Digestive Tract Prezi Directions

Before beginning, please read through ALL of the directions and rubric

Part 1 Getting the Picture:

If you would like to use an animal of your own:

Create a PowerPoint slide,

Insert a picture of a ruminant animal of your choice

Draw in the digestive track if necessary

Save as Jpeg

OR If you would like to use the goat already saved to the class webpage, simply save that picture to your own folder

Part 2:

Go to Prezi.com

If necessary, create an accout

Select a template

On top of the screen, Click- Insert

Insert your jpeg of a ruminant animal

Create a frame of the entire animal first

Then create a frame for each part of the digestive tract

(starting with mouth, ending with rectum)

Part 3:

Label each part (mouth, esophagus, rumen, reticulum, omasum, abomasum, small intestine, cecum, large intestine, and rectum)

Include why it is important or what function it serves to the digestion of food

For at least 5 parts, insert a photo obtained online (for instance, when you arrive at the rumen, include a photo of the rumen with the description)

RUBRIC- out of a possible 35 points

5 / 3 / 1 / 0
Organs of the Digestive Tract
(x2) / Includes all 10 of the required parts / Includes 5-6 of the required parts / Includes 2-3 of the required parts / Includes 1 or less of the required parts
(x2) / The function of each of the 10 organs is clearly, thoroughly and accurately described. / The function of at least 5 organs are described clearly, or at least 6 are very vaguely described / The function of at least 2 organs are described clearly, or at least 3 are very vaguely described / Includes 1 or less description
Photos/ Images
(x1) / There are at least 5 pictures/images and all pictures/images add to the purpose and interest of the Prezi.
/ There are at least 3 pictures/images and all pictures/images add to the purpose and interest of the Prezi.
/ There is at least 1 picture/image and that add to the purpose and interest of the Prezi.
/ No additional photos or images
Layout and Design
(x1) / The overall organization, design, use of color, and use of space help to make the preziinteresting and to communicate the message
/ The design is clear but not overly eye-catching / The prezi is distracting and difficult for the viewer to follow and learn from / Impossible for viewer to follow
(x1) / Prezi has no spelling, grammar or punctuation errors / Prezi has 3-4 errors in spellings, grammar or punctuation / Prezi has 7-8 errors in spelling, grammar or punctuation. / Prezi has more than 8 errors in spelling, grammar or punctuation