in the Capital Algiers (Algeria). Of an area equal to 11.5 km2, it is an integrated part of the Mitidja. It is limited to the north by the commune of Gué de Constantine, to the south by the commune of Sidi Moussa, to the west by the Oued el Harrach and to the east by the commune of Eucalyptus.

The Baraki catchment field relies on groundwater wells to supply drinking water to its residents (5x104 m3/day). These wells are subject to industrial and agricultural pollution. The latter caused by intensive spilling of fertilizers and pesticides. Non-engineered landfills adjacent to wells also contribute to the groundwater pollution. Therefore, this pumping field of Baraki is of great importance for the Algerian State and represents the nation’s first case study in delimiting the WHPA. This study was performed using the method of Wyssling 1979 to calculate the isochrones for each pumping well of the catchment area. Each of the parcels intersected by the ellipsoid are included in the corresponding WHPA. To safeguard the quality of underlying groundwater supply from potential contamination sources, protective measures are proposed.

Keywords: Well Head Protection Area (WHPA), Baraki, Algeria, Method of Wyssling, industrial and agricultural pollution.