Bay #3, 7471 Edgar Industrial Bend, Red Deer, Alberta T4P-3Z5
Phone 346-4846 Fax 343-3280
I am pleased to provide the following information for your perusal. Since 1957 this association has worked on behalf of all companies involved in the construction industry and we would like to convince you of the importance of supporting RDCA and belonging to this organization.
Collectively, through membership in the Red Deer Construction Association, local contractors and suppliers have advanced their interests and that of their industry. Benefits provided by the association are outlined in the enclosed materials, and awareness of the "intangible" benefits of membership is essential. Please consider supporting your own industry. Services provided by the Association on behalf of members succeed in areas where individual action has little chance of success. All levels of government are monitored by the construction association, which lobbies on behalf of its members. There is strength in numbers. For example, the Lien Act was amended to reduce the holdback amount in Alberta to 10% from 15%. This was directly as a result of the Alberta Construction Association's lobbying efforts. The Alberta Construction Association is currently lobbying government on the industry's behalf against privatization of the Workers' Compensation Board. They are also reviewing the way companies are classified for WCB and the appeal's system.
Membership in RDCA promotes your company's professionalism. There is demand for referral of members. Membership in good standing with this association signifies that your company supports and upholds the Alberta Construction Association Code of Ethics.
The Canadian, Alberta and Red Deer Construction Associations provide ongoing information and opportunities for exchange of information. Member involvement is essential to maintain the voice of this association. Your ideas, suggestions and involvement are needed to build a stronger construction industry.
We would be pleased if you would consider membership in this association and the network it provides to you for consultation, information and assistance. If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours truly,
Mary Lu Bryson,
Red Deer Construction Association - Services
GOVERNMENT LIAISON: The Red Deer Construction Association is dedicated to providing effective representation and quality services to its member firms who are General Contractors, Trade Contractors, Manufacturers and Suppliers of goods and services to the Industry. RDCA provides a strong collective voice to Government and specifically monitors Municipal Government activities on a continuing basis maintaining the lines of communication with key municipal departments.
ALBERTA CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION: Membership with RDCA provides your firm with an automatic membership with the Alberta Construction Association (ACA). ACA acts as your liaison with the Alberta provincial Government. ACA also provides you with the following services and publications;
-Education and Training Programs
-Construction Alberta Magazine (complimentary subscription)
CANADIAN CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION: Membership with RDCA also provides your firm with an automatic membership with the Canadian Construction Association (CCA). CCA acts as your liaison with the Federal Government of Canada. CCA provides you with the following publications, available for viewing in the Plan Room.
-CCA National Newsletters.
-CCA Publications "Construction"
-Taxes & Tariff Bulletins.
-Human Resources & Labour Relations Bulletin.
-The Environment Bulletin.
PLAN ROOM: Membership with RDCA offers your firm access to our Plan Room. Every year hundreds of sets of plans and specifications arrive and are available for viewing in our Plan Room. These plans represent large and small commercial, institutional and industrial projects open to tender throughout the greater Red Deer area, the Province of Alberta and Western Canada.
COOLNET (Construction Opportunities On-Line Network): The Electronic Plan Room (EPR) has been developed by the construction industry in Alberta through the co-operative efforts of the local construction associations of the Alberta Construction Association, the Alberta Roadbuilders and Heavy Construction Association, and the Government of Alberta. As a member of RDCA you can access information on any project that’s on-line. You can view plans, specifications, addendums, bidders lists, pre-bid notices of projects and bid results. There is so much information right at your finger tips. You can save time and money by viewing projects on-line. As a member of RDCA you will receive a Coolnet password and user id.
ACTS: RDCA administers the Red Deer Branch of ACTS. ACTS is a system for receiving sealed tenders from trade contractors whereby the sanctity of bidding is protected and those receiving their tenders obtain firm quotations in writing and in adequate time to compile their bids completely and accurately. ACTS is open for all firms to participate in the bidding process; however, member firms have processing costs subsidized by RDCA on projects closing at the Red Deer Branch of ACTS. (this service is in a moratorium and if this service starts up again I will inform the RDCA membership)
BULLETIN BOARD: RDCA keeps you informed on the activities relating to your Industry. This information is communicated to you through our weekly bulletin and is disseminated to member firms.
INDUSTRY FORECAST SERVICE: The RDCA receives a variety of economic, statistical and general information from various Governmental, Private and Industry agencies relative to the economy, planned and / or approved infrastructure / construction projects and space utilization surveys. This information is made available to members for use in conjunction with their respective forecasting, budgeting and scheduling requirements.
NETWORK WITH OTHER LEADERS/ESTABLISH VALUABLE BUSINESS CONTACTS: RDCA organizes several social events annually. These events provide your firm with an opportunity to meet and socialize with fellow members - contractors, suppliers, owners, architects and engineers. The following is an outline of our calendar of events:
-Annual General Meeting
-Spring Golf Tournament
-Christmas Festivities Dinner and Dance
CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: RDCA carries a complete line of Industry Standard Contract Documents. These Documents are for sale to both member and non - member firms; however, member firms can purchase their documents at preferential prices.
AFFIDAVIT SERVICE: RDCA has a staff member who is authorized by the Province of Alberta as Commissioner of Oaths. As many of your documents feature this requirement, member firms may obtain this service through our office free of charge.
BLUEPRINT COPIER: A blueprint copier if available for use. We offer four different paper sizes at a reduced cost for member firms.
MEETING ROOM: RDCA has one (1) Board Room seating twelve (12). This room is available for use by member firms on a reservation basis, and it’s offered to members at a reduced cost.
PROMOTE YOUR PROFESSIONALISM: A member in good standing with the Red Deer Construction Association signifies that your business upholds the Alberta Construction Association Code of Practice.
CSTS (Construction Safety Training System): The RDCA offers this course to any member or non-member. There can be nothing more important to a company than to ensure its workers go home safely to their families at the end of each work day. CSTS can help make this happen. The RDCA offers it’s members a discount for this course.
Red Deer Construction Association
Mission Statement
The Red Deer Construction Association exists to serve its' members; by displaying plans and information on current projects in the industry; by acting as their collective voice on issues of concern; and by promoting standards, education, and communication in an effort to benefit the industry and society.
(a)To provide facilities and opportunities, for exchange of information and opinions between members.
(b)To promote liaison between construction trades and legislative bodies.
(c)To operate a plan room and circulate a weekly information Bulletin for members.
(d) To promote the safety of all workmen engaged in construction trades.
(e)To promote the education of the members in all matters affecting the building and construction industry.
(f) To encourage and promote an apprenticeship system.
(g)To promote excellence in the construction of buildings.
(h)To promote ethical business practices.
(i)To encourage arbitration as a means of settling disputes.
(j)To promote uniformity in contract forms and documents used in the building and construction trades.
(k)To work with the Alberta and Canadian Construction Associations.
(l)To operate the Red Deer branch of the Alberta Construction Tendering System.
(m)To promote the Association and extend its membership.
(n)To procure, furnish and maintain suitable facilities for the use of its members.
Bay #3,7471 Edgar Industrial Bend, Red Deer, Alberta T4P-3Z5
Phone 346-4846 Fax 343-3280
Membership Dues
Plan AMembership Dues $ 1010.00
GST 60.60
Please Remit $ 1070.60
Associate Members includes Architects, Financial Institutions, Insurance Firms
Membership Dues $625.00
GST $37.50
Please Remit $662.50
Pro Rated Fees (includes GST)
Jan – Feb.$1070.60
March - April$892.16
May – June$713.72
July – Dec.$535.28
If joining in the last quarter of the year for example in October. You would need to submit $267.64 plus $981.38 (early bird amount). If you did not wish to take advantage of the savings you would have to submit $535.28.
Bay #3, 7471 Edgar Industrial Bend. Red Deer, Alberta T4P-3Z5 Phone 346-4846 Fax 343-3280
Application For Membership
Date: ______
To The Directors of The Red Deer Construction Association;
I/We the undersigned hereby make application for membership in the Red Deer Construction Association, an Organization of General contractors, Trade Contractors, Manufacturing and Supply Firms, and other Industries and Services, allied to the Construction Industry, with all the rights and privileges pertaining thereto:
I/We will confirm to and be governed by the Constitution, By-laws, Agreements and regulations of the association now in force, or to any alterations that may be made by proper authority during such membership.
We attach our cheque in the amount of $______GST #R107878746
Name of Firm:______
Address______City: ______
Postal Code:______Phone No:______Fax ______
Email: Website:
Parent Firm: (if dues paid by other than applicant)______
Nature of Business: (describe in detail)______
Name of Representative: ______
Title of Representative:______
Signature of Representative:______
I/We are applying for membership under Section (Place X in appropriate place.)
General Contractor______Trade Contractor______Manufacturing Supply & Service_____
General Conditions of Membership
1. Applicant Must Be Actively Engaged In The Construction Industry.
2. Applicant Must Be Reputable And Agree To Be Governed By The Code Of
Ethics As Adopted By The Red Deer Construction Association.
The information provided in this application will be treated with the utmost confidence and will be used solely for administration of this membership and the services provided by this association.
Be advised that the information provided will be supplied to Alberta and Canadian Construction Association to facilitate the administration of services provided your firm by those organizations in keeping with the co-operative agreements in place.
Submission of this application will be considered consent to use the above information for the purposes stated.
For Association Use Only
Approved By: ______