Welcome to 8th Grade Language Arts!

“You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes. YOU can steer yourself any direction YOU choose.”

-Dr. Seuss

Teacher: Mrs. Lauren Vender

Teacher email:

Phone: (270) 274-7893 Ext. 219

General Information

Reading: This year students will be reading many different genres and forms of reading materials. This will include but is not limited to: fiction (short stories, novels, historical, fantasy, science, poetry, plays) and nonfiction (articles, blog entries, brochures, memoirs, narratives). Students will be asked to respond to literature through their writing and through class discussion. Students will be responsible for setting challenging reading goals for themselves.

Writing: Students will create many different types of writing. This includes writing to learn and writing to show me what they have learned. We will be participating in writing workshops that will allow students to receive individualized writing instruction and feedback. Students will be responsible for setting challenging writing goals for themselves.

Required Materials:

One three-subject notebook


Loose leaf paper

Homework folder (share will the rest of your classes)

Make-Up Work

It is your responsibility to make sure that you get information about any work that you miss because of an excused absence.

Homework Policy

I expect you to read your independent reading book at home at least four days per week for at least 20 minutes (to start with). I will check your progress during reading workshop. It is vital that you complete this reading if you are to meet your learning goals. Students who read more, achieve more. I will assign additional homework as needed. Students who do not turn in assigned homework will lose points and disciplinary actions will be taken.


You are considered tardy to my class if you are not in your seat when the tardy bell rings.

Conduct Grades

Conduct grades are posted by the front door. Your parent will be contacted after 10 conduct points are taken. An office referral will be sent after 14 points are taken. After one office referral, you will receive additional referrals after 6 points.

Daily Routines:

Before Class Starts:

  • Use the restroom
  • Sharpen your pencil
  • Make sure you have all your supplies (notebook, pencil, paper, independent reading book)
  • Be in your seat before the tardy bell rings
  • Graded papers will be passed out during this time
  • Check the agenda and “I can” statements
  • We will start each day with independent reading. This means that you will need to be in your seat, reading silently until I give you further instruction.

During class:

  • You are to remain in your seat at all times, unless given permission to get up (or in case of an emergency).
  • Students are expected to remain on task and quiet during the day’s lesson. In the event that a student has a question or comment to make, the student should raise their hand to signal the teacher to call on them. Students who call the teacher’s name will be ignored.
  • In the event of a pencil break please wait to sharpen your pencil if your teacher is giving instructions. When she is finished you may get up and sharpen your pencil. There should only be one person at the pencil sharpener at a time.
  • If you finish your work early you may read your independent reading book, work on your writing, study for an upcoming test, or work on absentee work (only for language arts).
  • We will take a rest room break toward the middle of each block. Therefore, please keep your restroom breaks to a minimum. If you need to make an emergency trip, please raise your hand and ask to go.

At the end of class:

  • Class will end with some type of review of the day’s lesson.
  • Make sure that you clean up your area, put away things you have borrowed from your teacher, pack up your belongings, and take all of your things with you.

Pet Peeves:

  • Asking me information that you can easily find yourself (What are we doing today?)
  • Talking while I am talking (or anyone else in this class is talking).
  • Leaving things on/in/around your desk.