Appendix. General characteristics of the included publications. The publications are presented in chronological order (the most recent at the top of the table).

Authors, publication year / Sample year / Geography / Age in years / Method / Participation rate (%) / Participants (n) / Prevalence
(%) / Pain location / Comments / Duration / Assessment window / Frequency / Intensity / Taxonomy /
Hauser et al., 2015 [43] / 2013 / Germany / ≥14 / Paper questionnaire / 58 / 2,508 / 28 / General / Household sample. Interviewers were available to help with filling in the questionnaires / ≥3 months / - / Constantly or flared up frequently / - / Pain
Inoue et al., 2015 [45] / 2011 / Owariasahi, Japan / ≥20 / Paper questionnaire / 44 / 2,628 / 39 / General / Excluding toothache, migraine, menstrual pain / ≥3 months / - / Either all the time or intermittently / - / Chronic pain
Roizenblatt et al., 2015 [77] / 2007 / City of Sao Paulo, Brazil / 20-80 / Face-to-face interview / 95 / 1,042 / 27 / General / A probabilistic three-stage clustering. Household sample / - / During the last 6 months / Generally / - / Aches
Macfarlane et al., 2015 [54] / 2006 / UK / 40-69 / Touch screen questionnaire / 6 / 503,325 / 43 / General / Sampled from 22 assessment centres. Persons registered with a general practitioner within the National Health Service (UK Biobank study) / ≥3 months / In the last month / - / Interfered with usual activities / Pain
Macfarlane et al., 2015 [54] / 2002 / UK / 44 / Paper questionnaire / 65 / 9,377 / 41 / General / Persons born during one week of March 1958 (National Child Development study - NCDS) / ≥3 months / In the last month / ≥1 day / - / Aches or pains
Macfarlane et al., 2015 [54] / 2008 / Aberdeen and Macclesfield, UK / 40-69 / Paper questionnaire / 36 / 8,847 / 52 / General / MUSICIAN study / ≥3 months / In the last month / ≥1 day / - / Aches or pains
Dueñas et al., 2015 [26] / 2011 / Spain / ≥18 / Telephone interview / 37 / 1,976 / 17 / General / Recruited from households with a landline telephone. Excluded if nationality other than Spanish or incapacity to respond to the questionnaire / ≥3 months / - / At least 4 days a week / - / Pain
Dureja et al., 2014 [27] / - / India (8 cities across the country) / - / Telephone interview / Unclear / 5,004 / 13 / General / Landline and mobile telephones / ≥3 months / Within the past 6 months / Continuously or intermittently. Pain during the last week, experineced at least twic a week / ≥5 on NRS 0-10 / Pain or discomfort
Kennedy et al., 2014 [49] / 2010 / US / ≥18 / Face-to-face interview / Unclear / 6,115 / 19 / General / Recruited from households (National Health Interview Survey). Roughly 25 % of sample adults (n=6,775) were randomly selected as a subgroup for this study / ≥3 months / - / Every day or most days / - / Pain
Jackson et al., 2014 [46] / 2011 / Chongqing, China / - / Telephone interview / 33 / 1003 / 26 / General / Landline and mobile telephones (3107 calls attempted) / ≥3 months / Within the past 6 months / At least one full day / - / Pain
Nakamura et al., 2014 [62] / - / Japan / ≥20 / Internet questionnaire / 15 / 20,407 / 12 / General / Chronic pain defined as a sum score from Widespread Pain Index (WPI) and symptom severity scale (SS) / > 3 months / - / - / ≥4 on NRS 0-10 / -
Zaki & Hairi, 2014 [100] / 2006 / Malaysia / ≥60 / Face-to-face interview / 97 / 4,780 / 15 / General / Two-stage stratified random sampling / ≥3 months / In the last 6 months / Every day or most days / - / Pain
