(Department Name)

Syllabus (Semester & Year)

Syllabus Overview:

Your college syllabus is your road map to success. You should always keep your syllabus with your class notes AND REFER TO IT OFTEN IN YOUR ONLINE COURSE. Please CAREFULLY review this syllabus. Your syllabus represents a binding agreementbetween you and your instructor. The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus, except for the grading scale and attendance policy, anytime during the course. You will be notified of all changes in writing.

Course Information:

Course Title:

Course Number & Section Number:

Credit Hours/Contact Hours:


Drop Deadline: The last day to drop this course without a grade penalty is______

Faculty Information:


Office Location:

Office Hours:


Phone number:

Best time to contact outside of office hours:

Course Description:

Directly from the course description in the catalog (available at JCC website)

Course Format:

Ex: This course will be taught as a 100% online course. All work will be submitted online through Blackboard and MyMathLab.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

Text, Technology and additional materials

List all textbooks including edition number and whether the text is required or recommended

List any technology that is required for class i.e., MyArtLab access code (bundled only with new textbooks)

List any additional materials required and/or recommended for the course

Course Overview

Please describe the scope of topics covered in this course


Please explicitly describe how you intend to get the final evaluation of your students including your grading system, scale and assessment methods.

Include a statement indicating your timeline for instructional feedback and for returning assignments with grades. (Ex: I will make every effort to return tests within two class meetings and written assignments within two weeks.)

Also indicate how you will give feedback to your students. (Ex. I will provide comments to you using the feedback options in Blackboard. When reviewing grades in the My Grades section of Blackboard, you can click on any underlined, hyperlinked grade to see more details about the grade. When I provide feedback for assignments, you will find them in this area.)

CRITICAL SUCCESS STRATEGIES: (Recommended topics that students need to know)

  • Course Workload
  • Technical Skill Level Required
  • Prior Knowledge Needed
  • Open Communication statement


Attendance in class is expected of all students in order for them to achieve their potential in class and to develop desirable personal traits necessary to succeed in employment. This course is considered an online. In order for you to be considered “attending” this course, you must engage in this course as much as (or more than) you would in a traditional classroom. To be engaged, you must actively participate in all components of the course.Since course content and teaching methods vary, each department will determine its own requirements for attendance. Please read the following information carefully and be sure you understand your requirements for this course.

  • All students must enter class prior to the class 10 percent (census) date, which is the date set by the state for reporting purposes.The 10 percent date for this class is ______.
  • Each student will be officially “entered” into the class upon completion of the Verify Your Enrollment quiz (typically within 24 hours of the start of the course). In addition, you must describe here the Enrollment Verification Assignment that will be loaded in Blackboard for each online course. Completion of this assignment will initiate the “E” for students on the class roster. The Enrollment Verification Assignment will be located in the course menu and entitled “Verify Your Enrollment”. Please stress to students that they are not considered “entered” in the course until they complete the “Verify Your Enrollment” quiz.
  • If a student has not completed the Verify Your Enrollment quiz or otherwise engaged in the course (i.e., submissions, posts, quizzes, etc.) prior to the 10 percent date, the student will be reported as having not attended (NA). /

For this course, if a student misses more than______%* or ______classes in the course the student will be dropped. The student can be dropped at ANY TIME during the semester including that time period before the date designated each semester as the last day a student can drop without grade penalty. The ______% rule includes absences from class for any reason (including sickness, jury duty/court, work demands, funerals). If a student is dropped by an instructor due to excessive absences, a grade of “WF” will be issued. A “WF” is a GRADE PENALTY and could affect his/her financial aid. The student must ask for REINSTATEMENT permission from the instructor to reenter class. If this request is denied, the student may petition the Dean for reinstatement. If the Dean denies the request, the Vice President of Instruction will make the final ruling on the decision.

  • Class attendance is calculated from the first scheduled class meeting to the last.
  • Students who choose to participate in College related activities such as SGA or Athletics must adhere to the attendance policy. Students are responsible for informing their instructors in advance of absences and are expected to make arrangements for making up work missed. In such cases, upon approval of the instructor, class time missed will not be counted as absences provided the students are otherwise in good academic standing (2.0 cumulative GPA).
  • Add here specifics about how you will calculate attendance in your online class. This may include the turning in of written assignments, discussion board postings, quizzes/tests, number of log ins per week, completion of readings, viewing videos/powerpoints or navigating the course, etc. Be very specific. Please be aware that submission of work can constitute attendance. Compliance to the assignment or quality of the work should be reflected in grading.
  • The Jaguar Office of Learning Technologies (JOLT) is available to assist you with technical difficulties or training on distance education technology. You are encouraged to seek their assistance and training resources for online and hybrid courses. The main email is nd the phone number is 919-464-2260.

*If you are not sure about the percentage that may have already been determined by your Dean, check to see what is acceptable for your department. Traditionally, departments have used 12.5% or 10% depending on the area of instruction.

Students who choose to participate in College related activities such as SGA or Athletics must adhere to the attendance policy. Students are responsible for informing their instructors in advance of absences and are expected to make arrangements for making up work missed. In such cases, upon approval of the instructor, class time missed will not be counted as absences provided the students are otherwise in good academic standing (2.0 cumulative GPA).


Johnston Community College authorizes two excused absences from classes each academic year for religious or solemn observances. For the purposes of this policy, an academic year begins on the first day of fall classes in August and ends on the last day of summer classes in July each year. Students requesting absence from class for religious or solemn observance must complete the Religious or Solemn Observance Absence Request Form and obtain instructor approval at least two weeks prior to the date of the absence. Students who miss class for religious or solemn observance will be granted the opportunity to make up work missed due to the absence.

General, campus-wide policies & Resources are available in Blackboard.

Student Acknowledgement

The act of enrollment at Johnston Community College indicates acceptance by the student of published rules and policies of the college. The purpose of this code is not to restrict student rights but to protect the rights of individuals in their academic pursuits. (Please see the college website for additional information on these and other JCC policies.)

I acknowledge that I have read and understand the instructor’s syllabus. I therefore, assume FULL RESPONSIBILITY for my attendance and the consequences for my absences. I understand the instructor’s evaluation policy. Furthermore, I understand the requirements and expectations for this course and assume responsibility for following the standards outlined in the course syllabus.




Signed Name and Date

Printed Name: ______Phone Number: ______

In this space, please let me know of any reason you feel you may not be successful in this course.





Version, 2016 – ADA Compliant1