Squadron Championship Heats – 16 September, 14 October, 11 & 25 November, 16 December 2017, 10 February, 10 & 24 March 2018

Brisbane Fleet Championship – 17 & 18 February 2018

to be conducted by the

Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron Ltd.

In conjunction with the

International Etchells Class Association Brisbane Fleet Inc.


The Organising Authority is the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron Ltd in conjunction with the International Etchells Class Association Brisbane Fleet Inc.


2.1.  The regatta will be governed by the “rules” as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), the International Etchells Class Association Rules (IECA Rules), this Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions.

2.2.  The Brisbane Fleet Championship is a Class C event as sanctioned by the IECA.

2.3.  Special mention is made of IECA Rules Appendix F 2. which states “All boats that enter and sail in a host Fleet’s World Qualification Series MUST BE MADE AVAILABLE FOR LOAN and it SHALL be a condition of the fleet that entries for its qualification series are accepted on this basis.”

2.4.  The YA Special Regulations Part 1 Category 7 shall apply.

2.5.  The prescriptions of Yachting Australia (YA) apply.

2.6.  A separate Notice of Race specific to the Brisbane Fleet Championship will be issued closer to the date.


3.1.  All competitors shall comply with the IECA Rules and the ISAF Eligibility Code.

3.2.  There will be no sail limits for the Squadron Championship portion races although all sails used must be entered on the boat’s sail card.

3.3.  Sail limits will apply to the Brisbane Fleet Championships.

3.4.  Crew members of each boat will only be weighed for the Brisbane Fleet Championship portion of this selection series but are expected to comply with One Design Rule (OD Rule) C.2 at all times.

3.5.  All helmspersons, co-helmspersons and crew shall be financial members of the International Etchells Class Association (IECA) associated with the Brisbane Fleet as at the close of entries for this qualification series and shall conform to RRS 46 and RRS 56.

3.6.  PLEASE NOTE: There is an On-Line payment system for Etchells Class Membership. Memberships must be paid for on-line prior to registration. Please go to the Member’s area at to pay your subscriptions.


4.1.  Any helmsperson or co-helmsperson wishing to compete in the 2018 World Championships must compete in this Qualification Series and all names must be nominated on the entry form for this series. The interchanging of the helmsperson and co-helmsperson will be allowed during the series except the helmsperson(s) must be nominated by race for the Brisbane Fleet Championship.

4.2.  The IECA governing body has determined that a minimum percentage of 50% of the Brisbane Fleet’s eligible members can compete.

4.3.  The number of entries that can compete from the Brisbane Fleet will depend on the number of registered boats/members the Brisbane Fleet has at the closing date for entry to the World Championship as per IECA Rules Appendix A 6 B (3).


5.1.  Entries shall be made using the Official Entry Form and shall be forwarded to Etchells, Brisbane Fleet, PO Box 5319, Manly, QLD 4179 or emailed to ,au.

5.2.  There will be no additional entry fee payable to enter this qualification series.

5.3.  Entry fees will be payable to RQYS in line with the fees set for the 2017-2018 season and an entry fee will be payable for the Brisbane Fleet Championship which will be advised in a separate Notice of Race closer to the date.

5.4.  Entries are to be received by 1900 hours on Friday 8th September 2017.

5.5.  Entries only have to nominate the helmsperson and co-helmsperson.

5.6.  Entries shall be accompanied by: A copy of the Hull and Spar Measurement Certificate displaying the name of the helmsperson and any co-helmsperson.

5.7.  Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the Organising Committee provided the Skipper and any Co-Skipper are Active Members of the Brisbane Fleet as at the close of entries at 1900 hours on Friday 8th September 2017.


6.1.  Races will be run in conjunction with the RQYS’s 2017/2018 Squadron Championship program as well as the 2018 Brisbane Fleet Championship.

