Division: Health Careers

Department: Allied Health and Human Services

Subject Code: MA Course #: 140

Course Title: Introduction to Medical Assisting


FORM 335

Course Form 335 must be updated at least every five years per AP 765 to include, at a minimum, the following elements. [§335.2]

1. Digital Description (Insert new/revised digital description below):

Credit hours: 4.0

Lecture hours: 3.0

Lab hours: 3.0

BL: []⅓ []½ []⅔ [ ] Other (Indicate fraction or percent)

2. Catalog Description (Insert new/revised description below):

Introduces the student to the fundamental knowledge, skills, and behaviors needed to function effectively in a medical office. This course focus on areas such as, professionalism, communication skills, health care law and ethics, cultural diversity, safety in the workplace, and patient assessment skills. This course is restricted to students enrolled in the Medical Assisting AS and Certificate programs.

Minimum Grade Required

3. Prerequisites:



4. Learning Outcomes

[These outcomes are necessary to enable students to attain the essential

knowledge and skills embodied in the program’s educational objectives.]

Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to:

Note: codes prefixed by (AppB) indicate specific accreditation required learning outcomes


·  Recall the principles that define professionalism in Health Care

·  Cite the personal characteristics that are essential for placement in the field of Medical Assisting

·  Identify the role of self boundaries in the health care environment (AppB IV.CIV.13)

·  Recognize the role of patient advocacy in the practice of Medical Assisting (AppB IV.CIV.14)

·  Explain the importance of credentialing and continuing education as it applies to the field of Medical Assisting


·  Identify styles and types of verbal communication (AppB IV.CIV.1)

·  Identify nonverbal communication (AppB IV.CIV.2)

·  Recognize communication barriers (AppB IV.CIV.3)

·  Identify techniques for overcoming communication barriers (AppB IV.CIV.4)

·  Recognize the elements of oral communication using a sender-receiver process (AppB IV.CIV.5)

·  Identify resources and adaptations that are required based on individual needs, i.e., culture and environment, developmental life stage, language, and physical threats to communication (AppB IV.CIV.7)

·  Discuss the role of assertiveness in effective professional communication (AppB IV.CIV.15)

·  Differentiate between adaptive and non-adaptive coping mechanisms (AppB IV.CIV.16)

·  Differentiate between subjective and objective information

·  Use language/verbal skills that enable patients' understanding (AppB I.AI.2)

·  Use reflection, restatement, and clarification techniques to obtain a patient history (AppB IV.PIV.1)

·  Explain general office policies (AppB IV.PIV.4)

·  Prepare a patient for procedures and/or treatments (AppB IV.PIV.6)

·  Document patient care (AppB IV.PIV.8)

·  Respond to Nonverbal Communication (AppB IV.PIV.11)

·  Demonstrate empathy in communicating with patients, family, and staff (AppB IV.AIV.1)

·  Apply active listening skills (AppB IV.AIV.2)

·  Use appropriate body language and other nonverbal skills in communicating with patients, family, and staff (AppB IV.AIV.3)

·  Demonstrate awareness of a person’s territorial boundaries when communicating (AppB IV.AIV.4)

Cultural Diversity

·  Define cultural or racial prejudice

·  Discuss the role of cultural, social, and ethnic diversity in ethical performance or medical assisting practice

·  Demonstrate awareness of diversity in providing patient care

·  Demonstrate respect for diversity in approaching patients and families (AppB I.AI.3)

·  Demonstrate respect for individual diversity by incorporating awareness of ones own bias/prejudice including gender, race, religion' age and socioeconomic status (AppB IV.AIV.10)

·  Establish a method to “cope” with those prejudices in the workplace.

Environmental Safety

·  Identify where to report illegal and/or unsafe activities and behaviors that may affect health, safety, and welfare of others

·  Identify safety techniques that can be used to prevent accidents and maintain a safe work environment

·  Describe the importance of Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) in a healthcare setting

·  Identify safety signs, symbols, and labels

·  Describe fundamental principles for evacuation of a healthcare setting

·  Discuss fire safety issues in a healthcare environment

·  Discuss requirements for responding to hazardous material disposal

·  Discuss critical elements of an emergency plan for response to a natural disaster or other emergency

·  Discuss potential role(s) of the medical assistant in emergency preparedness

·  Identify emergency preparedness plans in your community

·  Use proper body mechanics

·  Comply with safety signs, symbols, and labels (AppB XI.PXI.1)

·  Evaluate the work environment to identify safe vs. unsafe working conditions (AppB XI.PXI.2)

·  Recognize the effects of stress on all persons involved in emergency situations (AppB XI.AXI.1)

·  Demonstrate self awareness in responding to emergency situations (AppB XI.AXI.2)

·  Develop a personal safety plan (AppB XI.PXI.3)

·  Develop an environmental safety plan (AppB XI.PXI.4)

Growth and Development

·  Compare body structure and function of the human body across the life span

·  Identify resources and adaptations that are required based on individual needs, i.e., culture and environment, developmental life stage, language, and physical threats to communication

·  Obtain patient height and weight for a variety of age groups

·  Discuss safety measures that should be observed while obtaining patients height and weight of various age groups

·  Maintain growth charts (AppB II.PII.3)

Infection Control

·  List major types of infections agents

·  Describe the infection cycle, including the infectious agent, reservoir, susceptible host, means of transmission, portals of entry, and portals of exit.

