Franklin / Green
Amstud 2010-2011
American Author Project
American Author Project
Choose an American author. Read four novels and/or plays or the complete short story and/or poetry collection of your author.
Write a skeleton analysis of each novel or play that you read, OR an analysis of a selection of poetry or short stories that you read.
Each analysis should present the following:
1. A thesis statement of your own creation based on what you have read
2. Four quotes from the primary source that supports that thesis statement
3. A rationale that explains why the quote is an appropriate support for your thesis
4. A quote from a reputable critic that supports your thesis
5. A rationale that explains why the critic’s quote is appropriate
6. A concluding statement that presents a final idea that you derived from this analysis
The entire skeleton analysis should not exceed 1-2 pages, typed. I will not read anything after the second page!
Note: Do not use book jackets for any of your quotes. You will not get any credit if you do.
Note: See the attached document for an illustration of this format.
After writing four skeleton analyses throughout the first half of the school year, you should be prepared to write a 10-15 page research paper on your author, discussing any major themes that you observe throughout his/her work.
The content of this paper should be based on your reading of primary sources as well as secondary research sources written by literary scholars and critics (following your skeleton outline). This paper should be an in-depth investigation of some aspect of your author’s writing such as style, imagery, metaphor, symbolism, characterization, etc.
You will use the official MLA research/citation format for this paper. Resources will be provided in this area. You may also find an annotated version in Writer’s Inc., available for purchase or in the library. Abundant resources exist online as well.
Tentative Schedule for Skeleton Analyses and Research Paper
Skeleton #1: November 18, 2010
Skeleton #2: January 19, 2011
Skeleton #3: March 9, 2011
Skeleton #4: April 28, 2011
Research Paper Due: June…TBD
Skeleton Format
Author Name and Selection(s) Read:
Thesis Statement:
Primary Quote #1:
Rationale #1:
Primary Quote #2:
Rationale #2:
Primary Quote #3:
Rationale #3:
Primary Quote #4:
Rationale #4:
Secondary Quote:
Rationale #5:
Secondary Quote:
Rationale #6:
Concluding Statement