6.2.  Scheduled race days are:

6.2.1.  Saturday 16 September 2017 – Squadron Championship

6.2.2.  Saturday 14 October 2017 – Squadron Championship

6.2.3.  Saturday 11 November 2017 – Squadron Championship

6.2.4.  Saturday 25 November 2017 – Squadron Championship

6.2.5.  Saturday 16 December 2017 – Squadron Championship

6.2.6.  Saturday 10 February 2018 – Squadron Championship

6.2.7.  Saturday 17 February 2018 – Brisbane Fleet Championship

6.2.8.  Sunday 18 February 2018 – Brisbane Fleet Championship

6.2.9.  Saturday 10 March 2018 – Squadron Championship

6.2.10.  Saturday 24 March 2018 – Squadron Championship


7.1.  Eligible boats shall confirm their registration with the Organising Authority at the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron, 578 Royal Esplanade, Manly, QLD 4179 prior to 1900 hours on Friday 8th September 2017.

7.2.  Boats will not be measured for this qualification series however entrants shall present a current original Hull and Spars Measurement Certificate displaying the name of the helmsperson and any co-helmsperson on confirmation of their registration.

7.3.  All registration formalities comprising presentation of the required original Hull and Spars Measurement Certificate are required to be completed by 1900 hours on Friday 8th September 2017.

7.4.  A member of the Organising Authority will be in the Board Walk Café area of RQYS from 1700 – 1900 hours to complete the registration process. Please note that there will be no photocopy facility available so entrants must bring copies to hand over.


8.1.  Sailing Instructions for the Squadron Championship portion will be those as issued by RQYS for the 2017-2018 Season for the Northern Course.

8.2.  Separate Sailing Instructions will be issued for the 2018 Brisbane Fleet Championship.


9.1.  It is intended that the racing area for the all races will be to the east of Green Island.

9.2.  Please note that in the event of adverse weather conditions the Organising Authority may switch the course area to the west of Green Island.


Courses will be windward/leeward as described in the Sailing Instructions.


11.1.  Only boats officially entered in the Qualification series will be scored.

11.2.  All non-Brisbane Fleet boats and Brisbane Fleet boats that have not registered for the Qualification Series will be eliminated from the final scores.

11.3.  The Low Point scoring system of the RRS Appendix A will apply only to those boats registered in the Qualification Series.

11.4.  The Squadron Championship portion will be scored as a stand-alone series in line with the RQYS Sailing Instructions. These instructions allow for a drop of one (1) race for every seven (7) races completed. This will be amended for this series allowing a maximum of two (2) races to be dropped for each seven (7) completed.

11.5.  The Brisbane Fleet Championship will also be a stand-alone series with six (6) races scheduled, allowing one (1) drop race if more than three (3) races are completed.

11.6.  A boat’s total qualifying score will be the sum of their scores in the two (2) separate series

11.7.  These clauses amend A2.


A Protest Committee will be appointed by the Organising Authority.


13.1.  Team leaders, coaches, other support personnel and support boats shall stay outside areas where boats are racing from the time of the warning signal until all boats have finished or the Race Committee signals a postponement, general recall or abandonment. Specific coach and support boat instructions will be stated in the Sailing Instructions.

13.2.  Support boats must be registered with the Organising Authority and shall be marked with identifying flags issued by the Organising Authority.


14.1.  No haul-out restrictions will apply to the Squadron Championship portion of this series.

14.2.  The Brisbane Fleet Championship portion will be subject to haul-out restrictions where all boats shall be afloat before 1000 hrs on Saturday 17th February 2018 and shall not be hauled out during the regatta except with, and according to, the terms of prior written permission of the Race Committee.

14.3.  Plastic pools or their equivalent and breathing apparatus must not be used.

14.4.  The swimming of boats will not be permitted.


15.1.  This supplements but does not change RRS2 and RRS41 for the IECA. All boats must carry a marine band VHF transceiver capable of receiving and transmitting on Australian marine channels 16, 69, 72, 73 and 77. Boats may use the radio to report retirement from racing and may use the radio to request assistance in an emergency. No other transmissions are permitted by competing yachts during the racing day from the first warning signal until the end of the last race of the day. The Race Committee may use the radio to advise competitors of race information.

