Council Agenda Report

Approval Of Proposed Boundary Of Underground Utilities District No. 10 And Public Hearing Schedule

August 1, 2006

Page 3



Council Agenda Report

Approval Of Proposed Boundary Of Underground Utilities District No. 10 And Public Hearing Schedule

August 1, 2006

Page 3

AGENDA DATE: August 1, 2006

TO: Mayor and Councilmembers

FROM: Engineering Division, Public Works Department

SUBJECT: Approval Of Proposed Boundary Of Underground Utilitiy District No. 10 And Public Hearing Schedule


A.  Approve the boundary of the proposed Underground Utility District (UUD) No. 10 and schedule a public hearing to determine whether the public necessity, health, safety or welfare requires the removal of poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures within the proposed UUD No. 10 and the underground installation of wires and facilities for supplying electric, communication or similar or associated service for August 22, 2006, at 2:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers; and

B.  Authorize the General Services Manager to issue a Purchase Order with Facilities Management Services (FMS) in an amount not to exceed $45,000 for project coordination services during design and construction.



On June 6, 2006, City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation (Attachment 2) for Underground Utility District (UUD) No. 10 to be in the vicinity of the Cliff Drive at Meigs Road intersection. As discussed at the June 6, 2006 session, staff was working to refine the Southern California Edison (SCE) preliminary estimate to determine if the undergrounding could be extended to Fellowship Road, or even further, to Flora Vista Drive. The original SCE preliminary estimate for undergrounding from Fire Station No. 6 to Camino Calma was $3.5 to $4.5 million.


Staff hired a retired SCE planner as a consultant, who has been working closely with SCE to better refine the estimate. The refined estimate reveals that it is likely that the UUD No. 10 can extend from Fire Station No. 6 on the east, to Mesa Lane on the west (several hundred yards past Flora Vista Drive to the school boundary), at a cost of $4.2 million. This is within the $3.5 to $4.5 million project range that was approved on June 6, 2006, and creates a reserve for the “opportunity projects” that were discussed at that time.

The reason that the undergrounding can be extended this distance over the earlier expectations is because many of the commercial facilities in the mall areas to the east and west of Meigs Road are already undergrounded from the power poles at the back of the parcels. As part of the final design, SCE will prepare a final cost estimate. It may be that the UUD No. 10 boundaries will change slightly due to construction costs, which have escalated significantly and have, to the extent possible, been factored into the refined preliminary estimate.


During the design and construction phases, there will be significant interaction with the commercial merchants and residents within the proposed UUD No. 10. There will be informational public meetings, notification of schedules, coordination with SCE and the other utilities (Verizon and Cox), and resolution of construction issues. FMS is a firm that has extensive facilities management experience, including public relations and customer service. FMS was chosen by a proposal solicitation process. The $45,000 purchase order is a not-to-exceed amount, and will be charged only for actual hourly services rendered.


The following information is required pursuant to Section 22.40.030 of the Santa Barbara Municipal Code:

The proposed district for the undergrounding of overhead utilities encompasses Cliff Drive, from Fire Station No. 6, west to Mesa Lane, and also includes portions of Lighthouse Road, Meigs Road, Camino Calma, and Flora Vista Drive, as shown on Attachment 1.

Upon passage of a Resolution creating a UUD, SCE will commence design and, upon completion, prepare a final cost estimate. Design will require 18 to 24 months, which includes SCE coordination with the other utilities (Verizon and Cox), who are required to underground at their own cost. These utilities typically use the SCE excavation. Construction typically takes one year, so the overall schedule for the project will achieve completion in mid to late 2009.


According to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Rule 20A, under which this project will be funded, upon request by the City and incorporation into the Resolution creating UUD No. 10, Rule 20A funds can be used to pay for the installation of the undergrounding past the CPUC conventional 100 feet up to and including conversion of the parcel’s electrical panel. It is recommended that Council approve this proposal so that it may be included in the Resolution.

Individual costs to property owners for service connections for telephone and cable connections may be necessary if those services are not on the same side of the structure as the SCE electrical panel. Estimated costs to make these connections range from $500 to $2,500 per property, depending on whether or not the phone and cable services can be routed through attics or require trenching, at 2006 prices.

As part of the process for forming an UUD, Municipal Code Section 22.40.020 requires that Council schedule a Public Hearing to consider the public necessity of the project. Staff requests that the meeting to conduct the Public Hearing and adopt a Resolution creating UUD No. 10 be held at the August 22, 2006, Council meeting.


There are sufficient funds in the newly established Underground Fund to cover the cost of the consultant.

ATTACHMENTS: 1 Map of Underground Utility District No. 10

2. Planning Commission Minutes of May 11, 2006

PREPARED BY: Homer F. Smith II, Principal Engineer/kts

SUBMITTED BY: Anthony J. Nisich, Public Works Director

APPROVED BY: City Administrator’s Office


Council Agenda Report

Approval Of Proposed Boundary Of Underground Utilities District No. 10 And Public Hearing Schedule

August 1, 2006

Page 3

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