MONTHLY BULLETIN – December 2012



9.00am – 12.30pm





9.00 / Arrival – Tea/Coffee
9.30 / Autumn 2012 and the Future – Information, Questions and Discussion - John Clemson, Head of Music Service
10.30 / Tea/Coffee
11.00 / From Exam Factories to Communities of Discovery - Frank Coffield, Emeritus Professor of Education at the Institute of
Education, will be talking about his new book which proposes an alternative future for education, unlocking the collective creativity of students and educators.
12.00 / Festive Sing-along with Ruth and Claire
12.15 / Announcements, John Clemson
12.30 / Trio Rosbifs - Musical performance in the Lounge by this wonderful gypsy jazz group run by our own Cris Tolley. Sitters-in are welcome so feel free to bring your instrument or voice or just enjoy listening. Snacks will be available for purchase at the bar.

All permanent staff who would normally work for the Music Service on Fridays are expected to attend; all other staff are strongly urged to do so if at all possible. Please would sessional staff (and part-time permanent staff not contracted to work on Fridays) let the Office know if they are attending by 17th December.



9.00am – 5.15pm




9.00 / Arrival – Tea/Coffee
9.30 / Session 1
In Sessions 1 and 2, staff are asked to choose between four different training options so, on registration, you will be asked to sign up for two of the following:
·  Behaviour management – outside presenter, to be confirmed. Strategies for behaviour, particularly relevant to Wider Opportunities.
·  Six songs for spring – a practical session supporting vocal work in Wider Opportunities – Ruth Roberts, Claire Hollocks
·  Coaching ensembles – Ciaran O’Donnell with the Birmingham Schools’ Concert Orchestra Woodwind Section. A practical session demonstrating ensemble coaching strategies, relevant to all kinds of situations and levels.
·  Special Educational Needs – Graham Hardy, Head Teacher, Calthorpe Special School. How to deal with the kinds of Special Educational Needs most commonly found in a mainstream school.
Vocal Department – whole day, specialised training with Sue Nicholls
10.30 / Tea/Coffee
11.00 / Session 2 – See above
12.00 / Lunch
1.00 / Departmental training
2.00 / Tea/Coffee
2.30 / Departmental training
3.30 / Preparation of area ensemble songs – Ruth and Claire
3.45 / Refreshments
4.00 / Departmental meetings
5.15 / Finish

All permanent staff who normally work for the Music Service on Mondays are expected to attend. All other staff are strongly urged to do so if at all possible. Please would sessional staff (and part-time permanent staff not contracted to work on Mondays) let the Office know if they are attending by 17th December.


Please note that claim forms are to be completed as below:

Week 36 Week ending 2nd December 2012

Week 37 Week ending 9th December 2012

Week 38 Week ending 16th December 2012

Forms will need to be received in the office by 12 pm on Tuesday 18th December and payment will be made on 24th January 2013.


Please note car mileage forms for the period Monday 19th November to Sunday 16th December 2012 will need to be received in the office by 12 pm on Tuesday 18th December 2012 to enable payment to be made in January 2013.


Concerts, concerts and more concerts……anyone feeling tired as we approach the end of the longest term? If not, I’d like to know your secret. Concerts bring real meaning to our work and act as a goal and end product. After it’s like reading another chapter in a book; the same story but somehow new and fresh again. That is why all of our work needs to have regular performances and it is our chance to introduce our work to a larger audience of staff, parents and other children. This is probably the best PR we can do and I know you take the planning, presentation and delivery of your concerts very seriously. This additional time and effort is most appreciated and though far more important people will thank you can I add my voice to theirs and say thank you for the concerts.

Training day Jan 7th

Can all brass staff attending bring two tunes they use in their lessons. Please have them either in electronic form or on paper manuscript which needs to be handed in at the end. If using paper please make a few copies to circulate to staff. I will be asking everyone to talk their tunes through particularly explaining why they find it so good.

All tunes should have either 4, 5 or six notes (C to F, G or A) After this resource sharing session I will make a website with our collective tunes on it.

Brass meeting Jan 7th


Auditions review

I will bring the current technical requirements and ask for any suggestions as to how we can further improve them. I will also go over again the whole process. I hope many of you will be involved in audition panels and most of you will have pupils to enter.

Area Bands

I would like an opportunity to clarify the role of the area band, the typical entry level pupil and the importance of encouraging pupils to join as soon as they are ready.

Open rehearsals for first time audition candidates


And finally………

Why am I here? (no need to read this bit)

