1. To be eligible to play entrants must:

(a)Be domiciled at least 50km from Adelaide

(b)Be currently registered and playing with in the nearest local affiliated Country club or association.

  1. TEAM EVENTS will be played on Saturday 7th June 2014. Timetable & program will be forwarded as soon as available.
    INDIVIDUAL EVENTS will be played on Sunday 8th June 2014 and Monday if required. Draw will be posted on Saturday for viewing.
  2. PLAY will commence at 8:30 am on both days. Players are requested to arrive by 8.15 am on Saturday to ensure play starts on time.
  3. ENTRIES CLOSE Wednesday 21st May. No entries either Team or Individual will be accepted without fees.
  4. Entries and fees to be returned to your Country Committee Representative who will forward entries in bulk to the Country Carnival Secretary.
  5. FEES: $42.00 PER TEAM. Individual fees as per entry form.
  6. It is the responsibility of the Association or Club to ensure that their players know their teams and times of play, and are familiar with the conditions of the venue and rules of play.
  7. Tournament Committee reserves the right to decide eligibility of players for any event.
  8. During the tournament all players will be required to umpire. It is the responsibility of the winning players to see that the scorecard is correctly completed and returned to the control desk.
  9. Three star white balls will be used for all events. Please wear the appropriate apparel.
  10. No gluing permitted at the table tennis centre.
  11. Bats used shall conform to ITTF regulations.
  12. NO CLAIM whatsoever will be recognised should any player or spectator receive injury during participation in the T.T.S.A. Country Carnival Event.
  13. The ‘time-out’ rule will not apply at the Carnival.


  1. (a) A team shall consist of a minimum of three playerswho shall be bonafide players of the Association or Club they are to represent. In a case where an Association or Club shall have an imbalance of standard or insufficient numbers, it may be allowed to combine with another Association or Club, subject to the approval of the Country Carnival Championships Tournament Committee. However, any team nomination by an Association or Club must have at least two members from its own ranks. A player cannot play in more than one team.

(b)Grading teams will be subject to confirmation by the Tournament Committee. To help with grading of teams the grade of each player must be clearly shown on the entry form.

(c)‘C’ Grade Teams, Under 18 Teams and Under 15 Teams may be mixed.

14.(a)Each match shall consist of 9 Singles rubbersplayed under T.T.S.A. and T.T.A. rules. Matches shall start at the times stated in the program unless varied by the Tournament Committee.

(b)There will be no interchange of players between teams from the same Association or Club playing in the same Grade.

(c)In an emergency a player may move to a team in a higher grade than that in which they are registered but may not move to a lower grade without the approval of the Tournament Committee.

15.The Tournament Committee reserves the right to cancel, combine or modify team numbers and composition if circumstances force such change. Note: 9 tables will be available for play this year.


  1. As well as above eligibility rule the following applies:
    Veteran events are open to players Over 40, 50 and 60 at 31 December 2013.
    Junior events are open to players Under 18, 15 and 13 at 31 December 2012.
    18-39 events are open to players who are not eligible to play in either veteran or junior events.
  2. Players may enter a maximum of 6 events.
  3. The Tournament Committee reserves the right to cancel or combine events if there are not sufficient entries.

Houghton Table Tennis Club
(East Adelaide Table Tennis Centre)

Stradbroke Road, Newton




Cheques made payable to – Counry Table Tennis Committee (or CTTC)

Bulk entries to Claire Rathjen

19 James Harrold Court, Golden Grove, 5125

A/H Ph: 8251 1770




Please accept my entry for the following events. (Maximum 6 events)

Event number(s)………………………………………………………………………..







Please find enclosed $ ...... being payment in full.

(Entries not accepted without payment)

Name: ......

First name – Surname (print clearly)

Address: ......

...... Postcode: ......

Phone: ...... Grade: ......

Association: ...... Date of Birth: ......


DECLARATION: I hereby declare that I have read the tournament conditions and agree to abide by those conditions and by the decisions of the Referee and those of the Tournament Committee.

Player’s Signature: ...... Date: ......



Please accept my entry for the following events. (Maximum 6 events)

Event number(s) ......







Please find enclosed $ ...... being payment in full.

(Entries not accepted without payment)

Name: ......

First name – Surname (print clearly)

Address: ......

...... Postcode: ......

Phone: ...... Grade: ......

Association: ...... Date of Birth: ......


DECLARATION: I hereby declare that I have read the tournament conditions and agree to abide by those conditions and by the decisions of the Referee and those of the Tournament Committee.

Player’s Signature: ...... Date: ......