Name: ______Partners: ______Date: ______

Gummy Bear Osmosis Lab

Hypothesis: As the salt concentration increases, the gummy bears will ______in volume and ______in mass.








  1. Obtain 4 small cups, and label them the following:

Tap water, 0.5% salt, 1% salt, 5% salt, 10% salt

  1. Obtain 4 gummy bears of different colors, and take the following measurements:

length, width, height, mass (Record in data chart)

  1. Based on your measurements, calculate the volume (L x W x H) and density (mass/volume) Record.
  2. Make qualitative observations of each gummy bear (color, how it looks and feels) and record.
  3. Measure out ______mL of each type of water using a graduated cylinder, and pour into the correctly labeled up.
  4. Place one of each gummy bear into each cup and let sit for 24 hours.
  5. Clean up supplies.

Data Charts (INCLUDE UNITS!!!!)

1. Quantitative Observations (Day 1)

Bear / % salt solution / Length
(mm) / Width
(mm) / Height
(mm) / Volume
(mm3) / Mass
(g) / Density

2. Qualitative Observations (Day 1)

Bear / Observations (color, how its structure looks, how it feels, etc.)

3. Quantitative Data (Day 2)

Bear / % salt solution / Length
(mm) / Width
(mm) / Height
(mm) / Volume
(mm3) / Mass
(g) / Density

4. Qualitative Observations (Day 2)

Bear / Observations (color, how its structure looks, how it feels, etc.)

Data Analysis:

Calculate the % change in mass, volume, and density using the chart below.

Bear / % salt solution / Volume Day 1
(mm3) / Volume Day 2
(mm3) / V Day 1/ V Day 2
x 100
(%) / Mass Day 1
(g) / Mass Day 2
(g) / M Day 1/
M Day 2
X 100
Bear / % salt solution / Density Day 1
(g/mm3) / Density Day 2
(g/mm3) / D Day 1/
D Day 2
x 100
(%) / V Day 1/ V Day 2
x 100

Trend Analysis

Directions: Write a one-page write-up analyzing the gummy bear lab.

Answer the questions below. Attach extra sheet if needed for more space.

1.How did the gummy bears change after sitting in their increasing salt solutions? (qualitative and quantitative changes)

2. How does the data support your claim?

3. Was your hypothesis supported? Why or why not?

4. How does this experiment relate to osmosis?

5. What did you learn? How might this knowledge apply to everyday life?

Provide examples from your data (qualitative and quantitative) to explain your findings.










