Joyful Noise Music Program Developmental Goals

Program Mission: To create a musical learning environment that provides quality education and establishes a foundation for life long enjoyment and growth in music. Also, a program that promotes family interaction and the idea that music is a natural part of daily life. Furthermore, to balance unique personal development with pressure free performance opportunities for students to showcase their talents.

I. Musical Developmental Goals for Children Ages 1-2 years

a. To promote a love of music through singing, fingerplays and physically active, motor skill building songs.

b. To be exposed to a range of instruments (guitar, flute, percussion, etc.)

c. To express God’s Love in fun songs and chants.

II. Musical Developmental Goals for Children Ages 3 years

a. To promote a love of music through singing, fingerplays and physically active, motor skill building songs.

b. To be exposed to a range of instruments (guitar, flute, percussion, etc.)

c. To express God’s Love in fun songs and chants.

d. To begin learning basic music concepts and vocabulary through fun musical activities and songs.

e. To begin using rhythm band instruments in a wide variety in a semi-directed fashion (starting and stopping together, controlling volume, etc.)

III. Musical Developmental Goals for Children Ages 4 years

a. To promote a love of music through singing, fingerplays and physically active, motor skill building songs.

b. To be exposed to a range of instruments (guitar, flute, percussion, etc.)

c. To express God’s Love in fun songs and chants.

d. To continue learning basic music concepts and vocabulary through fun musical activities and songs.

e. To begin using pitched instruments in a directed fashion (starting and stopping together, controlling volume, etc.) and performing with them.

f. To begin learning some music theory, such as quarter notes and rests.

IV. Musical Developmental Goals for Children Ages 5 and up

a. To promote a love of music through singing, fingerplays and physically active, motor skill building songs.

b. To be exposed to a range of instruments (guitar, flute, percussion, etc.)

c. To express God’s Love in fun songs and chants.

d. To continue learning basic music concepts and vocabulary through fun musical activities and songs.

e. To continue using pitched instruments in a directed fashion (starting and stopping together, controlling volume, etc.) and performing with them.

f. To continue learning music theory, such as quarter notes and rests, and to begin reading notes on the staff, gaining the ability to play and read 2-3 notes on the treble clef in a written piece of music.