
May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ,

who was born of the Virgin Mary,

be with you all.

Introduction and Litany of Praise

AMary’s ‘Assumption into heaven’ means that she shares in her Son’s victory over death, and enjoys the fullness of eternal glory. During her earthly life, Mary was a humble person who sought to do the will of God at all times. She shows us the way we must go in order to share her glory. (pause)

We turn to God who, as Mary said, is rich in love and mercy.

Lord, your mercy reaches from age to age.

Lord, have mercy.

You fill the hungry with good things.

Christ have mercy.

You raise up the powerless who trust in you.

Lord, have mercy

BToday we celebrate the glorification of Mary. She who shared intimately in the joyful and sorrowful mysteries of Jesus’ earthly life, now shares his glory in heaven. We too are called to share in the glory of Jesus. Mary, our mother, will help us in moments of discouragement and failure. (pause)

Let us confess our sins to God, asking Mary and all the saints to intercede for us.

I confess to almighty God…

Opening Prayer

Faithful to your promise, O God,

you have lifted up the lowly,

clothing with heavenly splendor

the woman who bore Christ - our life and resurrection.

Grant that, like Mary,

we may hear your word and keep it

and one day share with her

the risen life of Christ your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

God for ever and ever. AMEN.


PWith the help of Mary, our mother, let us pray together to our Father that he may look with favor upon us, his servants, and do great things in us.

CMOur response is:Lord, fill us with your love.

Please repeat:

1For our world that longs to be free from terrorism, war and death. (pause)

May Christ put all these enemies under his feet and keep them far from our lives.

We pray:

2For all people of good will who work to transform our society. (pause)

May they strive to lift up the lowly and fill the hungry with good things.

We pray:

3For the poor and all those who suffer persecution. (pause)

That God will bring down the powers that oppress his people who hunger for what is right. We pray:

4That we all see Mary, who visited her cousin Elizabeth, as the perfect model of love for God and neighbor. We pray:

[The Presider may add a Petition that is local / relevant]

PLord God, you have taken Mary into heavenly glory.

We ask you to keep us in your love and lead us to share in that same glory. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord.

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord God,

you let your Spirit come down on Mary

and made her the mother of Jesus, your Son.

May your Spirit come down with power

on our humble gifts of bread and wine

so that they may become the food and drink of eternal life.

We make our prayer through Christ our Lord.

Preface of the Assumption (P 59)

It is truly right and just,

our duty and our salvation,

always and everywhere,

to give you thanks, Father most holy, through your beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

Today the Virgin mother of God was taken up into heaven

to be the beginning and the pattern of the Church

in its perfection,

and a sign of hope and comfort for your people

on their pilgrim way.

You would not allow decay to touch her body,

for she had given birth to your Son, the Lord of all life,

in the glory of the incarnation.

In our joy we sing to your glory

with all the choirs of angels:

Holy, Holy…

Invitation to the Lord’s Prayer

In her words and actions, Mary fulfilled God’s will.

We pray that God’s Will may be done as we say / sing:

Deliver us Lord

Deliver us, Lord, from every evil,

and from the fear of the last enemy – death.

Let your compassion and faithful love

reach from age to age,

and fill the hungry with good things,

as we wait in joyful hope for our resurrection

at the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Prayer for Peace

Lord Jesus Christ, you say to us today:

“All who exalt themselves will be humbled,

but all who humble themselves will be exalted.”

Look not on our sins of pride,

but upon the faith of your church,

and grant us the ‘salvation and the power’ of your kingdom

where you live for ever and ever.

Sign of Peace

Mary brought Christ into the world.

Now let us recognize him in each other

as we offer a sign of peace.

Invitation to Communion

This is the BREAD come down from heaven: [holds up BREAD]

Those who eat of it will never die.

This is the CUP of eternal life: [holds up CUP]

Those who drink of it will live for ever.

Prayer after Communion

God of all that lives,

your Son Jesus has reassured us in this Eucharist

that he is ‘the resurrection and the life.’

With Mary, his mother,

may we be humble enough

to listen to your word,

be concerned with the needs of our neighbor,

and be to the world the body of your Son

until we too share in your glory for ever. AMEN.


Born of Mary,

the Son of God redeemed humankind.

May he enrich you with his blessings.


You received the author of life through Mary.

May you always rejoice in her loving care.


You have come to rejoice at Mary’s feast.

May you be filled with the joys of the Spirit

and the gifts of your eternal home.


And may our loving God bless you,

the Father, and the Son, + and the Holy Spirit.



Proclaiming the Mighty One

who has done great things for Mary and for us,

go in peace to love and serve the Lord.

Assumption ABC - 1