

Regulations for the Honours Degree Programme in

Product Design Engineering

These Programme Regulations apply to the conduct of the programme in the 2012-13 session and should be read in conjunction with University Regulation XX and the relevant Module Specifications. These Programme Regulations may be subject to change from time to time. Notice of change will be given by the School responsible for the programme.


1.1Administrative responsibility for the programme rests with the Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering.

1.2The programme leads to the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering.

1.3The duration of the programme is 6 semesters, or 8 semesters if students undertake the additional period of study, normally between Parts B and C, leading to the award of the Diploma in Industrial Studies, the Diploma of International Studies, or the Diploma of Professional Studies.


2.1Part A - Introductory Modules

2.1.1 Semester 1

(i)COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 60)

CodeTitleModular Weight

MAA306Mathematics for Manufacturing (20)10


MMA102Engineering Science 1(20)10

MMA604Materials and Manufacturing


MMA401Product Design

(Ergonomics & Visualisation)(20)10

MMA400Manufacturing Design 110

MMA501Integrating Studies 1a10

2.1.2 Semester 2

COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 60)

CodeTitleModular Weight

MAA306Mathematics for Manufacturing(20)10


MMA102Engineering Science 1(20)10

MMA604Materials and Manufacturing


MMA401Product Design

(Ergonomics & Visualisation)(20)10

MMA504Integrating Studies 1b10

MMA900Electronics and Electrical Technology 110

2.2Part B - Degree Modules

2.2.1 Semester 1

COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 60)

CodeTitleModular Weight

MMB112Engineering Science 210

MMB310Engineering and Management Modelling10

MMB400Industrial Design10

MMB501Integrating Studies(20)10

MMB504Application of Product Design(20)10

MMB610Manufacturing Technology10

2.2.2 Semester 2

COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 60)

CodeTitleModular Weight


MMA210Manufacturing Management10

MMB301Software Engineering10

MMB403Design of Machine Elements10

MMB501Integrating Studies(20)10

MMB504Application of Product Design(20)10

2.3Part I – Optional Placement Year


CodeTitleModular Weight

MMI001Diploma in Industrial Studies (DIS)120

MMI002Diploma in Professional Studies (DPS)120

(In order to be considered for the award of DIS or DPS students will need to complete a minimum of 45 weeks in an approved placement and meet the specified report submission for the award, for further details contact the industrial training coordinator for the School or visit Students should note that consideration of this award is only on successful completion of their degree programme)

MMI003Diploma in International Studies (DIntS)120

(In order to be considered for the award if DIntS students will need to complete 45 weeks approved overseas placement. This may be industrial or academic study or a combination of the two. At the end of the placement students are required to submit a report and dissertation, further details are available via the School’s Exchange Coordinator)

2.4Part C - Degree Modules

2.4.1 Semester 1

(i)COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 30)

CodeTitleModular Weight

MMC501Individual Project (40)10

MMC200Engineering Management: Finance, Law

And Quality10

MMC602Sustainable Manufacturing 10

(ii)OPTIONAL MODULES (total modular weight 30)

Optional subjects with a modular weight of 10 must be selected from Group A, 10 from Group B and 10 from Group C.

Group A Modules

CodeTitleModular Weight

MMD207Project Management10

MMC201OrganisationStructure & Strategy10

MPC013Polymers and Applications10

Group B Modules

CodeTitleModular Weight

MMC400Design for Assembly10

MMC606Additive Manufacturing for Product Development10

Group C Modules

CodeTitleModular Weight

MMC600Advanced Manufacturing Processes &

Technology 110

MMC108Manufacturing Automation and Control10

2.4.2Study Overseas

Students may choose to study Part C – Semester 1 at an approved Overseas Higher Education Institution. The mix of subjects of the learning programme must be approved in advance by the Programme Director. The proposed programme of learning will normally include work on an Individual Project with a modular weight of 10.

2.4.3 Semester 2

(i)COMPULSORY MODULES (total modular weight 40)

CodeTitleModular Weight

MMC501Individual Project (40)30

MMC401Product Design10

(ii) OPTIONAL MODULES (total modular weight 20)

Students choose optional subjects with a modular weight of 10 from Group A and 10 from Group B.

Group A Modules

CodeTitleModular Weight


MMC700Sports Engineering10

MMC610Healthcare Engineering10

Group B Modules

CodeTitleModular Weight

MMC203Manufacturing Planning and Control10

MMC204Management of the Human Resource10

MMC300Product Information Systems -Computer

Aided Design10

In exceptional circumstances, a student may substitute another degree level module (weight 10) from the University’s catalogue, for one of those listed, subject to the prior approval of the Programme Director. The student is responsible for ensuring that all aspects of any such selection can be incorporated into their individual timetable.


3.1Criteria for Progression and Degree Award

3.1.1In addition to satisfying the requirements set out in Regulation XX, students must gain 100 credits (40%) and achieve at least 30% in all compulsory modules in order to progress from Parts A or B.

3.1.2The criteria for the award of a degree are in accordance with the scheme set out in Regulation XX, i.e. students must gain 100 credits (40%) and achieve at least 20% in all modules in Part C.

3.2Relative Weighting of Parts of the Programme for the purposes of Final
Degree Classification

Candidates’ final degree classification will be determined on the basis of their performance in degree level Module Assessments in Parts B and C, in accordance with the scheme set out in Regulation XX. The overall average percentage marks for each Part will be combined in the ratio Part B 40: Part C 60, to determine the degree classification.


Provision will be made in accordance with Regulation XX for candidates who have the right of re-assessment in Parts A and B of the programme to undergo re-assessment in the University’s special assessment period (SAP). Final year candidates will normally be required to re-sit during the next academic year but may be granted the option of re-assessment in SAP at the discretion of the examiners. Where a candidate has achieved fewer than 60 credits in a part of the programme, reassessment in the relevant part is not available to that candidate in the special assessment period.

3.3.1Limitations of Accreditation

IMechE accreditation will not be granted for BEng candidates who commenced the programme before 2007 and are re-assessed in individual project module MMC501.

IET accreditation will not be granted for any candidates who are re-assessed in individual project module MMC501.


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