Course Title: Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) LET 1-4

Credits: One (1)

Instructors: Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Dave Naber

First Sergeant (Ret) J. Shannon Lewis

Instructor’s Available Hours: Class Hours Monday-Friday: 6:30 AM – 3:45 PM

Tutor/Assistance Hours: 3:45 PM – 4:45 PM

Office Phone Number: (505) 599-8880 x3220/3225



Course Overview/Description: Junior ROTC is designed to teach high school students the value of citizenship, leadership, service to the community, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment while instilling in them self-esteem, teamwork, and self-discipline. Its focus is reflected in its mission statement; “To Motivate Young People to be Better Citizens.” It prepares high school students for responsible leadership roles while making them aware of their duties, rights, responsibilities, and privileges as American citizens. Physical fitness, personal and social discipline, and avoidance of substance abuse are stressed through all four years/levels of the JROTC program. The program is a stimulus for promoting graduation from high school as it provides instruction and rewarding opportunities that will benefit the student, community and nation.

Material Requirements and Course Fees: The JROTC course fee is $25.00 for each cadet. Each cadet will receive a JROTC t-shirt and will have their meals paid for on all JROTC trips. Additionally, all JROTC cadets will be issued a standard US Army Class A or Class B Army Cadet Service Uniform (ACSU) with shoes at no cost to the cadet. Cadets are expected to dry clean and maintain their uniforms and their individual appearance to meet the standards and expectations of the JROTC program. Any lost item will be the responsibility of the student to replace or to purchase a replacement.

Grading Policy: All assignments are expected to be completed and submitted as required. Any missing assignments are to be made up and submitted for partial and/or full credit.

Grading Scale: A = 90-100%

B = 80-89%

C = 70-79%

D = 60-69%

F = Below 59%

Leadership Evaluations: 15% of grade.

·  Performance Counseling

·  Promotion Counseling

·  Activity Participation

·  Formation Performance

·  Drill and Ceremonies

·  Peer Instruction

Class/Homework: 30% of grade.

·  Essays

·  Assignments

·  Exam/Test/Quiz

Participation: 15% of grade

·  Attendance

·  Class discussions

·  Demonstrations

·  Cooperation/Participation

Uniform: 30% of grade

·  Proper wear and maintenance of the JROTC Uniform

Test/Quiz: 10% of grade

Homework Policy: Homework is normally not assigned in JROTC with the exception of maintaining the JROTC Cadet uniform. When a cadet fails to complete class work within the assigned time-frame, then that assignment becomes homework.

Assessment Policy: Credits/grades are granted on a 100% scale and are based on the total number of questions given on a test or quiz. Performance based examinations are graded on the cadet’s level of experience, ability and willingness to accept constructive criticism and guidance. Lying, cheating and plagiarism in any form are not consistent with the JROTC program standard of conduct and will not be tolerated. Any student caught in such activities will receive no credit for the assignment or test. A student that knowingly allows another to copy his or her work will also receive zero credit.

Classroom Rules and Expectations for Students:

·  No food or drinks in classroom. With permission, a student may use water fountain located just outside of classroom in auxiliary gym.

·  Males will not wear earrings while in uniform.

·  Treat everyone with respect.

·  No cell phone usage in classroom.

·  No video games on laptops.

·  Address JROTC Instructors by military title and last name.

·  Raise hand to be recognized for questions and comments.

Classroom Rules, cont.,

·  Avoid “talking over” another individual

·  No personal attacks or taunting

·  No fighting, wrestling, horseplay, or use of foul language

Learning Outcomes and Standards: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to articulate and demonstrate an appreciation and understanding of American citizenship. Cadets will also be proficient in written and oral communication and have a basic understanding of leadership skills and principles.

Parent Support & Expectations: As parents, you can support your child’s learning in the following ways:

·  Monitoring attendance

·  Ensuring homework is completed

·  Monitoring the type of programs your children watch on television

·  Volunteering to support the programs your child chooses to participate in, such as:

o  Fundraising events

o  Service learning activities

o  Administrative Assistance

o  JROTC competitions

o  Open house arrangements

·  Participating in decisions relating to your child’s education

·  Promoting positive use of your child’s extracurricular times

·  Staying informed about your child’s education and communicating with the school by promptly reading all notices from the school or the school district

·  Have your child read for at least 30 minutes a day to enhance their reading and writing skills

I understand that I or my student must properly maintain the JROTC uniform and return all components upon withdrawal from the program or completion of the course. If students fail to return the uniform a fee will be assessed towards the students account. If the uniform is returned dirty a $20 cleaning fee will be assessed towards the students account.

Student Name (Print)______Date______

Student Name (Sign)______

Parent Name (Print)______Date______

Parent Name (Sign)______