Sewanhaka High School Symphonic and Concert Bands

Sewanhaka High School

Department of Music

Instructor : Mr. Doherty (office number : 488–9627)

Email –

Purpose and Content

This class will focus on the development of the student’s overall musicianship and musical skills through performance of Symphonic Band literature and participation in a musical ensemble. Students will develop skills as needed and meet achievement levels made clear by the instructor through ensemble rehearsal and instrumental lessons to meet the demands of the music. All students involved will perform with the Band at all events scheduled, listed on the second page of this form.

Instrumental lessons are scheduled on a rotating basis. Each group will have a lesson on their scheduled cycle day (monthly schedules will be provided by the instructor). Students are required to attend lessons as part of the course as a means of enforcing the skills acquired in rehearsal. Quizzes will be given periodically during these lesson periods that count toward the student’s lesson grade. Lessons may be made up by appointment at the instructor’s discretion if they are missed with a valid reason (e.g., test in class, illness, etc.). Poor lesson attendance or effort will be reflected in the student’s Lesson grade, as noted on page 2.

Student Responsibilities

Members of the class are required to attend all performances with the exception of illness, or severe emergencies. If a student is excused from a performance, they will be required to complete a written assignment to meet the make-up requirement. Unexcused absences from any performance will result in an F for the marking period and possible course failure. Students must practice their instruments regularly and show growth in their playing and reading skills as well as their desire to learn. Home practice will be required to learn the assigned music. Students using a school instrument will sign out the instrument at the beginning of the year, and the form must also be signed by the parents. IF IT IS DETERMINED THAT THE STUDENT HAS DELIBERATELY ABUSED OR MISTREATED THE INSTRUMENT, THE COST OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARENTS. Students must bring all necessary equipment (e.g. mouthpieces, instruments, sticks, reeds, valve/slide oil, etc.) to all lessons, rehearsals, and performances. Students are expected to act courteously and responsibly while performing or rehearsing as an ensemble. Discourteous or irresponsible behavior or failure to have all necessary equipment to perform will result in disciplinary action such as calls home, notification of the Music Director, referral to the AP office, and a low Participation grade for the course.


1.)  Participation Grade 50%– out of 100 pts. each quarter – points will be deducted for excessive lateness, talking, disruptive behavior, being unprepared, or failure to appear at performances w/o a valid excuse.

2.)  Lesson Grade 30% – out of 100 pts. – 4 or more lessons per quarter, 25 pts. each – Excerpts from the Band Music and other technical and musical concepts will be covered. Lessons may be made up for full credit if missed for a valid reason, or for partial credit if the student cannot provide an excuse note from their classroom teacher.

3.)  Mid-Term / Final Exam 20% – A Mid-Term (100 pts.) will be given, that will consist of performance of excerpts from the Band music Final Exam (100 pts.) will be given in which the student will perform, individually, excerpts from the band music. Adjudication at the NYSSMA festival in March may be substituted for the Final Exam.

Concert Dress : Girls – White blouse, black skirt or pants

Boys – White shirt, black pants, black socks and shoes, and a black tie.

Mandatory Performances - Winter Concert – 12/11/14 - 7:30 pm

Spring Concert –5/13/15 - 7:30pm

Home Football Games (Marching Band Performances) –9/13/14, Homecoming 9/20/14, Thursday 10/2/14 4pm, 10/18/14 – Saturdays @ 12:30 – 3:30pm.

Parades – Memorial Day – Saturday 5/23/15 in Stewart Manor @ 10 am, Homecoming Sat. 9/20/14 10:30am-1pm. Columbus Day Parade in NYC 10/13/14 (DMB)!

Newsday Festival Wednesday 10/15/14 @ 5pm-11pm.

Graduation – 6/27/15 – 4:00 –8:00 pm @ Hofstra University Arena

**Other Performances TBA (Armed Forces Day in Floral Park, Memorial Day, Belmont, Columbus Day, ST. Patrick’s Day, District Marching Band, etc.)

For Extra Credit and Honors Society Credit - All-District Auditions – 11/20/14 3:30-9:00 @ Sewanhaka High School

District Music Festival Concert–– 2/5/15 7:30pm @ SHS

District Festival Rehearsals – 1/22, 1/29, 2/2, 2/4/15, all 3:30-7:00 @SHS

NYSSMA Festival – 3/21/15 @

All – County Concerts – week of January 12th-17th, 2015.

Music Department Honors Society

Membership in the Music Honor Society is determined by the student’s pursuit of excellence in the area of performance. Students are selected from the Senior High Band, Chorus, and Orchestra who have at least a 90 average. In addition, the student must have participated in at least one extra-curricular activity including NYSSMA, All-District Music Festival, Jazz Band, Spring Musical or participation in District Marching Band. The student must also display a positive attitude towards performing in the organization and be a positive role model for the other music students.

Tri M inductions – 3/5/15 6:30 pm with Dinner to follow @ 7:30– Reminder – Students continuing in Tri M must keep current by auditioning for the District Music Festival.