Doctor of Philosophy
Ph.D. Office, 5057 Woodward, Room 6305.5, Detroit, MI 48202 | Phone: 313.577.2170 |
Name / DatePID / Email
Department / Advisor
1. / Approved Plan of Work on file with the Graduate School2. / Completion of approximately 50 hours of coursework (attach current transcript)
3. / Successful completion of Qualifying Examinations
A. / Date Written Qualifying Exam was passed: / ____ / ____/____
B. / Is the Oral Exam part of the Qualifying Exam? / Yes / No
If yes, attach the Report on Oral Examination or Prospectus and Record of Approval
4. / Naming of the Dissertation Advisory Committee
AdvisorName Access ID / Signature Date
Name Access ID / Signature Date
Name Access ID / Signature Date
Name Access ID / Outside Member / Signature Date
Outside Member is from: / Signature Date
Departmental Graduate Director Date
Graduate School Approval Date
This form is to be used by departments to request the Graduate School to advance Ph.D. Applicants to degree Candidate Status. Please supply the data to indicate that all four requirements for Candidacy have been successfully completed.
1. Plan of Work
The final Plan of Work should have been submitted to the Graduate School for approval before the student accrued 40 credits. The Graduate School will verify the approval of the Plan of Work.
2. Completion of Coursework
Attach current transcript for verification that at approximately 50 credits of coursework appearing on the Plan of Work has been completed.
3. Oral Examination Policy
An Oral Exam is a requirement for the Ph.D. degree, though it is not required to be part of the Qualifying Examination. If the Oral Exam is part of the Qualifying Exam, it must be completed within 60 days of the Written Qualifying Exam and results turned in with the Candidacy form (i.e. in the form of a Report on Oral Examination or Prospectus). The Oral Exam requirement may also be fulfilled as a lecture or a seminar; as part of the Prospectus meeting; or in some other context by which the student presents information orally and answers questions posed by the student’s committee. The Oral Exam may occur after the student has achieved degree Candidacy, only if it is not part of the Qualifying exam.
4. Dissertation Advisory Committee Members
The names of the Dissertation Advisory Committee should be entered and the member who is external to the department identified. The Departmental Graduate Officer should verify that the Advisor and at least one other committee member hold Regular Graduate Faculty appointments. The graduate Faculty Appointment form and procedures are available from the Graduate School website:
NOTE: Doctoral Dissertation Research blocks 9991 through 9994 MUST BE TAKEN CONSECUTIVELY. If a semester (not including Spring/Summer) is skipped, the student will be considered inactive and will have to be reinstated by his/her Advisor.