The People’s Church of Potter Brook

Pastoral Application Questionnaire

Thank you for your interest in coming to shepherd us at the People’s Church. In order to better identify the alignment of our church’s pastoral needs with your pastoral skills and doctrinal beliefs, we have prepared this extensive questionnaire. Please answer all the questions as best you are able. We look forward to reviewing your answers, and to answering any questions you have for us. Thank you again for your interest in our church, and specifically for answering the call to lead God’s people.

Past Pastorate Positions

Average Attendance / Number of Members / Church Budget (approx.) / Missions Budget (approx.)


  1. Describe your most rewarding pastoral position held and why.

Click here to answer.

  1. Describe your most difficult pastoral position held and why.

Click here to answer.

  1. What is your reason for leaving your current (or last) pastorate position?

Click here to answer.

  1. What are your goals and expectations in ministry?

Click here to answer.

  1. What part of being a pastor is the greatest blessing for you?

Click here to answer.

  1. What part of being a pastor is the most difficult for you?

Click here to answer.

  1. Describe the steps or methods you would take when assuming the role of a new pastor.

Click here to answer.

  1. Describe the steps or methods you would take to make yourself a part of the local community.

Click here to answer.

  1. What is your view on special holiday services such as Ash Wednesday, Easter Sunrise, Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day, Christmas, etc.?

Click here to answer.

  1. How do you determine the qualifications of church leaders, Sunday School teachers, and youth leaders?

Click here to answer.

  1. Describe your position on elders and deacons in the church.

Click here to answer.

  1. How do you ensure that sound doctrine is being taught in the church, Sunday School classes, and youth groups on an ongoing basis?

Click here to answer.

  1. What is your preference, direction, and limits on congregational music?

Click here to answer.

  1. What is your preference, direction, and limits on special music (solos, guests, etc.)?

Click here to answer.

  1. What are your dress expectations for those members serving in church ministries?

Click here to answer.

  1. How would you decide which missionaries to support?

Click here to answer.

  1. What will be your role in youth ministries?

Click here to answer.

  1. Are you supportive of small group ministries?

Click here to answer.


  1. What is your greatest strength?

Click here to answer.

  1. What is your greatest weakness and how do you seek to overcome this weakness?

Click here to answer.

  1. Has there been a time when God has humbled you before? Please explain.

Click here to answer.

  1. What are your personal ambitions in the next 5-10 years?

Click here to answer.

  1. Describe the influence mentors have had in your life.

Click here to answer.

  1. List a few of your favorite books and your favorite authors.

Click here to answer.

  1. What is your view on the calling to preach and your own personal call to preach?

Click here to answer.


  1. What is the Gospel?

Click here to answer.

  1. Describe the security of the believer in salvation.

Click here to answer.

  1. Describe your understanding of the local church’s relationship with denominational organizations/conventions.

Click here to answer.

  1. What have been the denominational relationships of your present or last church?

Click here to answer.

  1. Briefly describe your understanding of biblical prophecy yet to be fulfilled.

Click here to answer.

  1. How has your theology changed in the last 5-10 years?

Click here to answer.

  1. Describe your position on the Charismatic Movement.

Click here to answer.

  1. Describe your position on women teaching Sunday School or leading small group studies.

Click here to answer.

  1. What is your definition of marriage?

Click here to answer.

  1. What are your positions concerning people who are divorced for remarriage, church membership, ministry positions, and/or deacon positions?

Click here to answer.

  1. What is your counsel to members who might be on the verge of divorce?

Click here to answer.

  1. Describe your position on community interdenominational events.

Click here to answer.


  1. Describe your preaching style. (Topical, Exegetical, etc.)

Click here to answer.

  1. What type of examples and illustrations do you use to apply the Bible to daily life?

Click here to answer.

  1. What are your sermons primarily based on/ come from?

Click here to answer.

  1. Describe your leadership style and skills.

Click here to answer.

  1. Which part(s) of the Bible do you most prefer to preach from? Are there parts that you avoid?

Click here to answer.

  1. What Bible translation do you preach and teach from, and what is your position on the other translations?

Click here to answer.


  1. Do you have any questions or concerns about our church constitution (locatedhere)?

Click here to answer.

  1. If you haven’t already, please provide a family photo to us (see next page).

Please click on the image below to include a family photo from your computer, or copy and paste within the blue box. Thank you.

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