Cabral et al., 2014 [18] / 2011/2012 / São Paulo City, Brazil / ≥15 / Face-to-face interview / 60 / 826 / 42 / General / Recruited from households. Excluded if unable to participate in the interview for any reason and if considered dangerous to the interviewers / ≥3 months / - / At least one pain episode during the past 30 days / - / Pain
Olsen et al., 2013 [70] / 2007-2008 / Tromsø County, Norway / 30-87 / Paper questionnaire / 66 / 10,566 / 32 / General / - / ≥3 months / - / Persistent or constantly recurring / - / Pain
Harifi et al., 2013 [41] / 2009 / Morocco / ≥18 / Telephone interview / 56 / 5,326 / 21 / General / Recruited from households / >3 months / - / Currently, every day / - / Pain
Hairi et al., 2013 [38] / 1999 / New South Wales, Australia / ≥65 / Telephone interview / 71 / 8,881 / 22 / General / Recruited from households (living in a private dwelling). People with hearing impairment and who were deaf were excluded / ≥3 months / In the last 6 months / Every day / - / Pain
Nitter et al., 2012 [67] / 1990 / Arendal municipality, Norway / 37- 67 / Paper questionnaire / 59 / 1,338 / 57 / General (muscles, joints, back, the whole body) / Follow-up since 1990. Participation rate of triple participation / ≥3 continuous months / The last year / - / - / Pain and/or stiffness
Lapane et al., 2012 [52] / 2007/2009 / USA / - / Face-to-face interview + observations / - / 9,952 / 25 / General / Nursing home residents. Data includes two assessments.
Non-cancer pain / - / Over two assessments + observation / Persistent.Daily or less than daily / Intensified / Pain
Siu et al., 2012 [84] / - / Hong Kong, China / 11-19 / Paper questionnaire (at school) / 88 / 1,156 / 26 / General / Recruited from school classes / ≥3 months / - / - / - / Pain
Kurita et al., 2012 [50] / 2010 / Denmark / ≥16 / Paper or online questionnaire / 61 / 14,925 / 27 / General / - / ≥6 months / - / Chronic/long lasting / - / Pain
Zarei et al., 2012 [101] / 2009 / Jahrom, Iran / 20-85 / Paper questionnaire / 94 / 1,593 / 39 / General / Recruited from households / - / During the past 6 months / - / - / Pain
Ohayon & Stingl, 2012 [69] / 2007 / Germany / ≥15 / Telephone interview / 80 / 3,011 / 26 / Limited to face, back (neck, shoulders and back), superior and inferior limbs (arms, hands, legs, feet), abdomen, chest, headache/migraine / Excluded if not fluent in German, or suffering from speech or hearing impairment, or having an illness that precluded participation / ≥3 months / - / At least x3/week / - / Pain
Azevedo et al., 2012 [5] / 2007 / Portugal / ≥18 / Telephone interview / 51 / 5,094 / 37 / General / - / ≥3 months / - / - / - / Pain
de Moraes Vieira et al., 2012 [24] / 2009 / Sao Luiz, Brazil / ≥18 / Face-to-face interview / Unclear / 1,597 / 42 / - / - / ≥6 months / - / Persistent / - / Pain
Dominick et al., 2012 [25] / 2006 / New Zealand / ≥15 / Face-to-face interview / 68 / 12,488 / 17 / General (head, neck, face, jaw or joint below the ear, teeth or gums, back, chest, stomach, pelvic region, joints (fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, and knees), other) / Non-institutionalised residents / Lasted or is expected to last in ≥6 months / - / Present almost every day / May vary / Pain
Lu and Javier, 2011 [53] / 2006 / Philippines / 18-85 / Face-to-face interview / Unclear / 11,000 / 14 / - / - / ≥3 months / In the last 6 months / Several times a week or more, present the last month / ≥ 4 on 10-point pain NRS / Pain
Schopflocher et al., 2011 [81] / 2007 / Canada / ≥18 / Telephone interview / 22 in 2007
19 in 2008 / 4,000 / 19 / General / Limited to pain from an illness, accident or medical condition / ≥6 months / Experienced in the last month / At least two times a week / Last experienced pain ≥ 5 on 10-point NRS / Pain
Fuss et al., 2011 [33] / 2009 / Ontario, Canada / 8-18 / Paper questionnaires / - / 1,006 / 27 / General / Participants recruited from visitors at the Ontario Science Centre / Lasted for ≥3 months / - / - / - / Pain
Landmark et al., 2011 [51] / 2006 / Nord-Trøndelag County, Norway / ≥20 / Postal questionnaire / 49 / 46,533 / 29 / General / - / Lasted for >6 months / - / Past month / ≥ moderate pain during the past month / Bodily pain
Hagen et al., 2011‡ [37] / 1995 (see comments) / Nord-Trøndelag County, Norway / ≥20 / Paper questionnaire / 39 / 39,771 / 45 and 48 (HUNT 2 and 3) / Limited to muscles and joints / 11-year follow-up. HUNT-2 in 1995-1997 and HUNT-3 in 2006-2008) / ≥3 months / During the last year / - / - / Pain and/or stiffness
Reitsma et al., 2011 [76] / 1996-2008 / Canada / ≥18 / Seven cross-sectional cycles in two population surveys (Interviews) / >78 / 10,992 / Ranged over time from 15 % in 1996/97 to 19 % in 1994/95 and 2007-2008 / General / Excluded residents of institutions, reserves and some remote areas and full-time members of the Canadian forces. / Answers NO to the question “Are you usually free of pain or discomfort?” / - / - / - / Pain or discomfort
Nakamura et al., 2011 [63] / 2010 / Japan / ≥18 / Paperquestionnaire / 60 / 11,507 / 15 / Limited to pain associated with bone, muscle, joints, or nerves / - / ≥6 months / - / Present within the past month / ≥ 5 on 10-point VAS scale / Stiffness or pain
Toblin et al., 2011 [88] / 2007 / Kansas, US / ≥18 / Telephone interviews (BRFSS) / 53 / 4,090 / 28 / General / Non-institutionalised residents / - / - / Chronic, occurs constantly or flares up frequently / - / Pain
Wong & Fielding, 2011 [98] / 2007 / Hong Kong / ≥18 / Telephone interviews / 58 / 5,001 / 35 / General / Non-institutionalised residents / >3 months / - / Currently troubled, either all the time, or on and [24]off / - / Physical pain or discomfort
Raftery et al., 2011 [75] / 1994 / Republic of Ireland / ≥18 / Paperquestionnaires / 40 / 1,204 / 36 / General / Randomly recruited from 33 general practices. Excluded if terminal illness, cancer pain, severe mental illness or severe cognitive impairment. / >3 months / - / Currently, either all the time or on and off / - / Pain or discomfort
Hoftun et al., 2011 [44] / 2006 / Nord-Trøndelag County, Norway / 13-18 / Paper questionnaires / 78 / 7,373 / 44 / General / Pain not related to any known disease or injury / ≥3 months / - / At least once a week / - / Pain
Haraldstad et al., 2011 [39] / - / Norway (Eastern region) / 8-18 / Paper questionnaire / 74 / 1,230 / 21 / Limited to head, back, abdomen, arm, leg, ear, throat, chest, tooth. (girls were also asked about menstruation pain and pain in the pelvis) / - / ≥3 months / - / - / - / Pain
Johannes et al., 2010 [48] / 2008 / US / ≥18 / Paper questionnaires (Self-administered survey via web-enabled panel of US households) / 76 / 27,036 / 34.5 / General / - / ≥6 months / - / Chronic or long lasting, recurrent / Not fleeting or minor / Pain
