World Civilization

Mrs. Allison Rhodes Whaley

Room 234

Supplies Needed

All you will need is something to write with, and something to write on. I would suggest some sort of notebook with pockets to keep up with your work.

Items Supplied By The School That Must Be Returned At The End Of The Year

Modern World History Text (only if checked out)

Course Description

In this course we will be learning about past events that led us to our present. We will be studying the period of time beginning in 1300 and continuing to present day. History is such an important part of our lives, and this class will help students to understand how historical events helped to shape the world we live in today.


Students will follow the school wide behavior plan.

All major infractions must be written up and sent to the office.

All minor infractions will result in the following

1st Warning and corrective action

2nd Teacher/Student Conference and a consequence

3rd Parent/Teacher Conference and a contract

4th Administrative Action



Be prepared!

Do YOUR best!

Follow all school rules!


Follow the rules

Work hard

Pay attention

Be on time

Be positive


Turn in completed, quality work

Grading Scale

100-90% - A

89-80% - B

79- 70% - C

69-60% - D

59 and below – F


Me – I do have 5 children of my own (6 months, 2, 5, 7, & 9); there is a good possibility that I will be absent at some point during the year. In the event that I am not here, that does not constitute a free day for you. We have a lot of content to cover, and I expect you to complete any lesson that I may leave with a substitute teacher. I have high expectations for all my students when I am in the classroom, and when I have to be out. All assignments not completed during my class time, will be given to the students as homework to complete on their time.

You – I understand that there may be days that you are not here. Please note that just because you are not here, it doesn’t mean that our world stops; we will continue with our scheduled lesson…even in your absence. Please don’t ask me, “Mrs. Whaley, did I miss anything?” You should know that anytime you are out of the classroom, you have missed something. Instead, you should ask, “What did I miss?” This should be done before or after class, not while I am teaching. I will not baby you; if you missed my class, you better come get your work or it will be marked a zero. My teacher page will be a great place to keep up with your assignments.


By signing below, you agree to follow my rules and expectations. This is for a grade!

Student Signature ______Date: ______

From time to time a movie, or movie clips may be appropriate to assist with a topic we are covering. Please sign below giving your child permission to view the movie with the class.

Parent Signature______Date:______

I want to work with all parents to make sure that your children have the best chance of success! Please feel free to contact me anytime, and please leave some numbers where I can reach you should something arise concerning your child.

Parent Signature ______Date: ______

Please list all names and contact numbers of those that I may call concerning your child.