Burnside Bowling Club JobDescription – Sponsorship Convener

Responsibilities:Maximise the external revenue from sponsorship relationships and opportunities

Reports to:President or nominated executive member


Principal Duties:Form and lead sponsorship sub-committee of which one person will be identified and trained as a backup

During the off-season, (preferably before the club programme is printed), contact all previous years tournament sponsors and seek a renewal or expansion of the sponsorship level for the forthcoming year

Develop and maintain a register of potential sponsors (especially focusing on relevant age related industries (eg car sales, insurance, investment, healthcare etc)

Identify/approach/secure replacement tournament sponsors where necessary, (avoiding clashes of sponsor types)

Check the scoreboard sponsors coming up for renewal on the three year cycle and approach them for renewed sponsorship. Update respective scoreboard signs as necessary with the signwriter

Review and update club promotional material (eg Why sponsor Burnside?) as necessary for presentation in sponsorship proposals to significant sponsors

Link high value tournaments (eg Stewart Buttar Pairs) to a media

management plan designed to maximise sponsor exposure

Identify and progress other sponsorship opportunities ie

signage … in and on the club rooms, green surrounds, on membership cards, on coasters, on sponsors flags, and sponsors logos on club uniforms

advertisements … in the clubs handbook, newsletter, website, fliers or display cards on tables

product display eg vehicles on tournament days, or static display in the clubrooms

individual players (eg national selection), or elite teams

Communicate invoicing information to the treasurer

Develop and maintain sponsor profiles on the sponsor board,

club website, noticeboards, and during events

Maintain accurate information/spreadsheets on sponsors,

contacts, sponsorship levels, expiry dates for signage etc

Keep regular contact with sponsors, provide them with feedback on member support and host them socially in the club

Provide the executive, for budget approval, with an estimate of the next years projected sponsorship income and expenditure

Success indicators:- successor identified and trained

-external revenue generated

-tournament sponsors retained/replaced

-% available scoreboards resold

-sponsor satisfaction

Objectives:- all tournaments have sponsors of at least current level

-all scoreboards resold

-sponsor night hosted

-naming rights for clubrooms negotiated after World Bowls

Burnside Bowling Club Job Description – Membership Convener June 20071