I.  Heading

Number Sense

Danielle O’Rourke


Addition and Subtracting Using the Learning Grid

Second Grade

18 Students

15 to 20 minutes

Multiple Intelligences- Logical-mathematical intelligence, Spatial intelligence, Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence, Interpersonal intelligence, and Intrapersonal intelligence

National Standards- Understand numbers, easy of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems. Understand meaning of operations and how they relate to one another and compute fluently and make reasonable estimates.

State Standards- 2.PS.5 Use informal counting strategies to find solutions, 2.PS.6 Experience teacher-directed questioning process to understand problems, 2.CN.9 Recognize and apply mathematics to objects, pictures and symbols, and 2.N.16 Use a variety of strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems using one- and two-digit numbers with and without regrouping.

II.  Rationale and Background

The students in first grade got an introduction to single digit addition and subtraction. This year in my second grade class we will review the single digit and double digit addition and subtraction. They will learn how to solve addition and subtraction using both single and double digits. Addition and subtraction are used in everyday life. We use it when we go shopping, when we are reading a map to find out how many miles we have left, and also time. This is a basic math skill that everyone needs to learn.

III.  Lesson Objective

1.  The students will variety of stages to solve addition and subtraction by using one to two digit numbers with and without regrouping. (2.N.16)

2.  The students will complete a worksheet on addition and subtraction of one digit numbers. (1.N.18)

3.  The student will then learn addition and subtraction of two digit numbers with the learning gird. (2.PS.9)

4.  The student will demonstrate the understanding of addition and subtraction of two digit numbers. (2.CM.3)

IV. Materials

A.  Work Sheet

B.  10X10 grid

C.  4 Poster boards

D.  Candy

V.  Procedures

A.  Introduction and Motivation

1.  I will begin the class by introducing the topic “Good afternoon class, in your first grade class you learned the basic addition and subtraction. Well today we are going to review those skills that you have previously learned and then we are going to move onto two digit addition and subtraction.” (Objective 1)

2.  I will ask the student “Why addition and subtraction are important for everyday life?”

3.  I will split the students up into groups of 2 to work on a handout. Since we have seventeen students we will end up with one group that has three.

B.  Lesson Body

1.  I will then pass out the worksheet that is reviewing addition and subtraction single digits. After I am done passing the sheet out I will read the directions at the top. (Objective 2)

2.  I will allow the students work in the pairs that I have assigned.

3.  I will walk around the classroom just to make sure if anyone has any questions.

4.  I will then review the worksheet that was handed out to make sure there is a complete understanding before I move on.(Objective 2)

5.  I will then ask all the student to crowd around the 10X10 learning grid (made of the 8 poster boards).

6.  I will tell the students that at the top of the grip looking from left to right that those are numbers 1 to 10. Then the line below is 11 through 20 and so on till I get to the last line which would be 91 through 100. (Objective 3)

7.  I will have one of the student volunteer to help me demonstrate how to get the answer to long addition and subtraction problems.

8.  For Example: 6+20-3+59+2-15= ?. The student will stand on the 6. Then will add 20 by moving down from the 6 and will end up on the 26 on the grid. Then the student will move to the left to subtract the 3 and end up on 23. Then move down 5 and then move to the right 9 to add and you end up on the 82. Then move to the right once again to add the 2 then end on the 84. Then move to the left to subtract the 15. Then you will receive the answer which would be 69. (Objective 3)

C.  Closure/Conclusion

1.  The student will get into groups of 6 and one of the groups will have 5.

2.  The student will make their own equation.

3.  A student from another group who does not know the answer will more along the grid map.

4.  This will show me that the students understand how to use the grid map. Then each group at the end will receive a prize for good effort! (Objective 4)

VI. Evaluation

A.  Student Assessment

1.  During the lesson I will be observing the students as the work on the worksheet that I handed out.

2.  I will make sure all the students have a complete understanding of what is going on before moving forward.

3.  After explain how the grid works. I will observe the children to make sure they have a complete understanding on how it works.

4.  I will ask the students to volunteer, because I feel that if you get the students more involved and make the activities more active and fun they will learn and enjoy it.

5.  I will make sure that everyone will get a chance on the grid for me to make sure that everyone knows what they are doing.

6.  After everyone having a turn on the grid will they will get into groups and make up their own equation.

7.  I will give them two numbers on the grid then, the students will make an equation that one of the other students from another group will solve.

B.  Self- Evaluation

1.  Did every student understand the lesson?

2.  What didn’t they understand?

3.  Did everything go smoothly?

4.  What it useful for the topic?

5.  Would I use it again for the next year?

6.  What could I change?