Twisters All-Star Handbook

Welcome to Twisters All-Star Program. We are so excited you have chosen to become a part of Knoxville’s newest all-star programs. Our mission is to emphasize the importance of safety, conditioning, tumbling, and discipline. Most importantly, we focus on the kids having fun. Our goal at Twisters is to teach teamwork, dedication, self-confidence, positive attitude and a love for the sport. It is our goal to be the very best all-star program in the country.

Please take a moment to read through our packet. After you have read it please fill out the following pages: Financial Commitment/Credit card information, information for the team rep, tryout form, member form and Twister competitive team contract. Be prepared to turn in all the pages, along with a photo copy of your cheerleader’s birth certificate as well as a picture of your cheerleader. Please enclose the $25 tryout fee.

Rebekah Courtney Chait, Owner


Turn this page in with your paperwork

Knoxville Twisters
Cheer & Tumbling
2017-2018 All-Stars

Name as it appears on the card: ______

Billing Address with zip code: ______

Type of Card: ______Security code: ______

Credit Card Number: ______Exp. Date: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

Cheerleader: ______

All-star fee is $110 a month or $75 a month for Mini’s and $90 for level 5; this includes one tumble class per week (this fee remains the same if you choose not to take your tumble class). Any extra stunt, stretch, explosion, or private classes will be billed to your Twisters all-star account.

Knoxville Twisters
Cheer & Tumbling
2017-2018 All-Stars

We only plan to attend two overnight competition this year. If we qualify for a World competition we will decide as a team which one, if any to attend.

·  Each cheerleader must have a chaperone at every competition. This is not your coach, Team Rep or Twister staff’s responsibility to be your child’s chaperone.

·  When we do stay overnight it is your responsibility to pay the hotel directly for your room. We will all stay at the same place and hopefully get a discounted group rate.

·  Proper traveling attire will be discussed with each team prior to a competition.

Competition season begins in November 2017 and will run through April 2018.
This is a tentative schedule for Twisters 2017-2018 season.
Twisters All-star showcase- November 2017

If we qualify, we could go to a world competition in April.

*level 4/5 team may have a different schedule which will be discussed at the parent meeting.

We are not sure what levels we will have until after tryouts. We are hoping to have 4 strong teams this year.

Knoxville Twisters
Cheer & Tumbling
2017-2018 All-Stars

1.  Practice Dress Code

·  Athletes must wear the correct practice clothes and cheer shoes must be worn at every practice.

·  If an Athlete does not have on the correct practice clothes he or she is required to purchase the correct practice clothes and it will be charged to your Twisters bill.

·  Practice shorts should NOT be rolled up excessively. If you are a flyer, bloomers may be required under your practice shorts.

·  Hair must be pulled up, out of your face, in a high ponytail, with the appropriate bow to match that days practice clothes. Short hair may be worm pulled back by a headband that will not fly out or may be worn half up/half down. If a bow is not in the hair, you must purchase one and it will be charged to your Twister account.

·  Sports bras are encouraged instead of regular bras under their practice tops to provide extra support.

·  NO jewelry of any kind allowed in the gym.

2.  Competition Dress Code

Athletes have only 2 dress code options that may be worn and competitions. Athletes may wear: 1. Full uniform, or

2. Twisters warm-up

·  All hair and make-up must be COMPLETE before entering the competition venue. This means a high ponytail, bow: hair sprayed back, NO curls, NO whispies, NO bumps and NO glitter!

·  When arriving to a competition, you may wear your uniform top with a jacket over it.

-You may wear your skirt under your pants (under no circumstances ever may you wear your skirt over your pants)

·  The only Twister shirt allowed to be worn over your uniform are the lime green twister shirts or the competition shirt which will be approved by Rebekah.

·  You must wear athletic shoes at the competitions at all times. (No UGGS, or flip-flops ect. are allowed while in uniform, uggs may be worn with warm up but NOT with uniform.)

·  No jewelry allowed at all.

Knoxville Twisters
Cheer & Tumbling
2017-2018 All-Stars

From the athlete and parent:

·  Treat fellow teammates, coaches, staff and parents with respect at all times.

·  DO NOT participate in Gossip. This includes internal gossip about other Twisters athletes and external gossip about other cheerleading programs and their athletes. Problems should be addressed and resolved directly, and parents should not listen, participate or instigate any idle, worthless gossip.

·  Always show good sportsmanship and class.

·  No use of profanity and/or abusive language.

·  You must arrive at all practices, competitions or any scheduled event on time.

·  During practice your opinion does not count. All squad and routine decisions are left up to the coaches.

·  No one is allowed to post any Twisters all-star music, choreography, routines, stunts, ect on any website without permission for the owner of Twisters. This includes but not limited to “Facebook”, “Twitter” or “You Tube”.

·  Practices may be changed or added at any time during the session.

·  No one is allowed to yell onto the floor or try to make contact during practices. This is very distracting to all involved.

·  The coaches reserve the right to close practices.

·  Athletes should be able to handle school work and All-star practices, homework is not an acceptable excuse for missing practice. Withholding a child from practice or competition should never be used as punishment.

·  There will be no arguing or questioning a coach’s decision at competitions.

·  The owner may change, add or subtract any rule at any time.

Knoxville Twisters
Cheer & Tumbling
2017-2018 All-Stars

1.  Practice Attendance Policy

A.  Summer Practice

·  Attendance at practice is critical to your athlete’s progress and integral to the success of the team and athletes should be at practices during the summer season.

·  However, we recognize that some athletes may need a “break,” therefore summer practices are designed to accommodate family vacations, summer camps, church camps, summer sports and other summer activities.

·  We allow more flexibility with attendance, so long as the absence has been scheduled on the vacation and planning calendar, noting the vacation, camp, game or any other scheduled activity preventing the athlete from attending practice.

