Seminar week three
Thursday April 14, 2005


To understand concepts Kegan is unpacking.

To invite a discussion that is both informed by the ideas in the text and that put’s those ideas to the test.

To begin inviting people to integrate multiple author’s voices and concepts.


1.  Distinguish between 1st, 2nd & 3rd principle.

2.  Peer teach the distinguishing characteristics

3.  Pose question to explore.


1.  Warm up by sharing maps and comparing what you thought his argument was about. Similarities? Differences? Don’t be easily convinced J. Notice different approaches to the maps. Explain to each other why you chose this particular format for your the map.

2.  Distinguish between 1st, 2nd & 3rd principle.

- Break class into 3 sets of groups.

- Assign each group either (i) logical-cognitive; (ii) social-cognitive or (ii) interpersonal-affective domains on page 30-31.

-  Task is to make a visual that helps compare and contrast the change that Kegan believes happens across the time line of these three stages.

(30 minutes)

-  Compare and contrast your visual with that of another group that worked on the same concept. Would you clarify anything on your visual? Modify anything?

(15 minutes)

  1. Mini peer teaching – groups of three sets get together and present their distinguishing images. (you have about 5 minutes per group to explain the concepts in your visual)

(15 minutes)

4.  Go through your questions/paragraphs – pick one that you’d like us to consider in depth. Write it on a piece of paper & put it in the hat.


5.  Pick a question/paragraph from the hat. Get question poser to explain the question – And take some time to explore it.

Write on the board:

From Harnish:

WHAT DO THE TEXTS SAY (about this?) [Nieto, Mooney & Cole, Tempest Williams, Dweck, Piaget, Kegan?]

--Point to the exact page and paragraph so everyone can read along.


-- Explain or interpret the passage in your own words.


4.  Warm- down: Questions you are still pondering…

5.  To distribute voices:

Three then me…

Person who just spoke… look around to pass the torch.