HLED 242

Transtheoretical Model (TTM) Worksheet



1.  Watch the video Introduction to the Transtheoretical Model at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oO80XyBDrl0

2.  Read the textbook Chapter 4 Transtheoretical Model.

3.  Read the journal article: Patel, D.A., Grunzweig, K.A., Zochowski, M.K., Dempsey, A.F., Carlos, R.C. and Dalton, V.K. (2013). Human Papillomavirus Vaccine stages of change among male and female university students: Ready or not? Journal of American College Health, 61 (6): 336 - 346.

4.  Referring to your textbook chapter and the journal article, complete this worksheet, save it with your last name added to the file name, and upload it to the EMU Online Introduction to the Transtheoretical Model Homework.


1.  List the 6 constructs of the Transtheoretical Model:







2.  Regarding the stage of change called “precontemplation:”

a.  Define the stage in your own words.

b.  What percent of people are typically in this stage of change according to DiClemente’s and Prochaska’s rule of thumb?

c.  How was the precontemplation stage defined in the HPV Vaccine study?

(Hint: What question measured precontemplation?)

d.  In the HPV Vaccine study, what percent of respondents overall were in the precontemplation stage?

e.  In the HPV Vaccine study, how did male and female college students differ in the percent classified as in the precontemplation stage?

3.  Regarding the stage of change called “contemplation:”

a.  Define the stage in your own words.

b.  What percent of people are typically in this stage of change according to DiClemente’s and Prochaska’s rule of thumb?

c.  How was the contemplation stage defined in the HPV Vaccine study?

(Hint: What questions measured contemplation?)

d.  In the HPV Vaccine study, what percent of respondents overall were in the contemplation stage?

e.  In the HPV Vaccine study, how did male and female college students differ in the percent classified as in the contemplation stage?

4.  Regarding the stage of change called “preparation:”

a.  Define the stage in your own words.

b.  What percent of people are typically in this stage of change according to DiClemente’s and Prochaska’s rule of thumb?

c.  How was the preparation stage defined in the HPV Vaccine study?

(Hint: What questions measured preparation?)

d.  In the HPV Vaccine study, what percent of respondents overall were in the preparation stage?

e.  In the HPV Vaccine study, how did male and female college students differ in the percent classified as in the preparation stage?

5.  Regarding the stage of change called “action:”

a.  Define the stage in your own words.

b.  How was the action stage defined in the HPV Vaccine study?

(Hint: What questions measured contemplation?)

c.  In the HPV Vaccine study, why did the authors choose to combine the action and the maintenance stages?

d.  In the HPV Vaccine study, what percent of respondents overall were in the action/maintenance stage?

e.  In the HPV Vaccine study, how did male and female college students differ in the percent classified as in the action/maintenance stage?

6.  The HPV Vaccine study also measured beliefs and attitudes of college students towards the HPV Vaccine. Match each of the beliefs/attitudes below with the Health Belief Model constructs we have been studying in class, listed on the right.

_____ Having genital HPV would make it difficult A. Perceived Severity

for me to get a long-term partner. B. Perceived Susceptibility

C. Perceived Benefits

_____ A vaccine that prevents a sexually transmitted D. Perceived Barriers

infection is a good idea. E. None of the above

_____ A vaccine that prevents HPV-related cancer is a good idea.

_____ A vaccine that prevents genital warts is a good idea.

_____ Getting the HPV vaccine would help me stay healthy.

_____ Getting the HPV vaccine would be a benefit to my partner.

_____ Getting the HPV vaccine would be a benefit to society.

_____ I am likely to get a genital HPV infection in my lifetime.

_____ I am likely to develop HPV-related cancer in my lifetime.

_____ I am likely to develop genital warts in my lifetime.

_____ My parents would approve of me getting the HPV vaccine.

_____ My health care providers would approve of me getting the HPV vaccine.

_____ My religious institution would approve of me getting the HPV vaccine.

7.  What type of cancer are females likely to get if infected with certain strains of HPV?

8.  What type of cancer are males likely to get if infected with certain strains of HPV?

9.  In the HPV Vaccine study, what did the authors conclude were the two best predictors of taking action towards HPV vaccination?



10.  The most common stage of change for male college students in the HPV Vaccine study was contemplation.

If you were to create a program for male college students to help them move from the contemplation stage to the preparation stage of change, which of the 10 “processes of change” would be recommended for you to use? List and define the recommended processes of change.

If you were to create a program for male college students to help them move from the contemplation stage to the preparation stage of change, you would need to address “decisional balance.” Define decisional balance and describe how would you use “decisional balance” to help male college students move to the preparation stage of change.