15.2. The use of mobile/cell phones or any device capable of sending and/or receiving external electronic communication and/or connecting to the internet is prohibited from the first Warning Signal of the day until racing has been concluded for the day, except as provided in SI 28.1 or in an emergency threatening safety of any member of the crew or the flotation of the boat and only with the express permission of the Race Committee.


16.1.  It is each competitor’s decision to enter the regatta or to start and continue in any race. Competitor’s attention is drawn to RRS Fundamental Rule 4 which states “The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue is hers alone.”.

16.2.  The Organising Authority, the Race Committee, other race officials and sponsors accept no responsibility in the respect of material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during or after the regatta.


17.1.  All yachts competing in the Qualification Series are required to carry current Third Party Personal and Property Liability Insurance cover of a minimum Aud$10,000,000 or equivalent thereof in any other currency for any one accident.

17.2.  All owners/competitors who sign the Entry Form are deemed to have made a declaration that they hold such cover.

17.3.  Each Helmsperson and/or co-helmsperson is liable for any third party property and personal injury claims.


Noel Paterson – Fleet Captain 0413 739 058

Martin Sinclair – Secretary 0419 488 145

David Healey - Treasurer 0412 989 528



2018 World Championships Qualification Series

RACE ENTRY FORM (Page 1 of 2)

Sail No. ______Hull No. ______ / Boat Name ______
Fleet Name ______ / Club ______
HELMSPERSON______ / Phone No. ______Home
Address ______ / ______Mobile
DOB ______
YA Number ______ /
Email ______
______ / Address ______
DOB ______
YA Number ______ / ______
Email ______

Complete these 2 pages and return with the following enclosure:

  1. A copy of the Hull and Spars Measurement Certificate for the boat registered in the name(s) appearing on this entry form as helmsperson and co-helmsperson. The original must be presented at Registration.


2018 World Championships Qualification Series

RACE ENTRY FORM (Page 2 of 2)

I certify that I am a financial member of an International Etchells Class Fleet and

a financial member of a Yacht or Sailing Club affiliated with its National Authority

I agree to be bound by the current Racing Rules of Sailing, the Notice of Race and all other rules that govern the event and I acknowledge that Rule 4 – Decision to Race, places the sole responsibility for a crew deciding to participate in a race or to continue on the crew alone

I declare and certify that our yacht complies with YA Special Regulations for Category 7 races and the Safety Equipment requirements of the Class Rules.

I understand that neither the Organising Authority and its officers, members and servants or other persons assisting with the conduct of this event accept any responsibility in respect of any injury or loss to person or property that may be sustained by reason of participation in the regatta or howsoever arising in connection with the event.

I agree to the use of my photograph(s) and other relevant information in any publicity and on the ongoing promotion of Australian yachting, the International Etchells Class Association and the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron.

I agree to the Organising Authority holding the above information for the general administration and well being of the sport of yachting, and for them to retain, use or disclose the information to affiliated organisations and any other persons or organisations that the Organising Authority believes will further the interests of the sport. I acknowledge my right to access and correction of this information.

Further, I acknowledge that this series is being run as per IECA’s rules and that in the event that I fail to qualify or do qualify but decide to not compete in the World Championship I agree to my boat being entered into the Loaner Pool for use for a fee by an overseas sailor.

Competitor’s Signatures:

Helmsperson ______Date ______

Co-Helmsperson ______Date ______

This entry form (and enclosures) must be received not later than 1900 hrs on 8th September 2017

Mail to: International Etchells Class Association, Brisbane Fleet Inc

PO Box 5319

Manly QLD 4179


Email to: