November 12, 2014

President’s Report: Kim Sullivan and Heather Costello

Upcoming Events:

v  Thanksgiving Food Drive – now until Nov 21st – all donations are appreciated and will go to local food banks – bins are located at front of school when kids walk in from the bus

v  Restaurant Nights- Nov 17th Taco Bell Tracey Pereborow

v  Pretzel Sale- Nov 21 and Dec 19 $.50 each

v  Market Day – Thanks for your support doing Pennies for Pies – over $1000 was donated so over 80 pies were donated. Next pick up is Dec 3 with orders due end of November

v  PTO Directory advertisers needed by Nov 17 – Karyn Coates– Huge thanks to all the families and teachers who joined the PTO. We are about where we were in previous years.

v  Spirit Wear Sale- now until Nov 14 they make great gifts – Karyn Coates

v  Birthday Books – discussion about whether to continue with birthday book program . Only 3 kids bought birthday books during book fair. There has been a steady decline in the kids who participate. The consensus was to continue but to check with Mrs. Gorgol about making a few changes. Update will be coming.

Committee Reports:

v  Halloween Pizza Night Fundraiser - $286 profit – people who purchased pizza happy with quality – uncertain if worth time and effort to do again next year

v  Learning Express Fundraiser – Nov 3-9th too soon to know how we did

v  Science Fair- Nov 5- Thanks to all who participated and attended. We had 136 students working on over 70 projects and delivering over 3000 presentations. Looking for someone to shadow Brig next year with the idea of carrying it on in the year that follows - Brig Mason, Kim Jabbar

v  Market Day- $330 in profit this past month. Thanks to all who purchase. Theresa Green, Kathy Doherty, Karen Pavlovcak

v  Yankee Candle Fundraiser- Thanks for your support – around $8200 in profits. You can still buy online through December. Nicole Christman

v  Parliamentarian- Need to revise the bylaws – not up to date – now have committee in place – will meet to revise using templates from other elementary schools in District to get them in line with District guidelines. Hoping to have them revised so they can be presented at December PTO meeting. Krista Mastropaolo

v  Product Redemption/BoxTops Contest- Thanks for continuing to save and send in your box tops. Questions please contact Kateri O’Brien and Elizabeth McCullough

v  School Store- open Mon. Wed. Fri. 8:45-9:15 Laura Baker

v  Bingo- Oct. 22nd- Fun night – thanks to all who participated and helped Liz Deloia

New Business:

v  Memorial Bench for Klein – all PTO’s have been asked to donate $150 to purchasea bench in his honor. Overwhelming yes as a small token of our appreciation

v  Superintendent Search Survey – please take the time to give input by completing the survey. Link to survey is on council rock website

v  Birthday books – see above

v  iPad lab – PTO donated money –now waiting on approval from the school board which will likely happen at next meeting

v  Bobby’s Playground-. Churchville ElementaryPTO bought a brick.- thanks to all who went to the event

v  Secret Shop is Dec 8-12 – information will be coming home with your child as in past years

Treasurer’s Report: current balance of $24,000 Tracey Pereborow

Recording Secretary Report: Kim Jabbar

Corresponding Secretary Report: Kristi Marino

Faculty Report: Report cards – new standard based on HAC system. Mrs. Kingston addressed some concerns and has sent over several emails around this topic. Hard copies won’t be sent home moving forward. You can access your child’s report on HAC system after November 20 at 4pm. Mrs. Kingston

**** Next PTO Meeting is December 16th, 9:30am****