·  Tuition fees are still due during the summer months and rescheduling is not an option.

B.  Competition Season Practices

·  The competition season begins August 2017 and ends April 2018

·  Practice attendance is absolutely mandatory and compliance with the attendance policy below will be strictly enforced. An athlete’s team position will be jeopardized for noncompliance with all the following terms of the attendance policy.

·  Athletes are expected to be at every practice.

·  If an athlete is absent from practice for any reason, whether excused or unexcused, he or she is responsible for learning ALL routine changes made in their absence, before the next practice.

·  Practice may be changed or added at any time during the year. Parents must check the website and emails on a daily basis to stay on top of the practice schedule for updates on day and times.

Excused Absences
An excused absence must be scheduled on the planning calendar and must be either:
a. School Function that result in a grade, or
b. Anything pertaining to school sponsored cheerleading event. These must be approved in advance by your coach or Rebekah.

Unexcused Absences
Unexcused absences are anything else besides the excused absences.
a. Athletes are allowed 3 unexcused absences during the competition season. After that we will have a meeting with the child and parent to discuss the problem.
b. Unexcused absences are NEVER allowed during the week of a competition.

Absences due to illness: Injury or Family Emergency

Illness: You must attend practice if you are sick, as long as you are not contagious or throwing up. You are not required to participate; however, you must be physically present. In addition, when absences due to illness perpetually occur on an ongoing basis, you may be required to provide a doctor’s note with detailed information regarding the illness, treatment and length of recovery. This includes dental, medical and any other health related issue that may prohibit a student from participating.

Injury: In the event that an athlete is injury you should notify your coach of the happening of such injury immediately. Thereafter, you should continuously update coaches as soon as possible with information concerning doctor’s prognosis, estimated length of recovery, potential for surgery, and any change in circumstance affecting their ability to perform the physical skills required to fulfill their role on the team.
* We will re-choreograph routines based on the athlete’s injury and length of recovery. Once the individual has fully recovered, he or she may or may NOT be choreographed back into the routine to their same position. All injured athletes must continue to pay fees in full.

Family Emergency: This is not taken lightly. Contact your coach or Rebekah immediately upon the occurrence of such emergency.

Knoxville Twisters
Cheer & Tumbling
2017-2018 All-Stars

Keep this page for reference during the year

You Twisters All-star account is an account where money is deposited when fundraisers are done and is also the account where your all-star fees are charged. A credit/debit card must be on file at all times. You fees are due the 25th of the month. If not paid by the 1st, your card will be charged for the amount that is due. The all-star fees are as followed:

Annual Coaches Fee $150 Due at the first parent meeting after team selection in May.
Clothing Fee $250 Due June 1, 2013
Choreography/Music/Camp $250 Due July 1, 2013 (level 5 team due May 1st)
Competition Fee $110 Due Aug 1, 2013
Competition Fee $110 Due September 1, 2013
Competition Fee $110 Due October 1, 2013
Competition Fee $110 Due November 1, 2013
Competition Fee $110 Due December 1, 2013
*Clothing fee covers Shoes, 2 practice shorts, 2 practice tops, 2 practice bows and competition make up.

UNIFORM and BOW will be purchased directly from the vendor. We will discuss this at parent meeting.

The total all-star fees are $1200 plus uniform.

The monthly tuition fee is $110, $90 or $75 depending on the team your child is on. This includes 2 - 1 ½ hr all-star practice and 1 hr class of tumbling. You will be charged tuition regardless if you take the tumble class are not. One drop-in make-up class is allowed a month. Any additional tumbling classes will be $30 a month. Stretching, strength and conditioning and stunt classes will be additional cost. If you would like to pay your tuition for the year up front you will receive 1 month free.

Private lessons are $20 per half hour or $80 a month. Private lessons will only be made up with 24 hr notice of cancellation. Only one make-up per month is allowed.

There will be no refunds made to anyone who is asked to leave the program of that quits a team. This includes all monthly fees and any monies into your Twisters all-star account.

Additional costs will be: Twister warm-up (optional), All-star pictures (optional), and specialty bows and competition t-shirts (mandatory).

If your team qualifies for World, we will decide as a team which venue to attend. There will be more competition fees for that. We will do several fund raisers; we do not want financial reasons to keep any cheerleader from being a part of the Twister family.

Knoxville Twisters
Cheer & Tumbling
2017-2018 All-Stars

Cheerleader Name______

Street Address______


School______13-14 Grade______Do you cheer for your school______

Birth Date______Home Phone #______

Medical Conditions/Allergies______

Cheerleader Cell______E-Mail______

Mom name______Cell______E-Mail______

Dad name______Cell______E-Mail______

Emergency contact and #, other than parent______

Please (*) the cell number you wish to receive text messages on.

Please circle:

T-shirt: Youth XS Youth S Youth M Youth L Youth XL/Adult XS Adult S Adult M Adult L

Jacket: Youth XS Youth S Youth M Youth L Youth XL/Adult XS Adult S Adult M Adult L

Shorts: Youth XS Youth S Youth M Youth L Youth XL/Adult XS Adult S Adult M Adult L

Hoodie: Youth XS Youth S Youth M Youth L Youth XL/Adult XS Adult S Adult M Adult L

Knoxville Twisters
Cheer & Tumbling
2017-2018 All-Stars

Member Information Form

Guardian Information

Mother’s Name


Father’s Name


Billing Address

Address: ______

City: ______St: ______Zip: ______

Email Address______

Cell Number: ______Phone Number: ______

Student Information

First: ______Last: ______

Birthday: _____ / ______/ ______School: ______

School Squad: Yes No

Insurance Information

Insurance Carrier: ______Policy # ______

Carrier’s Phone: ______Group # ______