City of Pembina

Pembina, North Dakota58271

152 W. Rolette St.

Minutes of August 11, 2008 City Council Meeting

Attendance: Mayor Warren HillukkaCouncil: John Feldman, Kyle Dorion,Greg Wilmer, Debbie Stanhope and Bev Burke Present: PWSKen Norby,Attorney Neil Fleming, AuditorNancy Thompson, Deputy Auditor Lisa Penn & City Engineer Dan Johnson

Others Present: None

Since no one was present for Public Hearing,

Regular meetingwas called to order by Mayor Hillukka at 7p.m.

1. Changes made to agenda: No changes

Meeting recessed at 7.10 pm for public hearing -Gordon Johnson with NorthValley water here to discuss city water flow.

Pam Whaley was in to discuss weeds and debris in coulee.

Regular meeting reconvened at 7:40 p.m.

2. Motion by Dorion, second by Wilmer to approved July minutes and Special meeting minutes as amended Motion carried unanimously.

3. City Attorney Update: a) No word from GSA on the contract.b) Neil will draw up new animal ordinance and parking.

4. Employee Report: a) Goals/priorities reviewed. b) Quotes from Twamley for tree removal along dike, coin water& parking lot.Motion by Feldman second by Dorion to accept quote from Twamley on removal of trees along dike.

5. Mayoral Update: a) Warren has received no word from GSA. b) Inquiring on sales tax for parcel pickup/ storage services.

6. Auditor Update: a) July financials reviewed and approved. b) August bills reviewed and approved.Motion by Dorion second by Stanhope to accept Pembina Fire Departments application of Local Permit for Raffle. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Feldman, second by Dorion accepting submitted quote on two new desks for the Pembina city office.Motion carried unanimouslyMotion by Dorion second by Feldman to use Ameripride services.Motion carried unanimously. c) Angle parking on Rolette St., will make up a list and send Neil to update what streets have angle parking so we can update ordinances on parking.

7. Committee Reports: a) Engineer Johnson - has contacted three different contractors for manholes and has received one quote.

b) Personnel- recommend adjustment in Lisa wage with it being retro active from date of hire.Committees’ recommendation is theMotion. Roll call vote: Ayes: Wilmer, Dorion, Stanhope, Burke and Feldman. Nays: none. Motion carries.

d) Rec. Board- had great attendance at dance this year. Gate admission did well

c) CommunityCenter-Motion byFeldman second by Dorion to accept Community Center rates and rental agreement with changes. Motion carried unanimously. Motion byFeldman second by Burke to accept ad for Custodian position.Motion carried unanimously.

8. New Issues – NDLC yearly membership Motion byFeldman second by Dorion to renew yearly NDLC membership. Motion carried unanimously

9. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 9:45 p.m.

By: ______

Mayor Warren Hillukka

Attested to: ______

Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator