Unit III: Sentences

Unit Objectives:

Students will:

1.  Learn sentence structure and its purpose

2.  Review parts of a sentence

3.  Identify dependent and independent clauses

Unit Assessments:

1.  Practice writing and identifying complex sentences

2.  Unit Test


Date / Assignment Due / Class Activity / Homework
Week 11/3-11/7
Monday (green)
Tuesday (tan, purple) / Due paragraph assignment
Bring House on Mango Street books to return / UNIT TEST / None
Wednesday (Early Dismissal) / Grammar Pre-Test on pg. 46
PowerPoint on Sentences / Read article on pg. 49 and annotate
Thursday / Practice independent and dependent clauses
Friday (tan, green) / Review pg. 49, parts of a sentence
Complete pg. 51 & 53.
Monday (purple) / Review pg. 49, parts of a sentence
Complete pg. 51 & 53.
Week 11/10-11/14
Tuesday / N / O / S C H O O L
Wednesday / Sentences Part II on pg. 59
Complete pg. 61 / Complete Seven-Carat Diamond activity on pg. 61
Thursday / Due “Seven-Carat Diamond” / Review, pg. 57
Share “Seven-Carat Diamond”
Friday (green)
Monday (tan, purple) / Complete pg. 63
Take practice quiz on pg. 65
Start Sentence Combining / Complete pg. 77
Study for Quiz
Week 11/18-11/21
Tuesday / QUIZ on Sentences / Read articles given in class and annotate them.
Wednesday (green, tan)
Thursday (purple) / Comma Rules: SPICE / Complete pg. 99-103
Friday / Complete pg. 78/appositives / Study for Comma Quiz
Week 11/25-11/26
Monday / Comma Quiz/ Review semicolons on 105-106 and complete 107
Tuesday / Comma Errors: read pages 115 & 117 and take notes on 119 & 120. / Study for comma error quiz: http://chompchomp.com/excercises.htm#
Wednesday / Comma Error Quiz
Week 12/2-12/5
Tuesday (tan, purple) / Comma Errors: read pages 115 & 117 and take notes on 119 & 120. / Study for comma error quiz: http://chompchomp.com/excercises.htm#
Wednesday / Comma Errors / Complete review guide
Friday / Comma Splices/Fragments podcasts / Study for test
Week 12/9-12/13
Monday / Review for test / Study for test
Tuesday / Review for test / Study for test
Thursday/Friday / Unit Test
Week 12/15-12/19
Monday / Paragraphs
Tuesday (Tan, green)
Wednesday (purple) / Participles and phrases / Study for quiz
Thursday / Participles Quiz
Friday / Writing Paragraphs / Choose a painting
Week 12/22-12/24
Monday (green) / Writing Paragraphs / Choose a painting
Tuesday (tan) / Writing Paragraphs / Choose a painting
Week 1/5-1/9
Monday (green & tan) / Painting a message/Computer Lab
Tuesday/Thursday (purple) / Paragraph due today, at the end of class / Painting a message /Computer Lab