Form _3A_

Recommendations Submittal Form

  1. Recommendation Index:

TitleChapter Committee FiscalYearEnd WriteUp (6 Words Max)

Submitted By: BroMichael EdwardsControl Number:

Contact Info:732-310-2654

(E-mail Address req’d)(Phone Numbel)

Chapter Name:Upsilon NuLocation: Richmond, Virginia

District3rd District

  1. Submittal Information:

Date Submitted to International Headquarters:na


Date Submitted to Recommendations Chairman4/12/2014


  1. Endorsement:

Submittal of this Recommendation was endorsed byna

(Chapter Name).

The submittal of this Recommendation was endorsed by the


Chapter Contact: Bro.Michael EdwardsOfficena

Contact Info:

(E-mail Address req’d)(Phone Number – Optional)

District Contact: BronaOfficena

Contact Info:na

(E-mail Address req’d)(Phone Number – Optional)

  1. Research:

This Recommendation will have a Financial Impact on:

Candidates for Membership Brothers Chapters Districts Fraternity

Estimate of Annual/One-Time Financial Impact

This Recommendation will affect:

Constitution By-Laws New Membership Policy Dues Other Procedure

Recommendations Submittal Form

  1. Recommendation:

Insert text of the Recommendation. Limited to 25 words or less. (Rationale to be indicated below):

Committees should provide end of Fiscal Year Writeup to the Basilues
  1. Rationale:

Insert text that describes the rationale for the Recommendation and other supporting comments. Limited to 250 words or less:

Currently, Committee Chairman do not provide end of fiscal year reports to the Basileus, so that he can access if the committee's performance has met its mandate.
In order for the Basileus to carry out one of his main mandates, the appointment of committee chairmen, it would be extremely helpful, if he has written documentation on the performance of the committees by the committee chairmen in order to determine if changes of some kind are required.
The write-up will include but not limited to the following:
1. Number of meetings held and form of meeting (teleconference, face to face etc.)
2. Number of committee members.
3. Names of committee members
4. Number of activities conducted
5. Accomplishments of the committee
6. Did committee reach its stated goals?
7. Number of reports submitted to Chapter during fiscal year.
8. Does Brother want to continue as Committee Chair or Committee Co-Chair?
To be provided to the Basileus before the december Excutive Committee meeting, following the end of the Fiscal year for which the write-up is being delivered.
  1. History:

This Recommendation is: New Previously Submitted

If Previously Submitted, indicate: Grand Conclave #


  1. Referral:

This Recommendation should be referred to:Executive Committee

Committee or Office

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