Currow et al., 2010 [23] / 2006 / South Australia / ≥15 / Face-to-face interviews / 66 / 2,973 / 18 / General / - / ≥3 months / During six months prior to the interview / Daily / - / Pain
Gunnarsdóttir et al., 2010 [36] / 2003 / Iceland / ≥18 / Paper questionnaires / 47 / 599 / 31 / General / - / >3 months / - / Experienced the past week / - / Pain
Ablin et al., 2010 [3] / 2008 / Sderot and Ofakim, Israel / ≥18 / Telephone interview / 52-59 / 2,030 / 29 / Limited to arms, legs, neck, back, head / - / >3 months / - / Present / - / Pain
Ohayon & Schatzberg, 2010 [68] / 2003 / California, US / ≥18 / Telephone interview / 86 / 3,243 / 49 / Limited to abdomen, shoulders, neck, back, arms, hands, legs, chest, headaches or migraine / - / ≥3 months / - / Present at the time of the interview, occurring at least 3 days/week / ≥ mild / Pain
Jakobsson, 2010 [47] / 2005 / Skåne, Sweden / ≥18 / Paper questionnaire / 46 / 826 / 46 / General / - / ≥3 months / - / - / - / Pain
Toth et al., 2009 [90] / - / Alberta, Canada / ≥18 / Telephone interview / 43 / 1,207 / 35 / General / - / ≥3 months / Currently daily or near daily / - / Pain
Sjøgren et al., 2009 ‡ [85] / - / Denmark / > 16 / Face-to-face interview/Paper questionnaire / 51 / 5,188 / 20 / General / Respondents with self-reported earlier or present cancer diagnosis excluded / ≥6 months / - / Chronic/long lasting / - / Pain
Yeo & Tay, 2009 [99] / 2006 / Singapore / 18-85 / Telephone interview / 44 / 4,141 / 9 / General / Cognitively unable to complete the questionnaire were excluded / ≥3 months / Over the last 6 months / - / - / Pain
Sá et al., 2008 [79] / - / Salvador, Brazil / ≥20 / Face-to-face interview / 92 / 2,297 / 41 / General / Pregnant women excluded / >6 months / - / Periodically / - / Pain
Tsang et al., 2008 [93] / 2001 / In 10 developed and 7 developing countries / ≥16 or ≥18 or ≥20 or ≥21 / Face-to-face interviews / Unclear / 42,249 / 38 / General (arthritis or rheumatism, chronic back or neck problems, frequent or severe headaches and other chronic pain) / Weighted probability sample / - / In the previous 12 months / - / - / Chronic pain or problems
Neville et al., 2008 [64] / - / Israel / ≥25 / Telephone interview / 92 / 3,738 / 46 / General / Recruited from a Health Service Database which includes 54% of the Israeli population. Non-Hebrew speakers were excluded. / ≥3 months / In the last 6 months / Persisting continously or intermittently / - / Pain or discomfort
Watkins et al., 2008 [97] / 2004 / Olmsted County, US / ≥30 / Paper questionnaire / 61 / 3,575 / 64 / Limited to 25 potential pain sites / Subjects that had at least 1 visit to a local health care facility in the past 3 years / >3 months / - / Any frequency at any location / - / Pain
Bouhassira et al., 2008 [12] / 2004 / France / ≥18 / Paper questionnaire / 79 / 23,712 / 32 / General / - / ≥3 months / - / Currently, daily / - / Pain
Hardt et al., 2008 [40] / 1999 / US / ≥20 / Face-to-face interview / 72 / 10,271 / 13 / Limited to 32 body regions. / Non-institutionalised residents. NHANES 1999-2002. / ≥3 months / - / Within the last month. Lasted ≥24 hours / Not fleeting or minor / Pain
Chung et al., 2007[21] / 2003 / Hong Kong / - / Telephone interview / 37 / 2126 / 35 / General / Computer assisted interview / >3 months / - / Present at the time of interview / - / Pain
Bhattarai et al., 2007 [8] / Nepal / 15-64 / Face-to-face interview / Not reported (door to door visit) / 1730 / 47 / General / - / >3 months / - / Lasting or recurring / - / Pain