Unit Standard 22755 Version 1


Level 1 3 Credits


1It is intended that those undertaking assessment against this unit standard would also be learning te reo Māori.


known refers to a Māori performing arts costume ensemble already in existence

created refers to a Māori performing arts costume ensemble that the learner has created

ensemble refers to all Māori performing arts costume components, inclusive of applied body adornment

design refers to the meaning of Māori performing arts costume design elements

meaning refers to the reason(s) for using chosen design elements

kaupapa refers to reasons for the selection of design components

tikanga refers to appropriate use and care of the Māori performing arts costume

Candidates will:

Explainthe parts of a Māori performing arts costume ensemble.

Explain the tikanga of the costume use and care.

Note: The learner may present their explanations orally and/or use a range of techniques e.g. PowerPoint, mind maps, posters, drawings etc. Subsequently evidence may be collected by taking notes of what the learner said or by clearly identify the learner and recording their responses on tape, DVD, video etc.

Tutor Preparation:

Photocopy the leaneractivity sheet.

Photocopy the assessment schedule.

Gather resources on the kākahu used in Māori performing artsfor learners.


Unit Standard 22755 Version 1


Level 1 3 Credits


Please note: The following table is not a complete assessment schedule. It is a guide that provides an outline of some requirements for evidence and judgement for the tasks that have been developed. Providers are expected to include their own model answers with the judgement statement as evidence to assist the assessor.

Element / PCs / Task / Evidence / Judgement / NC / C
Element 1
Demonstrate knowledge of a Māori performing arts costume ensemble.
Rangeone of the following – known, created.
PC 1.1
Demonstration includes an explanation of parts of the costume ensemble.
Rangemust include but is not limited to – design, meaning, kaupapa.
PC 1.2
Demonstration includes an explanation of the tikanga of costume ensemble use and care. / Activity 1 – written task
Note:The learner may present their explanations orally and/or use a range of techniques e.g.PowerPoint, mind maps, posters, drawings etc. Subsequently evidence may be collected by taking notes of what the learner said orby clearly identify the learner and recording their responses on tape, DVD, video etc. / Learner explainsthefollowing in relation to a Māori performing arts costume that already exists or that the learner has created:
  • design i.e. the meaning of Māori performing arts costume design elements
  • meaning i.e. the reason(s) for using chosen design elements
  • kaupapai.e. thereasons for the selection of design components
  • tikanga i.e. the appropriate use and care of the Māori performing arts costume.
/ Learner correctly explains all of
the factors of design,meaning,
kaupapa and tikanga of a Māori
performing arts costume that
already exists or thatthe learner

activity 1 - ExplanAtion

Unit Standard 22755, Version 1, Demonstrate knowledge of a Māori Performing Arts costume ensemble, Level 1, 3 Credits

Element 1

Demonstrate knowledge of a Māori performing arts costume ensemble.

Explainthe following factors in relation to a Māori performing arts costume that already exists or that you have created:

  • designie the meaning of Māori performing arts costume design elements
  • meaning ie the reason(s) for using the chosen design elements
  • kaupapa ie thereasons for the selection of the design components
  • tikanga ie the appropriate use and care of the Māori performing arts costume.

You may use this sheet to record your answers and/or use a range of other techniques to present your explanations e.g.Powerpoints, mind maps, posters, drawings etc).

Design / Meaning / Kaupapa / Tikanga
The meaning of the Māori performing arts costume design elements are… / The reason(s) for using the chosen design elements are is/are... / The reasons for the selection of the design componentsare… / The appropriate use of the Māori performing arts costume is…
The appropriate way to care for the Māori performing arts costume is…