When I was 50 I told my story of how I started off as a professional musician but recently events have reminded how the journey started way before that. I played in a school brass band and if nothing else had happened I imagine I would be still be playing in a local band somewhere but we would never have met. One day a drummer joined the band and his father was a band leader from the 1950’s. They went out as a dance band duo. We became great friends and soon the duo became a trio and at the tender age of 14 I had my first paid gig!, £5 (hasn’t gone up that much eh) Anyway we played about 4 times a week to packed sports and social clubs and I loved it. I lived as I still do in Derbyshire and my mate Richard lived in Staffordshire so we knew a lot of other young musicians. Between us we invited more friends to start a big band. It was purely a self led band, no adults, we rehearsed in a members barn and just relied on parents taking us to rehearsals and for the Jim, the band leader to find us somewhere to perform. When my youth band entered the Music for Youth Festival I asked my teacher for a copy of the application form (no internet in them days) We filled it in ourselves, chose what to play and turned up. It was a competitive festival in the early 70’s and to our amazement we won our regional event and was invited to the National Festival which was then held in Croydon’s Fairfield Halls. We played so many concerts to raise the money for a coach to take us there and once again we won and were invited to the Schools’ Prom at the Royal Albert Hall. Again we raised the money ourselves and experienced a night that would change our lives for ever. On those days it was televised and I remember our parents going out to buy a new fangled thing called a video cassette recorder, apparently you could record television programmes onto a tape. (Quite a few thought it would never catch on!) As we finished myself and Richard took one last look as we left the stage and vowed one day we would return. After that we worked so hard, we both played in NYJO and had playing careers but it was night 34 years ago that changed everything. It dawned on me a long time ago that I would probably never go back. My only chance was with BSBB and for 21 years tried without success. Of course it is no longer a competitive festival but it offers recognition of excellence and that is all we ever wanted anyway. This year the band was full of final year pupils and that added experience made for a strong band. This time in August I heard that we had been invited to the last night of the Schools’ Prom. We were the only music service brass band to play on any night and the only one on our night. I cannot begin to tell you after so long what this meant to me and would like to thank the many staff who sent good luck messages to us. There was five and half thousand people there and the atmosphere was like nothing I have ever experienced. For the band perhaps it will be the start of their journey, for me it was full circle. Sadly Richard died before he was even 40 years and have found myself thinking of him a lot and how much he would have loved to join me. Happily my closest friend who played trombone 34 years ago did manage to come along. The day itself was very tiring and lasted 22 hours, the paperwork took weeks and then it went on for 21 years. Was it worth it…….you bet it was. Have a peaceful and restful break. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

PS If you want to see the 34 year old clip which has the only proof that I once had a full head of hair follow the link



Hello everyone!

Almost there……………

This is a short bulletin insert as I have nothing very much to report!

Thank you to all who braved the freezing temperatures on Friday November 30th for our Dept Christmas Night Out’! I hope you all enjoyed it, although I’m disappointed that there were no crackers!

By now most of you will have started your Christmas Performances – I have only had one invitation so far, please keep me informed of any I may be able to get to.

Keyboard Day

All keyboard teachers should have received invitations to give to Year 6 and Year 5 pupils regarding our Keyboard Day on Friday 8th Feb, 2013. Please make sure they are returned and with me before the end of term (You can give them to me on the last day at the Beeches if not before!)

Also, please make sure you give the Headteachers their letter and a copy of the pupil invitation for reference.

I hope to see most of you at the training session on Friday 21st December, then please try to make it on Monday 7th January for a very informative day!

Agenda for Monday 7th January:

9.30 – 10.30 Carousel options

11.00 – 12.00 “

1.00 – 2.00 WCIT Assessment

2.30 – 3.30 Guitars – sharing resources for Warm ups and Improvisation

Keyboard - training from Paul Douglas – resources and ideas for WCIT (but may be suitable for small group teaching also)

3.30 – 3.45 Preparation of Area Ensemble Songs

4.00 – 5.15 Dept Meeting

Have a wonderful relaxing, peaceful and Happy Christmas!

A Christmas Quote for you!

Christmas gift ideas:
To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, Charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.



For our January training day I’m aiming to have a sharing session of ideas in 2 areas

·  Warm up activities

·  Improvisation

For each of these areas I’d like everyone to bring along one activity or idea they have used which they have found to work well – if you have something as a paper copy that would be great, if not I will keep a record in the session of the ideas we share. Primary, Secondary or both!

Thanks – the more ideas the merrier, so bring as much as you can!




String department bulletin-December 2012

Welcome to Winter!...and grateful thanks to you for all of the over and above contributions we make at this time of year to be as visible as possible in our schools....I cannot always be there to see them but be assured that I do get feedback and your efforts are much appreciated.

On Wednesday we had 80 almost exclusively WCIT elective pupils attend ‘it’s Copper Time’ at Midlands Arts Centre. The venue worked well, the stewarding from staff there was excellent as were the facilities.

Especially pleasing were the parent and teacher/Headteacher comments-yes the audience contained a fantastic cross section, there was even a TA assisting special needs pupils- that the results achieved in this short space of time were excellent-the event ran from 4.30-7.30.Both parents and participants now look forward to the medals assessment early in the New Year so get busy with the online training if you had pupils attend. Alternatively contact me if you want me to be the assessor.

Schools represented were: Albert Bradbeer, Bordesley Village, Chandos, Chilwell Croft, City Road, Gilbertstone, Greet, Kings Norton Primary, Ladypool, Redhill, St. Edmund, St. Francis, St. Patricks, St. Thomas, Starbank, Summerfield, Ward End, Woodcock Hill, Wyndcliffe.

Verena, Emily, Catherine, Liz, Ed and Uta planned and delivered superbly with pace and purpose and lots of good posture! They were ably assisted by Angela. Many many thanks to them.

So...onto the next event which will be the Secondary Ensemble workshop and concert on January 27th.The letters should go out this term ideally and I have attached it to this bulletin item, additionally the repertoire is accessible on dropbox or I will send out hard copies as requested. I will also have copies on December 21st and January 7th but it would be good to start look at potential numbers ASAP. Thanks in anticipation. If you are unsure how to access/be invited onto dropbox please contact Verena.