·  Discuss infection control procedures

·  Identify personal safety precautions as established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

·  Describe personal protective equipment

·  Define asepsis

·  Match types and uses of personal protective equipment (PPE) with the type of infection

·  Select appropriate barrier/personal protective equipment (PPE) for potentially infectious situations (AppB III.PIII.3)Differentiate between medical and surgical asepsis used in ambulatory care settings, identifying when each is appropriate

·  Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms

·  Describe Standard Precautions, including: a. Transmission based precautions

b. Purpose

c. Activities regulated

·  Discuss the application of Standard Precautions with regard to: a. All body fluids, secretions, and excretions

b. Blood

c. Non intact skin

d. Mucous membranes

·  Identify the role of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) regulations in healthcare settings

·  Participate in training on Standard Precautions

·  Practice Standard Precautions (AppB III.PIII.2)

·  Perform handwashing (AppB III.PIII.4)

Legal Implications

·  Explore issue of confidentiality as it applies to the medical assistant (AppB IX.CIX.2)

·  Describe the implications of HIPAA for the medical assistant in various medical settings (AppB IX.CIX.3)

·  Summarize the Patient Bill of Rights (AppB IX.CIX.4)

·  Discuss licensure and certification as it applies to healthcare providers (AppB IX.CIX.5)

·  Compare and contrast physician and medical assistant roles in terms of standard of care (AppB IX.CIX.7)

·  Provide an example of tort law as it would apply to the medical assistant (AppB IX.CIX.9)

·  Explain how the following impact the medical assistant's practice and give examples:

(AppB IX.CIX.10)

a. Negligence

b. Malpractice

c. Statute of Limitations d. Good Samaritan Act(s) e. Uniform Anatomical Gift Act f. Living will/Advanced directives g. Medical durable power of attorney

·  Identify how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to the medical assisting profession (AppB IX.CIX.11)

·  Discuss all levels of governmental legislation and regulation as they apply to medical assisting practice including FDA, DEA regulations (AppB IX.CIX.13)

·  Describe the process to follow if an error is made in patient care (AppB IX.CIX.14)

·  Respond to issues of confidentiality (AppB.IX.PIX.1)

·  Complete an incident report (AppB.IX.PIX.1)

Ethical Considerations

·  Differentiate between legal, ethical, and moral issues affecting healthcare (AppB X.CX.1)

·  Compare personal, professional, and organizational ethics (AppB X.CX.2)

·  Discuss the role of cultural, social, and ethnic diversity in ethical performance of medical assisting practice (AppB X.CX.3)

·  Identify where to reports illegal and/or unsafe activities and behaviors that affect health, safety, and welfare of others (AppB X.CX.4)

·  Identify the effect personal ethics may have on professional performance (AppB X.CX.5)

·  Examine the impact personal ethics and morals may have on the individual's practice

·  Report illegal and/or unsafe activities and behaviors that affect health, safety, and welfare of others to proper authorities (AppB X.PX.1)

·  Develop a plan for separation of personal and professional ethics (AppB X.PX.2)

Patient evaluation/ Anatomy and Physiology

·  Obtain vital signs (AppB I.PI.1)

·  Perform patient screening using established protocols (AppB I.PI.6)

·  Apply critical thinking skills in performing patient assessment and care (AppB I.AI.1)

5. Planned Sequence of Instruction

[These must be designed to help students achieve the learning outcomes.]

·  Patient evaluation/vital signs

·  Infection control

·  Communication

·  Professionalism

·  Cultural diversity

·  Growth and development

·  Environmental safety

·  Legal and ethical topics

6. Assessment of Student Learning

[Methods of assessment should be appropriate for Learning Outcomes listed above.] Assessment methods include quizzes, exams, projects, papers and competency check sheets

Assessment of student learning outcomes for the course, as required by AP 765, is part of regular curriculum maintenance and/or improvement. The specific plan has been determined by the pertinent faculty involved and is kept on file in the division office.

7. List of Texts, References, Selected Library Resources or other Learning Materials (code each item based on instructional use): C-Lecture/Laboratory, A-Lecture, B-Laboratory, LC-Lecture/Clinical, CLN-Clinical, I-Online,

BL-Blended, D-Independent Study, P-Private Lessons, E-Internship,

F-Cooperative Work-Study, FE-Field Experience. [These resources must be easily accessible to students.]

C: Keir L., et al, Medical Assisting, Administrative and Clinical Competencies, current edition, Delmar Publishers, Inc.

C: Keir L., et al, Medical Assisting, Administrative and Clinical Competencies (Workbook). Current edition, Delmar Publishers, Inc.

C: Bloodborne Pathogens, current edition, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Jones and Bartlett

8. Prepared by Faculty Member: Date: 11/19/12

9. Approved by Department Chairperson: Date: 11/29/12

10. Approved by Academic Division Dean: Lori A. Fair Date: 1/22/13

This course meets all reimbursement requirements of Chapter 335, subchapters A / B.

This course was developed, approved, and offered in accordance with the policies, standards, guidelines, and practices established by the College. It is consistent with the college mission.

If the course described here is a transfer course, it is comparable to similar courses generally accepted for transfer to accredited four-year colleges and universities.

11. Director, Curriculum Compliance: Erika Steenland Date: 1/24/13

12. Provost & VP, Academic Affairs: James E. Baxter, P.G. Date: 1/31/13

13. Original Date of course approval by the college:

14. Date(s) of subsequent reviews [Indicate change: Learning Outcomes; textbook(s)]:



Form Template Reviewed & Updated: 10/26/07; 1/11/08; 1/16/09; 7/14/09; 7/31/12